The Beginning

ASTERI [아스테리] 2013's Hottest New Girl Group

Eunmi’s POV (flashback continuation)


While walking to Andy sajangnim’s office, all I could think of was seeing Jimin unni again after weeks. I was happy about the fact that she’ll be training with us again and stay with us at the dorm again. As the maknae, I was close to everyone so I was very worried when Jimin unni didn’t come back immediately. When we were on the 3rd floor, about 10 meters away from Andy sajangnim’s door, I ran ahead of everyone.


“Sajangnim! We’re here!” I knocked at the door and called on Andy sajangnim. We waited outside the door, all smiling. Sajangnim opened the door and I immediately ran inside, expecting to see Jimin unni and hug her.


“Jimin-un---” I stopped realizing it wasn’t her and looked back at the other members who all had a questioning look, just like me.

“Annyeonghaseyo! SeonYul-imnida,” She seems like a nice girl. But who could she be? And why is she here? I made my way back to the other member’s side and bowed to the girl.

“She’ll be your new member. In exchange for Jimin,” Andy sajangnim told us while smiling.


“MWO?!” the other members said and I just stood there wide-eyed. Well, there’s nothing wrong with SeonYul entering our group, all of us would actually welcome her, I think. But I knew that it was the thought of Jimin unni leaving the group that’s making us all upset, not that someone new is going to be living/training with us.


I felt the awkward atmosphere inside the office.


“Uhm, well, hehehehe,” this was a habit of mine, saying random things when I feel an awkward atmosphere. I only stopped when I felt Ma-Rhee unni nudge me. I looked at her with an innocent expression.


“Sit down, ladies, and let me explain.” Andy sajangnim pointed at the extra couches for us to sit on.


Ma-Rhee’s POV (flashback continuation)


I had to stop Eunmi from doing one of her habits again before the atmosphere turns a lot more awkward.


“So here’s the thing…..” Andy-sajangnim started explaining what happened to Jimin-unni and why we have to have a new member. Somehow, between the weeks Jimin unni was out of training, sajangnim had recruited another girl to replace her. But what remains a mystery to us was if Jimin quitted or if Andy-sajangnim just replaced her so that we wouldn’t have to wait for and wait longer for our debut.


“And from this day on, SeonYul will be living and training with you girls!” he smiled and looked at all of us. I hated to make SeonYul-ssi feel unwanted so I stood up and welcomed her.

“Hi! I’m Ma-Rhee! I’m a 95-liner. Welcome to the group!” I bowed and extended my hand to her, signalling a handshake. She looked at my hand and acknowledged the handshake. I looked at the other members and somehow, I made them do the same thing, to welcome SeonYul to the group. On the bright side, maybe having a new member isn’t so bad. But we will surely miss Jimin. I wonder how she’s feeling right now about not being able to live up her dreams. But hopefully, she’ll find a new opportunity someday and we’ll all be in the KPop world.  


“You could all go back to your dorm, show SeonYul around and I’ll see you after you’ve mastered your debut song with SeonYul,” Andy said.

“Neh, sajangnim. Kamsahamnida,” All of us said and bowed to him, we left the building and made our way to the dorm.


3rd person POV


The girls arrived at the dorm and showed SeonYul around. Seonyul still felt a bit awkward about the fact that she was going to live with these 5 girls, but after a while she realized that getting along with these girls wasn’t so hard. Adjustment wasn’t quite a problem. They already had some long conversations after arriving at the dorm.


“This is gonna be your bed, and if you need anything just call any one of us. We’re all sisters here,” Yejin said and smiled at SeonYul. “I’m Yejin, by the way. I’m the leader. Welcome to the group, again,”


“We’ll start training as usual tomorrow,” Jae-in spoke out as she was fixing her things before sitting down on her bed.

“Do you pick up dance steps and songs fast, eonni?” Eunmi asked with hopeful eyes.

“Hmm. I guess so? We’ll see,” SeonYul shrugged while she arranges her things on the closet compartments. “I’m nervous and excited at the same time, you know the feeling? Woah. I still can’t believe I’m here,”

“It is tough, though. The training….. ” Minkyung said.

‘Yah. Stop scaring her.” Yejin eyed Minkyung.

“I was just telling the truth.”

“Nah. I knew it was gonna be tough. But anything to reach your dreams right?” Seonyul cheered herself up and the other members.

“It’ll all be worth it in the end!” Minkyung held up a fist and looked at the other members with encouraging eyes.

“Wanna here our debut song? We’ve recorded it with Jimin-eonni but I guess we’ll have to record a newer version with you. It’s kind of powerful but not too powerful, it still has this young vibe to it,” Yejin informed SeonYul.

“Sure. Hopefully I can pull it off,”


Uh, Asteri… We’re gonna get this started…

Yeah. Di-i-disaster! Leggo.


They started playing “Disaster,” Asteri’s debut single. It was a nice dance song which also showcased the members’ great vocals. The rap parts were fierce. It was a song about how someone’s world would turn out if her beloved one left her.


After the song..


“Woah. How long did it take for you guys to finish that?”  Seonyul asked with an amazed face.

“Quite a while, actually. But the process of recording for the first time was fun,” Minkyung stated while Jaein nodded.

“Now I’m even more nervous,” she sighed.

“Don’t be. If we were able to do it, you will be able to do it, too!” Eunmi’s optimist side showing again.

“Aigoo. Enough of this drama.” Yejin laughed and stood up. “Where’s Ma-rhee?”

“Over here!” a cute voice sounded from the kitchen. Everyone stood up to go there and found Ma-Rhee preparing something.

“So, while we were all talking over there, you were here with your lovely food……again?” Eunmi rolled her eyes while Jaein sighed loudly.


Ma-Rhee rolled her eyes at the statement. “I was preparing something to celebrate SeonYul-eonni’s first day here! What better thing to prepare than food?” Ma-Rhee presented her newly-prepared bunny-shaped cookies and store-bought ice cream that has been in the fridge.


“I think we’re all gonna get along well,” SeonYul smiled and started munching on the food. “So, you bake?”

“She mostly eats actually,” Minkyung jokingly said, making the others laugh and she  earned glares from Mah-Rhee. The glaring was fake of course. J

“Okay, girls. We have to get ready for a very tough day tomorrow. Eat as much as you can because we won’t be able to eat like this for the next couple of days,” Yejin, showing her leader-side, said.

“Neh, umma!” the younger members shouted.


And the story of these 6 girls begin…………

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A new look for the foreword! Check it out guys! :)


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i like this fic!!
Chapter 15: still waiting wat happened?
update? plez?
Chapter 15: Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been 1 month!
Oooh I like the new forward! ^^ It looks amazing good job!
Chapter 15: awwwwhz! Eun Mi and Ma-Rhee are adorbz! LOL Eun Mi with her imitation omg XD oh Yongguk XD
Chapter 13: Uwahaha this is adorable!! ^^ I can't wait for Ta-Dah It's Asteri to start omooo~ I will PM you soon!~
Chapter 13: the maknaes are so cute xD
Chapter 12: :) Oooh nice chapter! ^^ I'm glad you updated so thank you for the update! :) Looks like everyone's getting friendly with Seon Yul, which is awesome. I like the fact that everyone's being mature about the situation~