Let Go Pt.2

Lost in the Now and Found in the Past

In the Past

Your POV

“ZiTao, do you really want me to go back to the castle?”

He looks at me shocked since I haven’t talked to him in 3 days since we left the temple.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you’re in love with me. Why bring me back to the castle for my father’s mistress to kill me or even my siblings?”

He looks at me shocked and I guess the other Mei Lien would have danced around this question, but I’m not in the mood.

I look at ChinHae, “Now, ChinHae don't’ be direct unless perfectly needed. Also can you go sit over by that tree in my line of sight. Beware of snakes.”

He nods as he runs off and I look at Tao, “Now he can’t hear tell me what’s bothering you?”

“You are not the real princess.”

I sigh as I lean against a small trunk careful not to deal with any snakes.

I look at him and decide to say what I hear being whispered into my ear by my other voice, “You need to realize Tao that I’m not the same person that I used to be. I am no longer the princess in many eyes. I am simply an abandoned girl who has been living in a temple for years on end. I’ve lived there since my father’s mistress that killed my mother had me kidnapped and later they tried to kill me. I got away, but not without a price. Tao I hardly remember a thing about my past whenever I do I see a blade flash in my line of sight. truthfully I’m scared to go back to the castle, but I want to see my father again as much as I wish to see my mother again.”

He’s looking at me surprised, “You see a knife.”

I nod my head knowing I’m saying the truth, but I’m also lying.

“Yes, a knife like this one,” I pull out the knife with the crest that the drunk men my first night in the past had thrown at me.

he takes the knife from me and just stares at it, “This knife… where did you get it?”

“From those drunken fools when I first showed up in your life again. They had thrown it at me and when I saw the crest I felt an immense amount of fear. Tao please let’s let go of my past and create our own life. Where we can be together.”

He looks like he wants to agree with me, but I know he won’t he’s a Tao who is filled with duty and honor and after finding me he will bring me back to the castle.

I had a dream that Mei Lien had died if I didn't’ come. She even wrote it into a diary thanking me for my help like she knew I would read it.

Though she did state that Tao was sent into battle later and killed. I have to give them happiness. I have to do so these two deserve to be together like my Tao and me.

“Tao let go of the idea of me being the princess. Let go of the idea of our past, please for me.”

“Why do you want me to let go?”

“Cause Tao I don’t want to be with anyone. I want to be with you.” I know I’m crying thinking of my Tao and this Tao are two of the same.

“Princess, this is my life. This is what I was taken into your home to do. I’m here to protect you as the princess I have no right to love you or to receive your love.”

Before I even notice my body moved on it’s own I slap Tao hard enough to throw him off balance.

“Don’t you dare talk like that. I will be the one to say who deserves my love and who doesn’t and you deserve it. You are the one that will always receive this love. Have you not been reaching out for me since I can remember. You reach out to me in your dreams wishing that I’d stay by your side.”

You always will be by myside and you always have. I hear the real princess say in my head causing me to feel a wave of dizziness to overcome me.

I place my hand on my head and sigh, “Let’s just call this fight a day. I’m tired.”

I walk over to ChinHae and smile at him, “Are you sleepy yet?”

He nods his head as he looks up at the sky and I notice that the sun is setting.

“Wow this is way more beautiful than the one I saw back home…”

I place my hand on my chest thinking about how my mom and dad must be worried about me.

I wonder if my Tao is doing alright.

No while I’m here I will let go of my past and try to forget that I’m really supposed to be somewhere else.




Sorry that it's been a while it's just been pretty busy. Also i'm sorry for the two short recent chapters I promise that I'll try to lengthen the next one

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mpint07782 #1
Chapter 23: please update!!!! The story is getting good!!! I hope it ends well for both of them in both time eras!!!!!
486396 #2
Chapter 15: please update really soon!!! I want to see what her POV will be!! and I want them to end up together instead of history repeating itself!!
Chapter 9: I love the way you wrote the dialogue :DD
Anilove22 #4
Chapter 6: Did she go back to the past? Hope she wakes up soo. ^_^
Anilove22 #5
Chapter 5: I hope she wakes up soon Tao is really worried about her. 
finally!! Me & Tao... it's always taoris~ =_=
not that i don't like them. i really like their pairing most. but i love tao so much.. i also want him for myself. hahaha~ xD
Chapter 4: great story...please update as soon as possible...
Anilove22 #8
Chapter 4: I hope this time Tao and ___ can be together and happy ^_^
Anilove22 #9
Chapter 3: Tao shouldn't feel guilty he tried. Well he can make it up to her ^_^
Seoul-Less #10
Chapter 2: Update soon if you get a chance please!