Idol Life

ASTERI [아스테리] 2013's Hottest New Girl Group

Outfits for the scene: Training. 1 2 3 4 5 6  (it's up to you to pick which outfit your character is wearing. courtesy of polyvore. clothes put together by yours truly. which one do you prefer? :D ) 


In a span of about 3 months, the six girls, Yejin, Jaein, Minkyung, SeonYul, Eunmi and Ma-Rhee have already recorded the new version of their debut song, Disaster, and have mastered their choreography. All that's left is more and more practice. They now spend most of their time at the practice studio playing their instrumental on loop to practice both their vocals and choreography. The girls are obviously working hard for the success of their debut. 

"Okay, guys. Let's take a break," their leader, Yejin, instructed as she was sitting down on the floor, worn out. They've been practicing for the whole day and it was already about 7 in the evening. 

"Guys, when do you think sajangnim will call us to tell us our debut date?" Eunmi curiously asked the others after taking a sip of her favorite red vitamin water. 

"We don't know, but I have this really strong feeling he will soon," Jaein who was currently lying on the floor said. "I mean, I think we already matered our routine,"

"I hope we'd have as much fans as out Teen Top-sunbaenim," Eunmi sighed. "Have you seen the amount of people who comes to watch them in the music shows?"

"Aigoo, does this mean we get to meet them, too?" Minkyung rose from her sitting position because of the thought of meeting K-Pop idols, especially Teen Top. 

"Isn't it obvious? Of course we will!" Yejin said, also smiling at the thought. "Speaking of Teen Top, I'm wodering why we haven't met them as a group yet, i mean, they are our labelmates after all,"

"Patience, eonni, patience. You'll get to meet Minsoo again soon. Remember you have rap writing workshops together?" Ma-rhee teased. Earning laughs from the others. 

"Yah, I was talking about the whole group, pabo. Why do you always tease me about this?" Yejin shook her head at the ypunger members who started teasing her about Teen Top's leader.

"Okaaaaay. whatever you say, leader-nim." Ma-Rhee raised both hands in defeat. 

"I'm soooo hungry. Why don't we get something to eat before starting to practice again?" Seonyul said with mixed English and Korean while getting up and stretching her sore arms. 

"Let's rest for a bit and go out for some ramen, okay?" Their leader answered. 


While the members were resting and doing their own stuff inside the practice room, Andy was currently in his office scheduling the girls' activities. What does andy-sajangnim have in store for the six girls? 



"Let's go eat, guys!" Yejin said to the others, which got them energized. They all stood up, got their valuables and stepped outside They walked to the nearest ramen shop while chit-chatting about random stuff. when they reached the shop, they ordered their desired food and found seats. 

"Eonnies, look it's Teen top sunbaenims performing their new song," Eunmi pointed to the TV that was placed in front of the ramen shop. Their popularity was totally getting higher and higher.

"Daebak. They're so in-sync," 

"Isn't Ricky the maknae?"

"Ani! It's Changjo-ssi,"

"Jinjja? Sure, doesn't look like it," 


The members chit-chatted about their sunbaenims and ate their warm ramen. Here they are living their normal lives. Surely, they're gonna miss being able to hang out outside freely and eating in ramen shops like this. anyways, after a while, they finished their food and they all decided to walk back to their practice room to continue their business. 

"Until what time are we gonna practice today, eonni?" Seonyul asked Yejin. Usually, they stay until about 11 pm before they go back to their dorms, but today, since they started extra early they were going to go home early as well. 

"Maybe let's try to do 3-4 more rounds and we'll wrap up. Is that okay with you guys?" Yejin asked the other members. Seonyul showed a thumbs up and nodded while the other members agreed too. The thing the members liked about Yejin is that she's a hands-on leader. She could lead them well but also have fun with them, at the same time. 

They finally arrived at their practice room and prepared for their practice rounds. They found their choreographer waiting for them inside. 

"O, annyeonghaseyo, eonni. What brought you here today?" They asked the woman with medium-length hair, wearing dance training clothes. 

"Andy sent me here for your monthly evaluation. Remember?"

"Ah, neh. Shall we start?" Eunmi asked. 


They started their usual practice. They gave their all, thinking that if they receive good feedback today, their chances of debuting sooner will rise. The girls displayed perfect vocals, especially Seonyul and Eunmi who were their best singers. The dancers, displayed perfect moves and confidence, Ma-Rhee and Minkyung took charge of being the group's best dancers. And finally, the song finished with a fierce rap verse done by their excellent rappers, Yejin and Jaein. The visuals also projected their faces and emotions well. 


Baby you left me, I'm a disaster, Uh. 


The girls displayed their fierce finishing poses. A one-person clapping sounded throughout the room. It was from their choreographer. 

"I have taught you well," Their choreographer laughed and showed her proud look to the members. "If you keep being like this, you'll be debuting in no time." The members clapped with excitement and some shouts of joy were heard, too. 

"Heard that, guys? She technically said we were great!" Jaein excitedly mini-clapped and group hugged the others. 

"Yeah! I think this is our best round so far," Seonyul said with a satisfied look with her hands on her hips. 

"Oh, i have to go now. i might talk to Andy soon, so...." their choreographer waved at them. 

"Ah, neh. Annyeong. Kamsahamnida, eonni!" They thanked their choreographer and bid goodbye. 


After their choreographer left, they decided to work on their vocals. They sat in a circle and played their instrumental then sang the song according to their parts. Suddenly, someone knocked on their practice room door. 

"Neh, who is it?" Ma-Rhee stood up and stopped the music, then asked. She opened the door and a bunch of people entered. some holding mics, some holding a few cameras and some holding pieces of paper. The other girls stood up and bowed to the people even though they didn't know who they were. The people started setting up their equipment inside their practice room. 

"Eooni, what's ging on?" Minkyung asked Yejin who was as confused as the others were.

"I don't know," she shrugged. 

"Annyeonghaseyo. May we ask who you are?"  Jaein and Eunmi both asked the people. A woman, who looked like their director faced them and signalled the camera to start rolling. 

*Camera rolling* 

"We are from KBS. We were sent to film your debut preparation. And this is the start of your show called "Ta-dah, it's Asteri," Congratulations!" 

With the camera rolling, the girls felt quite awkward but when they heard about the good news, they all showed excited faces and even bowed more to the staff. 

"Ah, jinjja?! Thank you so much!" the girls said with smiles on their faces. 

"This was so unexpected." Yejin said chuckling. 

"Okay, so first of all, we would like to let you know that we have already set a hidden camera here in your practice room and in your recording studio while you recorded your debut song to capture your practice sessions. We have edited those videos and they will be on the first episode along with this clip we are recording right now," the PD-nim informed 

"Mwo? Woah. You guys really set a hidden camera here?" Seonyul looked around. The PD-nim nodded and pointed to where the hidden camera was placed. The girls ran like kids and started fooling around in front of the hidden camera. With this attitude, the viewers are sure gonna love these goofy girls. after that was done.....

"So, here's the plan, tonight, we will individually interview each of you. We will ask some basic questions so that the viewers would get to know each member of Asteri. We would also have a little talent portion." 

The girls nodded with smiles on their faces. They started to pick a number from the colorful bowl the staff provided. 

"I hope i get the last number, I still don't know what to do," Eunmi, their cute maknae, nervously stated.

 "No. I should get the last number." Minkyung, their second maknae, answered. the maknaes had a short argument about that matter which the staff found cute. Soon, the two realized that the camera was still rolling and had embarassed faces. Meanwhile, the older members picked their own numbers. 

"Why do I have this strong feeling i got the first number?" Yejin chuckled and tried to peek at Jaein's number. 

"Yah, eonni. Don't peek," Jaein walked backwards, away from anxious Yejin. 

"You're not gonna ask us for our child pictures, are you?" Ma-rhee asked the staff with wide eyes. 

"I have this strong vibe they already have some of our bahy pictures on hand," Seonyul faked a glare at the camera. 

"Okay. at the count of three, everybody show their numbers. Han, deul, set!" the PD-nim said. 

"Aish." Jaein facepalmed but immediately smiled at the camera. Obviously, she got the number one. 

The others were quite happy with their number, at least they were not first. (Order: 1 - Jaein. 2 - Yejin. 3 - Ma-Rhee 4 - Eunmi 5 - Minkyung.  6 - Seonyul. 

"I must've eaten something lucky today. I got the last number," Seonyul laughed. 

"Okay. The others, please stay at the side for a while, while we start with Jaein," 

"Neh," the others said and skipped to the side. 

And Jaein sat on the chair in front of the camera for her individual interview..........



How's this one? Asteri finally has their own show! :) 

The continuation of the shooting of the first Ta-Dah, it's Asteri episode will be on the next chapter. :) 

Oh and guys, please message me your love interests again. I kind of lost the list I made especially for it when i wasn't updating. 

Remember, Teen Top boys only. 

Please contact me ASAP. :)

Comment your feedbacks and please comment!

Til my next update. :)



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A new look for the foreword! Check it out guys! :)


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i like this fic!!
Chapter 15: still waiting wat happened?
update? plez?
Chapter 15: Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been 1 month!
Oooh I like the new forward! ^^ It looks amazing good job!
Chapter 15: awwwwhz! Eun Mi and Ma-Rhee are adorbz! LOL Eun Mi with her imitation omg XD oh Yongguk XD
Chapter 13: Uwahaha this is adorable!! ^^ I can't wait for Ta-Dah It's Asteri to start omooo~ I will PM you soon!~
Chapter 13: the maknaes are so cute xD
Chapter 12: :) Oooh nice chapter! ^^ I'm glad you updated so thank you for the update! :) Looks like everyone's getting friendly with Seon Yul, which is awesome. I like the fact that everyone's being mature about the situation~