Let Go Pt. 1

Lost in the Now and Found in the Past

In the Present

Tao’s POV

I hate that this is how things are going for me.

I’m told left and right I should forget about all of this and try to move on, but I don’t want to.

If I’m going to do that then it’ll have to wait years from now.

I look up at the clock and realize I have less than a week to calm down and get my head back on school.

I really do have to try to at least be able to push it from my mind while I’m at school...

Maybe the other members can help me with this issue that I have.  

Well not like it, but maybe when a girlfriend broke up with them or something.

I watch as everyone is bustling around the dorm getting ready for a concert in Taiwan or something.

I walk inside and sit on the couch looking at the ceiling wondering why I’m skipping my time to see Mei Lien at the hospital.

I hear loud voices and I want to curl up in a ball and cry, but instead I keep the tears at bay surprising enough.

I hear Kris-gege say something to me.

I look up and give him a questioning look.

“I asked you why you decided to skip out on the hospital?”

“Gege, have you ever been dumped?”

He looks at me shocked but sighs as he sits down by me and nods his head, “Yeah, it was awhile ago, but she did dump me.”

“How did you let go?”

“I just decided that it wasn’t the end of the world no matter how sad and betrayed I felt.”

I sigh thinking how it wasn’t as much help as I was hoping for.

He sighs looking at me, “You’re thinking about how you can try to live your life while Mei Lien is in a coma. “

I nod my head as I walk out of the dorm room and decide that I'll go to the practice room on the bottom floor of the building.

I walk into the room that’s for once empty and look over at the wall with mirrors.

As I stare at it the warrior version of me pops up.

“Great what now?” I burst purely annoyed.

“Are you really going to let her go?”

I shake my head, “Of course not. I just need to try not to mess up my life before she wakes up.”

“What if she won’t come back?”

I look at me and growl out at him, “She will come back to me. We made a promise never to leave the other alone once we see each other again. She still has my necklace I gave her before she left. She is still wearing it. Her father told me that she has never taken it off. That means she still loves me. Which means she will come back to me.”

He looks at me confused, “What do you mean?”

I hold back my tears or try to, “I got her a necklace of a panda and gave it to her the day she moved to America. It’s because of that necklace that she’s alive and it would still be in perfect shape it it wasn’t for the small place where a shard of glass hadn’t stabbed into it.”

“Wait so you're Mei Lien really did take place of my princess.”

I look at her and sigh, “I guess so, but you know Mei Lien is her really great niece. She had found an old trunk in her grandmother’s room where it was filled with the princess’s journals. She had always kept the ring you had given her on her hand only taking it off to place it on a new finger to make sure it’d still fit her. So tell me ZiTao how did you get over your Mei Lien’s death?”

“I told myself that I would see her in the next life and hopefully our souls will always be meant for each other. Though it did not help that I was sent off to a worthless battle for I could be killed off.”

I nod my head and look in the direction that hospital lies in.

“So tell me why Mei Lien? Is she really your princess?”

“As much as you are me.”

I roll my eyes glad that this guy is talking Mandarin, but annoyed for the dialect that he’s using.

“You are a pain in my...”

“Yeah... Yeah... I know. What did I do in my life to become some spoiled brat?”

“Maybe you did an awesome job and you were given whatever you wanted.”

I watch as he rolls his eyes and disappears and I lean against the wall and let myself cry after holding in my tears for the entire day.

I pull out my wallet and sitting inside is a few pictures of Mei Lien and me when we were kids.

I smile as I look at them not holding back my tears.

Mei Lien, please wake up soon. I dont’ know what I’ll do if I ever lose you.”

I run my fingers around her face as I look over each picture.


Sorry for the shorter chapter, btu I thought I'd make this part into two parts one for hima nd one for her with how they are thinking they need to let go of the memories of the other so they can try to live whatever life they have,

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mpint07782 #1
Chapter 23: please update!!!! The story is getting good!!! I hope it ends well for both of them in both time eras!!!!!
486396 #2
Chapter 15: please update really soon!!! I want to see what her POV will be!! and I want them to end up together instead of history repeating itself!!
Chapter 9: I love the way you wrote the dialogue :DD
Anilove22 #4
Chapter 6: Did she go back to the past? Hope she wakes up soo. ^_^
Anilove22 #5
Chapter 5: I hope she wakes up soon Tao is really worried about her. 
finally!! Me & Tao... it's always taoris~ =_=
not that i don't like them. i really like their pairing most. but i love tao so much.. i also want him for myself. hahaha~ xD
Chapter 4: great story...please update as soon as possible...
Anilove22 #8
Chapter 4: I hope this time Tao and ___ can be together and happy ^_^
Anilove22 #9
Chapter 3: Tao shouldn't feel guilty he tried. Well he can make it up to her ^_^
Seoul-Less #10
Chapter 2: Update soon if you get a chance please!