Chapter Four

The Stockholm Syndrome.


Flashback – 4 years ago…


- “Jongin… it’s not how you think, really… Yong Sook is just my bodyguard, he’s an employee from my parents, please don’t be like this…”

- Kyungsoo, I don’t trust him, could please promise me that you’ll be careful?”

- “Yeobo, I promise. I will see you tonight ok? I will cook kimchi spaghetti hehe”

- “I will be waiting my love, don’t be late. Don’t forget I love you”

- “I love you more Jongin…”

That was the last time I talked to him… the accident pushed him away from me and pushed me away from him.

When I heard that he was in an accident, I simply ran to the hospital, but when I found out how it happened I felt like dying. He wasn’t alone in the car, he was with Yong Sook… thousands of thoughts were running in my mind, why was he with him, where were they going, etc.

I even thought he was cheating on me and to make it worst when his parents arrived at the hospital they made excuses so I couldn’t see him, they didn’t even let me know about his condition. The accident was really bad, Yong Sook died. Thank God Kyungsoo didn’t but his fragile body was really harmed that they didn’t thought he would survive. The doctors induced him to a pharmacological coma, so he wouldn’t hurt as much when they gave him many medicines and did various surgeries and procedures. I made everything to stay by his side at all times no matter what. His nana Mrs. Ahn was always with me too. More than being just a person who always took care of Kyungsoo, I think she was more like a mother to him than his own mother. She was always taking care of him, unlike his real mother that was always in business trips.

The doubt always haunted me, I looked at him in that hospital bed, fragile and almost without life and I couldn’t help but cry. I wanted him to wake up, to explain why he was with Yong Sook, what were they doing, why didn’t he tell me anything… One of the days I was really in a bad condition I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder and saw it was Mrs. Ahn hand. She wanted to tell me something really important. We walked out of the room and went to the terrace. What she told me left me perplexed.

-“Mr. Jongin, I can’t see you like this anymore. I know the current situation is not something to be happy about but seeing you like this makes my heart ache, I know how much you love my Kyungsoo and I also know how much he loves you. I think you need to know you’re being tricked”

My eyes were almost going out of their socks. How was I being tricked? Is it true then? Kyungsoo was cheating on me with Yong Sook?

- “I’m being tricked? What are you talking about Ms. Ahn, was Kyungsoo cheating on me?”

- “Young Master Kyungsoo would never cheat on you. Mr. Jongin, don’t ever think something like that. This happened because of his parents. My poor Kyungsoo is like this because of their fault and that young man had to die because of this”.

I saw how tears were falling from her eyes while she was telling me all of this. I was speechless, I couldn’t believe his own parents were able to do something like this.

- “Mr.Yong Sook was hired by the parents of the young master to separate you from him Mr. Jongin. He had exclusive orders to take the young master to America and have him there until he was able to forget about you. They didn’t want you to see him anymore Mr. Jongin, please don’t doubt about my Kyungsoo, he loves you and still does! Please Mr. Jongin, please!”

I knew Kyungsoo’s parents disapproved of our relationship but I could never imagine they would do something so low to separate us. Because of their ruthless desires someone died and now their only son is fighting with death. I couldn’t believe how they could manipulate their own son’s life like this.

- “Mrs. Ahn, in my heart I knew Kyungsoo wouldn’t be able to do something like this. I will be by his side when he wakes up and everything will be back to normal, you’ll see… everything will be fine, I promise”.

I embrace her to calm her down and let her know that I won’t abandon Kyungsoo and that I will be by his side.

That’s how days went by, and thanks to the heavens Kyungsoo was getting better each day. I was really happy the day they took him out of the coma he was induced and was able to open his eyes for the first time since the accident. I was so happy everything was going back as it was; I would have Kyungsoo by my side again. But the same day he woke up was the day he didn’t remember me anymore, he didn’t remember anything and no one, not even his parents or the people who was with him since birth… He didn’t remember me…

Everyone thought he would start to remember eventually but the days went on and he wasn’t able to remember anything. The doctors were ready to check him out of the hospital after 3 months of being there but because of his condition, they weren’t sure if they should do it. Kyungsoo’s parents achieved to check him out and took him to their home, where I didn’t have any access. They started to tell him about his past life, to what he did, what he liked, who were his friends, who he cared about; never did they tell him about me. Until today, no one told him about me. Kyungsoo never remembered me since that day, what I was for him, how much I loved him… His parents knew exactly how to keep me quiet, threatening me with my weak point, my grandmother.

I had to abandon every thought of being with him, of telling him my stories, of any action that could remember him of me. His parents told me they would make my life a living hell and would use my grandmother to do so. I knew what they were capable of doing; if they did this to their own son, they would so worst to a stranger like me. That’s why I walked away from everything and anyone who was related to Kyungsoo; I needed to take care of my only family member I had left and who took care of me all her life. We had a good life, without any disturbance from his family. I would receive daily calls from Mrs. Ahn telling me about his condition, but one day it stopped. I don’t know what could’ve had went wrong. When I went to check what was wrong, the worst thing happened, my dear grandmother died of a heart attack. My world crashed in that moment, what was I supposed to do? I didn’t have my grandmother and neither did I have Kyungsoo. I was drowned in such a depression that I was only drinking water and nothing else. I wasn’t a person anymore, I was like a living corpse, just waiting for the moment I could rest from all this. I tried killing myself many times, but I was too much of a coward… Then the Park family came and took me in, giving me a new opportunity, a new hope.


Present time…


- “And that is part of my story with Kyungsoo, what happened afterwards you probably are already aware of it, right Officer Kim?”

- “Yes, I already know what happened next, Mr. Kim. I know you are a well known pianist that studied in America and now came to South Korea for some rest”

I try to be coherent and credible enough, I can’t let him notice my nervousness or I could be discovered. He already got in contact with me, he could find Kyungsoo and I can't let that happen.

- “May I ask what this is for Officer? Why did you want to know my relation with Kyungsoo?”

- “You don’t have any knowledge about his kidnap Mr. Kim?”

- “Kidnap? How? Kyungsoo was kidnapped?” I stand still in the chair and look at him surprised. I knew I had artistic talents but besides music, I didn’t know I could act.

- “It’s something sad Mr. Kim but it’s been 3 weeks from the kidnap already and we still don’t have any clues or any rescue requests. Everything’s so strange; I don’t think this is a common kidnap. There must be a reason for this; I assure you I will find him.

The way he’s speaking and expressing about Kyungsoo makes me think he might have feelings for him. I must let him know clearly that even though I’m supposedly not with Kyungsoo anymore, I never stopped loving him at any moment in my life.

- “I can’t believe it. I know it’s been years, but I… I never forgot him; he’s still the love of my life”

- “I could see that Mr. Kim and believe me that I was Kyungsoo safe at home just like you. I promise you he will. Your story has touched me and I never thought Kyungsoo’s parents would be that kind of people, that’s why I have more reasons to find him now. It’s my duty to make you both see each other and talk. Kyungsoo must know the whole truth”

This is unbelievable, what am I hearing? He is telling me that he will let me meet Kyungsoo again? Hahaha this is so unexpected, but at the same time it benefits me. I just put him by my side, and that totally does benefit me.

- “I want to thank you your sincerity for letting me know about all of this Mr. Kim, and believe me I will do anything I can to find Kyungsoo as soon as possible. I will also inform you about anything, any clue about his whereabouts. I also want you to do the same if you know anything”

- “You think if I found Kyungsoo I would tell you about it? Do you think I will give him back to that family that hurt us so much? I know it’s a crime but believe me I would have wanted to be that kidnapper”

- “I know I can’t understand your pain Mr. Kim but it’s not good to have someone deprived from their own freedom. No matter how much you love that person, love sets us free, it doesn’t cage us. Excuse me, I have to go now. I’m grateful for your time again and we’ll keep in touch”

I see him leave the café where we had this reunion and I feel content but at the same time not in ease. I did put him by my side and didn’t wake up any suspicion; still the last words left me thinking. Love sets us free, it doesn’t cage us. All of this makes me think if what I’m doing is right, if I’m doing right to make Kyungsoo remember me.




I arrived at the station and get inside without mouthing any words. I sit in the big chair in front of my desk and turn it until I’m in front of the big window I have on the back of it. I think about the suffering life Kim Jongin had, everything he had to endure just for love. I feel as if my love for Kyungsoo is just a teenage whim compared to their love story. I was left totally in shock when I knew about the fact that Kyungsoo’s parents were the ones to cause this. First they threatened him, later they hide information to their son. I know this cannot be judged by law and even though I can’t do anything about it, there’s a justice that can’t be avoided. I believe that the time to pay their actions is starting to come.

I decide to do this not because of my love for Kyungsoo but because of him, of our friendship. I will let him know the truth and make him go back to Jongin, he deserves the truth and happiness. At that moment I remember seeing Kim Jongin before; I can barely recall seeing him on the art shop, where Kyungsoo was a loyal customer. He was there to buy some art supplies, why? What for? As I think about this I see Jongdae coming to my office with a man. I look at him with a confused face, with my head crooked to one side.

- “Jongdae, what’s going on?”

- “Junmyeon, let me introduce you to the FBI agent, Lay Zhang. Kyungsoo’s parents hired him to be in charge of the investigation from now on”

- “It’s nice meeting you Officer Kim, but let me make a correction, here in Asia my name is Zhang Yixing”

I stood frozen as I look at him, I can’t seem to let a word come out of me. I see him stretch his arm and grabs my hand as a sign of greeting.

- “Let’s bring Mr. Do back Officer, from today on let’s work together”




I know that he’s not here and it makes me feel uneasy, why am I feeling all these things? I don’t understand at all, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. But I’ve decided, I won’t be rough to him anymore, he’s someone important in my life, well… he was; I’m sure that he has me locked up here for some reason, maybe he wants to make me remember. Every time I think of him, I’m filled by a feeling of tenderness; did he care that much about me in the past? I hope I can remember soon, I don’t want to keep being like this, much less if he really represents that much in my life.

I’ll try cooking something for us today, I think it’s a good way to start a friendly relationship, despite having artistic skills, I always excelled in cuisine. After my recovery, I always used to help Mrs. Ahn cooking dinner, I always felt this was good, and it was like a way to show your love towards other people. Besides, I’m tired of eating always the same thing, it seems like he has no idea of how cooking a good meal, so, what a good moment to show my cooking skills!

I open the fridge and see what do I have there to start thinking of something to cook, there aren’t many things, but I have enough to start cooking a kimchi spaghetti, my speciallity. I don’t know why did they tell mee this, but my memory loss didn’t affect my skill to prepare this meal. Junmyeon, whom I met after the accident, always told me it was a work of art, and food for gods. I smile remembering his cheerful words. Thinking of all of this, I hope I can win Kai’s heart with this, or at least, get to have a better relationship, if he keeps locked up longer here, it’s better to get along, as I promised before, I won’t be rough on him, I’ll try to remember who he was in my life.

Immersed in my work, I didn’t realize that a couple eyes looked after my movements, until I try reaching a salt shaker that was in one of the cabinets, which I can’t reach since I’m not tall enough to be able to take it.

- “You just have to ask for help if you need it, Kyungsoo. I’d never hurt you…” - I can feel how my skin shivers when his breath reaches my ear.

- “It’s okay. Please take a seat, I’ll serve this for us”.

- “Do you feel okay? I don’t want you to feel forced to do this, Kyungsoo”.

- “I’m fine K-Kai. I’m just tired of eating the same always. Maybe you should learn cooking some other things” – I told him laughing.

- “You left before I could learn something”.

I put down the plate with spaghettis before him and I try to calm my nerves, I feel uneasy when he speaks this way, but I’ll be strong and stand all this so I can remember my past. He’s the clue.

- “The reason for this dinner is not just eating something different, I wish this were the beginning of a new relationship among us. I don’t know how longer I’ll stay here, but I want to get along with you. I don’t know why I feel that you can give me the answers to my questions”.

- “I’ll answer everything you ask me and everything you want to know, Kyungsoo. That’s why you’re here. I want you to remember. I want you to remember me”.

I look at him surprised, “I want you to remember me”, those words resonate in my head, I can’t hate myself anymore at this moment, I wish I could remember.

- “So let’s start all over again, is that okay?”.

- “I’d love to”.

 I try to gather courage enough and look at his eyes.

- “Hello, my name is Do Kyungsoo, I’m a plastic artist. I had an accident, and that’s why I can’t remember anything from my past”.

- “Hi, Kyungsoo, my name is Kim Jongin, I’m a pianist, and once I was your fiancée”.


A/N: here's the chapter 4!  I hope you enjoy it :) sorry for the delay! i have I had to attend to some personal matters, but here's the chapter haha

Thanks sooooo much everyone who subscribed and commented on this fic, because this fic is made for all you who love KaiSoo lovely couple

and finally i have a poster!! i'm so happy! is so awesome WOW I'm speechless hahaha thanks sooo much to kmaniac for this beauty

See you in the chapter 5, byebye~~

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Chapter 6: WHaaaaatttttt !?!! Finaaallyyy
Chapter 4: Oooeemmgiii nerve-rackinggg !!!!
Chapter 2: Omg this cover just kills me - they both look so freaking damwn y hot bad dark cool ughh I can't anymore ;( <3 so lovely
kimkaiii #4
Chapter 16: That was sweet,i love it authorsshi thank you!
EXO1249488 #5
Chapter 1: thank you thank you thank yoooooouuuuuu IM IN LOVE WIYH THIS STORIE HAHAHA
Lilianlimi #6
Chapter 16: My Kaisoo feeeellllllzzzzzzz <3 thank you for your story authornim~
I love this authornim :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Chapter 16: Huahh I love uu author-nim <3<3<3
Chapter 16: Lovely story author-nim... kamsahmanida...
Aoihelen #10
Chapter 1: jkasjks this first chapter is perfect!