Episode 1 (Part 1 of 3)

ASTERI [아스테리] 2013's Hottest New Girl Group

The other 5 girls stepped aside to make way for the first individual interview. Their very first variety show, 'Ta-Dah! It's Asteri' has officially started filming. They still can't believe that this was happening. They had a show to show their debut preparations! Which means, their debut was going to be very soon. A mix of nervousness and excitement took over the girls as they took in the sight of big lights, cameras and PDs all over their practice room. In the middle of the brightly-lit room, sitting on a tall chair was Asteri's Visual and Main Rapper, Choi Jaein. She climbed to her seat and found a comfortable position. The pretty girl nodded at the director to signal that she was ready for the interview. 

*Camera Rolling* 

"Please intoduce yourself," the director, who was beside the camera, politely asked Jaein. The girl nodded and started her practiced introduction. The girls have thought about their introductions one night after practice, when they were all fantasizing about their debut. 

"네, 안녕하세요 여러분! (Yes, Hello everyone!)  I am Asteri's visual and main rapper, Choi Jaein-imnida. I am better known as Angel," she stated, still a bit awkward  since it was her first time in front of a camera, she tried not to get flustered when on the spot like how she usually acts and kept her cool. She got rid of the awkward start and smiled brightly and bowed, "Ban-gawoyo! (Nice to meet you!)"

The director nodded in satisfaction, thankful that the girls have already prepared their introductions. She knows how new idols are when it comes to their first time filming, and so, she didn't scold any of them for being nervous or awkward, "Okay, now for the basic information. Your Andy-sajangnim have already sent us a bit of information beforehand. Now, we want to hear the information directly from you. Jaein-ssi, please state your basic information and tell us more about yourself,''

Jaein listened closely to the director's instructions, trying hard to follow her perfectly to leave a good impression for her first interview. Hiding her nervous self, Jaein started to state her age, birthdate, blood type, hometown, special skills and talents, never forgetting to smile brightly at the camera every once in a while. 

"My nickname, Angel, has quite a very deep origin," Jaein nodded once at the camera and started explaining.

Jaein's nickname, Angel, was actually given to her by her sister. Her sister used to describe her as an angel with beautiful wings while flying whenever she performs. 

Surprisingly, Jaein was doing good in the filming. She was starting to talk very naturally and it pleased the director. After Jaein stated a few more things about herself....

"Hmm. Jaein-ssi, how did you feel when we entered a while ago?" 

The visual chuckled remembering her and the others' reaction when all the cameras and lights were suddenly brought to their practice room. "As for me, I was very surprised. I thought that the cameras were actually for our Teen Top-sunbaenims and my very first instinct was to run out but I found out that the cameras were actually for us so I felt a pang of excitement," 

The director smiled at her answer. So far she was pleased by how the first interview was going. 

"Is that so? Hmmm, okay. We have another questions for you, Jaein-ssi! We heard that you were close with famous model, Park Jiyoo! Could you tell us about that?"

"Ah, neh! Annyeong, Jiyoo-eonni, if you're watching this!" Jaein waved at the camera to greet her friend. "It's actually a funny story, how we met," Jaein chuckled, remembering her friend. "She was having one of her photoshoots and I happen to pass by. I kind of eavesdropped and I found out that they were having a problem with the outfit, particularly her shoes. One of the staff noticed me close to the location and asked if they could borrow my shoes! I agreed and they even asked me to join Jiyoo-eonni on the shoot. Starting from then, we got close and still contact each other until now!" Jaein excitedly blabbered, showing her happy side this time, in front of the camera. 

"Woah, well we would love to see you two together on photoshoots in the fututre, since you're the visual, you might have some modelling projects in line!" The director said which made Jaein clap in more excitement.

"Okay, next thing. We just have a small request for you, Jaein-ssi." the director paused, looking at Jaein's curious face. "It says in your profile that you are flexible! Could you show us some of your skills?" The director finished and Jaein brightly smiled and nodded while the other members cheeered. 

Jaein stood up and went to a big space inside the practice room. She wow-ed the staff with her perfectly straight split. 

"Daebakida~~~~" the director clapped and nodded. Jaein stood up, bowed and went back to her seat. 

"Let's move on. Jaein-ssi, we have here a bowl of random questions our staff made. The last thing in the interview is to answer one of the questions here, so after you answer this, we move on to the next member, neh?" 

"Omo. What if I pick a weird question?" Jaein looked at her fellow members who were watching, amused. Jaein reached for the bowl and pick out a roll of green paper. "Please read the question out to us," the director requested. 

"Neh. It says, 'What do you expect to happen during the filming of Ta-Dah! It's Asteri from start to finish?' Hmmmm," Jaein thought of a decent answer very quickly. "Well, I expect that the viewers would watch us well and that they anticipate our official debut. I also hope to get closer to the members more," she gestured to the other members and nodded at the camera with a bright smile. 

"Arasso~ That will be the end of your individual interview, Jaein-ssi! Kamsahamnida!"

"Neh, Komawoyo!" Jaein stood up and bowed 90 degrees to the camera. the director gestured for the next member to come and sit down for the interview. 

A petite girl with a cold-looking face walked to the tall chair and nodded to the director. The girl was Ahn Yejin, Asteri's one and only leader. Despite her cold looks, she is actually a sweet girl. The girl from Busan, that was who she is. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Yejin-ssi! Please introduce yourself~" 

"Neh~ Annyeonghaseyo. I am Asteri's one and only leader and rapper AND pineapple, Ahn Yejin-imnida! Bangapseumnida!" Yejin shifted to a smiley personality from the cold aura she had which surprised the director and other staff. Yejin smiled at the camera whole heartedly.

"Pineapple?!" the director widened her eyes at the random mention of a fruit. 

Yejin chuckled, "Aniyo, aniyo. It's a figure of speech. They said that I was hard on the outside and soft on the inside."

"Hmm. I get it." The director smiled. "Yejin-ssi, like a while ago, please also tell us more about yourself," 

Yejin started to state her basic information and other things about herself. As the leader, she'd have to stay confident no matter how nervous she felt so she stayed honest and continuosly stated facts about herself that she thought would be necessary to say. One statement, though, caught the director's and writers' attention.

"My stomach is like a vacuum, eats everything on its way," Yejin proudly said, earning laughter from every single person in the room. 

 After that, she nodded at the director who was smiling at her. 

"Oh~ you mentioned that you were from Busan, right?"

"Neh~ Majayo! (That's right!)" 

"So, that must mean you have a Busan satoori?" The director asked, hoping to put in more humor to the show by this. The members at the side, who have already heard Yejin's satoori,  reacted and clapped their hands, telling the leader to project her Busan accent. 

"Omo~" Yejin covered her face with both her hands shyly. "But, I only use this dialect when i'm with my family...." 

The director chuckled, loving where the show was going. They were entertaining and that's what she wanted to show the viewers. Who wouldn't want a group who was talented and hilarious at the same time? It was rare that a variety show about debut preparations got high ratings and maybe, just maybe, this was the show which is going to earn them more viewers, 

"Yah, eonniya~ C'mon, show us your sekshi accent~~" SeonYul's side=comments were heard, bringing laughter to everyone in the room. Yejin waved themaway and inhaled, to prevent herself from laughing. 

"Arasso~~ annyeonghaseyo, Yejin-imnida. Asteri's leader-imnida. How are you today?" Yejin said in a cute Busan satoori and covered her face after, hiding her laughing face. 

"Eonni, daebakida~~" the other members imitated her satoori and laughed along with her. Seems like the members forgot that they were filming and finally started to act goofy and natural. 

"That was cute, Yejin-ssi~~" The director complimented the leader and watched as she shyly covered her face from the camera to hide her red and laughing face. "Komawo~`" Yejin replied and straightened herself. 

"Okay. Moving on. Since you're the leader, how does it feel to guide the other five?" 

"It's tiring! These kids are unstoppable! Jinjja..." Yejin jokingly said. "Ani, ani. It's fun and we actually all get along well. We treat each other as sisters and even though I'm the leader, I still have fun with them." Yejin glanced at the other members just to see them smiling at her. She can never be more proud of them than she already is right now. "I'm very proud that we've reached this far as a group and I can never ask for a better team than this one,"

"I can tell you're a great leader, Yejin-ssi." Yejin bowed to the director for the compliment. "Let's move on! The final thing for each individual interview, the question!"

"I'm nervous! Hopefully this is not a dare! Aigoo~~" Yejin scratched the back of her head due to frustration. Yejin picked a red rolled paper. 

"Please read it aloud~~"

"Neh. 'Among your sunbaes in the industry, who do you want to meet?' Woah, eoryeopda. (this is hard)" Yejin thought for a while and finally came up with an answer. "This might sound weird but we actually haven't met Teen Top-sunbaenims as a whole group yet, so we would love to meet and mingle with our labelmates." Yejin smiled and nodded. Some members snickered at their places, Yejin shook her ahead a little, knowing that the members are itching to about Teen Top's almighty leader. 

"Hopefully, that would happen while we are filming the show! Okay, that would be all, Yejin-ssi! Kamsahamnida~~ Let's call our next member!" 

"Neh, Kamsahaeyo!" Yejin stood and bowed. 

"Ma-Rhee-ssi, please come over!" the director politely waved Ma-Rhee over to the interview spot. The young girl walked to the tall chair nervously and sat down, ready for her interview~~

"Please introduce yourself to us,"

"Annyeonghaseyo, yeorobun! I am Asteri's Charisma angel, Ma-Rhee-imnida! Bangapsumnida~~" she slightly bowed and smiled at the camera. She nodded at the director, signalling that she was ready for the next questions....


To be continued.....



Okay, guys! 2 members finally got their spotlights! Now it's Ma-Rhee's turn! I'm going to update with the other four interviews (Ma-Rhee, Eunmi, Minkyung and Seonyul) PLUS their talent portion on the next chapter. Hopefully, it would be posted up tomorrow or the next day. I hope you like this chapter and tell me what you guys think! 

Oh, and sorry of you think one interview is longer than the other. Sometimes, I tend to get carried away and just write and write. :3

This is just episode 1, you guys! There's more coming your way. 

Ep 1: Interviews + Talent portion

Ep 2: ???????????????????????

Suggest what you want to happen in the next episodes!! 


p/s: sorry for the long wait! 





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i like this fic!!
Chapter 15: still waiting wat happened?
update? plez?
Chapter 15: Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been 1 month!
Oooh I like the new forward! ^^ It looks amazing good job!
Chapter 15: awwwwhz! Eun Mi and Ma-Rhee are adorbz! LOL Eun Mi with her imitation omg XD oh Yongguk XD
Chapter 13: Uwahaha this is adorable!! ^^ I can't wait for Ta-Dah It's Asteri to start omooo~ I will PM you soon!~
Chapter 13: the maknaes are so cute xD
Chapter 12: :) Oooh nice chapter! ^^ I'm glad you updated so thank you for the update! :) Looks like everyone's getting friendly with Seon Yul, which is awesome. I like the fact that everyone's being mature about the situation~