Episode 1 (Part 2 of 3)

ASTERI [아스테리] 2013's Hottest New Girl Group


*Camera Rolling* 

After a short commercial break, the next member sat in front of the camera for her turn. The leader Yejin and visual Jaein have already finished their interviews, leaving them relieved that they didn't make any major mistakes except for stuttering from time to time. So far, all the staff members are contented with how Asteri was doing on their first filming. Meanwhile, the other members sitting on the side of the practice room could not help but feel a bit nervous for their first time as idols in front of the camera. 

"Ma-Rhee-ssi, please come over!" the director politely waved Ma-Rhee over to the interview spot. The young girl walked to the tall chair nervously and sat down, ready for her interview.

"Please introduce yourself to us,"

"Annyeonghaseyo, yeorobun! I am Asteri's Charisma angel, Ma-Rhee-imnida! I am known as Baby. A. Bangapsumnida~~" she slightly bowed and smiled at the camera. She nodded at the director, signalling that she was ready for the next questions. 

"Ah~ So what is your position in the group? And please tell us more about yourself!" The director politely repeated for the third member. 

"I am Asteri's Main Dancer and Sub-vocal.  I am often called the Energizer Bunny because of my 'unending energy' as they call it. I really like eating sweets and i love the cold weather. I just think those two go well together....... Oh, and I really like watching movies...The last movie I watched was Werewolf Boy....." And Ma-Rhee continued to state facts about herself without stopping. The director nodded at her, amused. She was pleased that she didn't have to ask questions to Ma-Rhee continuosly because she was already talking about herself endlessly and she seemed like she was enjoying it. The girl was a big bubble of energy and her natural aegyo was showing through her cute hand gestures while speaking. ".............I also used to be a model for my family's company and I trained under 2 different companies before ending up in TOP Media," Ma-Rhee ended with a bright and cute smile. Surely, the viewers' hearts would melt by seeing this girl. 

"Oh, we have another question for you, Ma-Rhee-ssi!" the director continued. "It says here in your profile Andy sent us that you could copy a dance the first time it was shown to you! That's amazing~ so we prepared something for you..." the director showed a mischievous look which led Ma-Rhee to be a bit nervous. 

"Omo~ Ige mwoya? (what is this?)" Ma-Rhee looked around to see what the director was talking about. When she turned, an iPad was given to her. 

"Please play the video. After one play, you'd have to copy the dance and if you don't succeed, you would be the only member who would not be getting a this banana walnut cupcake we prepared for you 6 girls," the director showed the 6 sweet-looking cupcakes the staff prepared especially for this mission.

"I need that cupcake," Ma-Rhee put her in front of her, opening and closing her palms facing out, a habit she does when she wants something to be given to her. 

"Uh-uh. Mission before food," the director put the cupcakes away and pointed at the iPad on Ma-Rhee's lap. Ma-Rhee played the video and immediately faceplamed herself. It was the Jjalappappa dance that they wanted her to imitate. This was going to be embarassing but she has to do it for her love of cupcakes. She watched the video carefully, making sure she has every detail of the dance in mind,  laughing every once in a while, while the other members chuckled and clapped their hands at the thought of Ma-Rhee doing this hilarious dance. (A/N: The Jjalapapa dance is a very random dance. XD Here it is to help you imagine the scene better. Jjalapapa Dance. And here's where I got the idea. BtoB Version. B+ Diary.) 

"Aigoo~ This is going to be embarassing, but I can do it!" Ma-Rhee stood up and got ready. "Are you ready?"  The director asked and got ready to cue the music. 

"Go Ma-Rhee-ah!"

"Wooo! This is going to be hilarious, eonni,"

"Do it for our viewers!" 

"Hajima! (Stop it!)" Ma-Rhee waved them away jokingly for her to keep focus. The members just laughed and took out their phones to capture the precious moment on their own phones. 

"Junbi...(Ready...) Si..jak! (Start!)" The director cued and the music started playing. Ma-Rhee started to dance to the weird music. She looked cute and focused. It brought laughter to the staff while she was doing the dance. Thankfully, she only has to do the first 25 seconds of the song to get the most-awaited cupcake. The director clapped her hands while laughing. The humor this segment was bringing to the show was great. 

"Mission: Complete!" when the director said that, Ma-Rhee started to jump around with her hands in the air, thankful that the embarassing dance ended.  The other members rushed to the front to get their cupcakes. "Aigoo, these kids" the director shook her head. "Go back to your seats, girls" the director requested while smiling.  "Neh~~"  

"Ma-Rhee-ssi, thank you for that entertaining segment."

"Neh," Ma-rhee bowed confidently while eating her cupcake. "I love this show already," Ma-rhee smiled brightly still chewing. 

"Arasso, arasso. You don't have to answer a question since you already did the dance. Please g back to your seat and we'll call on the next member~ Kamsahamnida, Ma-Rhee-ssi!" 

"Komawoyo, director-nim. You''re the best." Ma-Rhee bowed once more and raised her cupcake. 

"Eunmi-ssi~ It's your turn!" The director said and Eunmi stood up. Ma-Rhee gave Eunmi a Hi-5 before going back to the side. 

"안녕하세요! 아스테리의 막내, 김은미입니다~(Hello! I am Asteri's maknae, Kim Eunmi!) Nice to meet you!" the bubbly maknae started even without the director's instructions causing the director to be surprised by her sudden energy and cuteness. The 97-liner sure looked youthful, the director thought. The director smiled at her and looked at her script. "Nice to meet you, Eunmi-ssi. We finally meet the maknae! Seems like you still have tons of energy even though it was a long day for you girls. Anyways, please tell us more about yourself!"

"Neh! I am better known as Bubbles because of my bubbly personality. I'm Asteri's Main-Vocal and Sub-rapper. Eoh~ I really like playing tennis and I've been playing it for a long time and I'm on my school's team, too, and I love watching dramas and movies with Ma-Rhee-eonni. I also stayed in California til I was 10. And now, my family owns a restaurant in Seoul," Eunmi nodded and the director chuckled at the random facts she was throwing.

 "Arasso. So how do you think your debut preparations are going so far?"

"It's going very well. Just a while ago, our choreographer-eonni told us that we were getting more and more debut-worthy each day, and that made us very excited. It gets tiring but of course we couldn't stop now. I always tell my groupmates that we should always stay positive! I'm sure the hardwork won't go to waste." Eunmi nodded. "As of now, we're still waiting for Andy-sajangnim's call to inform us of our debut date. Hi, andy-sajangnim, if you're watching!" she bowed to greet their boss. "You guys don't happen to know when our debut is right?" she asked the camera and the camera man shook the camera from side to side to symbolize a ''no'

"Arasso," Eunmi pouted.

"Eunmi-ssi, how do you feel being in Asteri as the maknae?" 

"너무 재밌다~! (It's very fun) The eonnis take care of me well and guide me well. I feel like I have my own 5 biological sisters," Eunmi and the others laughed at the remark.

"Woah. Is that so? I could tell you guys have a good bond!" Eunmi nodded and smiled brightly at the camera, showing her maknae charms. "We have another question," the director looked at the script, "Please tell us about your ideal type. Describe your dream guy," 

"Ehhh~ director-nim, she's too young for that!" Yejin showed her protective side as a leader.

"Eonni~~ hajima!" Eunmi waved the other's away, wanting to answer the question. "Well, I don't really have specific classifications for an ideal guy. He only has to be caring and sweet.....and cute....and funny...and talented" Eunmi blushed and covered her face, realizing that she went against her first statement and said more classifications than expected.

"Aish~ our maknae is blushing~~" Jaein teased followed by Minkyung's snickering. 

"Aigoooo~~" Ma-Rhee teased some more. 

"This are my struggles as a maknae, dear viewers. My eonnis always tease me." Eunmi talked to the camera. The writers watched amused by how everyone has gotten comfortable with their first filming. The director nodded and looked at her script once again. A light bulb lit upong her head when she thought of an extra question to ask Eunmi. 

"Since you're the main vocal, is there any artist you look up to who inspires you?"

"There are a lot!" Eunmi cutely put her fingers to her chin, as if she was thinking, "I think it would be Davichi-eonnis and 2AM oppas. And also, Daehyun-oppa and Youngjae-oppa of BAP." Eunmi nodded at the camera. 

"Woah~ You seem to have called Daehyun-ssi and Youngjae-ssi very casually, are you close to them?" the director wondered. 

"Neh! We are very great friends. They're regular customers at our restaurant and we hang out sometimes. Annyeong, BAP-oppadeul!" Eunmi waved at the camera. 

"That's interesting! Okay now for the last part of the interview! The main question!"

"Can I do the jjalapapa instead?"Eunmi chuckled and smiled brightly.

"Aniyo!" the director said and handed her the bowl of questions. Eunmi picked a light blue paper. "Ooooh, my favorite color" Eunmi opened the roll of paper and read the question out loud. "It says, 'Please show us a unique skill' Omo~ but what unique skill do I show for this?" Eunmi thought really quickly. "Can I sing instead?" 

"That would be for our talent portiong later, Eunmi-sii," 

"Ah~ I see. How about I do an imitatinon of Yongguk-oppa's rap in No Mercy?" Eunmi lit up at the idea. She just hoped her friends won't be watching this episode. "Ma, Neugeu-Deul Geu-Geon Ai-Da Ai-Ga, Eumaki Jang-Nani-Ga? Goma Ulin Ai-Da!" Eunmi tried to imitate B.A.P's leader's deep voice. She bowed immediately to the camera "Yongguk-oppa, mainhae," Eunmi chuckled. 

"Great~ That would be all, Eunmi-ssi! Let's move on with the next member! Komawoyo!"

"Neh, Kamsahamnida!" Eunmi went back to the side, relieved that her turn was over.


"Minkyung-ssi, it's your turn!"


To be continued....


Episode 1 Part 2! featuring Ma-Rhee and Eunmi! 

The last two members will be on the next chapter! Look forward to it~

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Anyways, two updates in a row! 




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i like this fic!!
Chapter 15: still waiting wat happened?
update? plez?
Chapter 15: Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been 1 month!
Oooh I like the new forward! ^^ It looks amazing good job!
Chapter 15: awwwwhz! Eun Mi and Ma-Rhee are adorbz! LOL Eun Mi with her imitation omg XD oh Yongguk XD
Chapter 13: Uwahaha this is adorable!! ^^ I can't wait for Ta-Dah It's Asteri to start omooo~ I will PM you soon!~
Chapter 13: the maknaes are so cute xD
Chapter 12: :) Oooh nice chapter! ^^ I'm glad you updated so thank you for the update! :) Looks like everyone's getting friendly with Seon Yul, which is awesome. I like the fact that everyone's being mature about the situation~