Against the Ropes


This is the result of an abuse of the  replay button in my playlist for "Let out the Beast" and "Heart Attack" x___X

I know I'm late for Dragonflies, in fact I'm writing the chapters 4 and 5 right now, so.. the wait will not be very long, I hope ^^ 

so to amend my tardiness is that I leave this small gift, I hope you like it and enjoy!

I'm not a english native speaker, so please understand that I can have errors, but I will gradually overcome, I promise.



Cr. Image: kaiwaiisoo


Remembering Jongin's goodbye words, “Be here, Little Wolf”, Kyungsoo laughs, taking his towel to wipe the sweat from his face, “this will be a lot more interesting than I thought”….


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Chapter 1: owh, never thought of a boxing!au, haha, i agree with MerywantsanInterlude actually XD
this is interesting.
Chapter 1: Ohh this is really interesting :D! (It would be cool to see it continue though...just saying xDD)