003. Dinner Time

The Guy Next Door [HIATUS]

The clock striked 6:00pm and both Genie & Angel high were ready to have their supper. Considering that it was the start of the new year, both principles from the two schools decided to have a joint dinner.

"Can I just skip dinner?" Krystal whined as she laid in bed, pulling up the covers.

"No way!" Sulli answered back, taking away the covers from Krystal.

Leaving her no choice, Krystal lazily stepped out of bed ignoring her headache from the soccer field incident. The three headed towards the school's dinner hall when suddenly upon entering they were welcomed by not only female students but also a batch of male students.

"Genie High students? Why are they here?" Jieun said as they sat down on their seats.

Inside the dinner hall, Krystal felt as if she was in Harry Potters Hogwarts dining hall. The cafeteria was filled with students and platters of food. This got her thinking, is her idiotic brother here?

"Umm Krsytal is that your brother?' Sulli said just in time as she pointed at a familiar fellow. From there Krystal could see Kris holding a chicken drumstick in one hand and a piece of sushi on the other.

Krystal sunk down from her chair from embarrassment. Why is he so embarrassing? Just as things could get any worse, Kris seemed to notice and headed towards her way.

"Oh hey Krystal!" Kris smiled, wiping away the excess food away from his lips.

"Hi" Krystal said bluntly poking her salad around.

"Why aren't you introducing me to you friends" He asked as he stole a piece of meat from her plate.

Krystal rolled her eyes as she hesitantly obyed his order.

"You know Sulli" *Handshake*

"Oh and this is Jieun" Kris went wide eyed as he slowly shook Jieun's hand.

"Why hello y lady! Wanna make some history?"  There goes his flirting motive, Krystal rolled her eyes once more. On the other hand, Jieun seemed to blush as a childish chuckle escaped out of her.

Jieun seriously?

After what felt like hours of hearing Kris flirt to Jieun, Krystal on the other hand eyed her plate with astonishment.

"You didn't eat a thing!" Sulli said surprised as if she was thinking the same as Krystal.

Krystal shrugged the idea and continued playing with her food.

Meanwhile at the opposite end of the dinning hall, Kai seemed to be busy plotting his revenge that he didn't seem to realize that Krystal was sitting right across from him on the other table.

"Hey Sehun! Can you put this in your pocket, I'm going to eat it later" Sehun frowned as he received a chicken drumstick wrapped in tissue from Kris underneath the table.  

"Pleasee" Kris pleaded as Sehun hesitantly placed the wrapped chicken in his pocket. 

After placing the chicken in his pocket, Sehun looked up and seemed to notice krystal sitting at the opposite end. Not making it obvious, he examined her and noticed that she seemed to be troubled over something.

Meanwhile, dinner was over and the students of Genie High were making their way back to their dorms. Kai along with Kris, Chanyeol, Luhan and Baekyeon stayed back and hid at a deserted classroom as they plotted their revenge.

"While were at it, can we look at the girls change rooms?" Chanyeol laughed as his eye twitched from anticipation. Kris laughed while Luhan could just stare, as he examined Chanyeol's habit -eye twitching.

"What's wrong Luhan?" Chanyeol turned his head over as he eyed the young fellow. Poor Luhan seemed to be scared as he he went wide-eyed with Chanyeol's response.

"Nothing" he murmured back, turning his head away from his derp friend.

Just as Sehun was making his way towards the hallway's door back to Genie High, a strange sound seemed to come out of the ladies bathroom. Curiosity hit him and he turned back entering the bathroom, regardless of the rules.

"Hello?" He said bluntly.

There was no response but only the sounds of somebody...puking? 

"Are you okay?' He said as he stood infront of the toilet door.

Krystal froze. She knew that voice. It was him. Sehun. Yes, she only met him once, but with a voice of his, you would never be able to forget it. Steeping out of her fangirl trance, Krystal pondered why he was still here but before she could even gather her thoughts another gag escaped from , making her vomit.

Just then, in the middle of her barf session, a pair of hands wrapped around her hair, gently pulling it back so that it won't be in a mess.

"Your door wasn't locked, I couldn't help it. Just ignore me" He said. Sehun said, as he gently pushed her hair to the back.

Krystal stepped out of the bathroom along with Sehun. The walk was awkward but after arriving outside in the school's front field, Sehun stopped from his tracks.

"Why were you vomiting?" He said, not facing Krystal but rather his back towards her.

"I'm anemic. I guess my iron is low again" Krystal said ashamed, regretting the thought of her not eating during dinner.

"You should of just eaten a lot of meat during dinner" He said rather bluntly handing her something from his pocket.

With Sehun no longer in sight, Krystal stared at what Sehun handed her and realized that it was a chicken drumstick.

Little did Krystal know, that Kai and his gang were eyeing her from a distance.

"Hey,that was my chicken" Kris said in a sad tone, as Luhan and Chanyeol patted his shoulder in sympathy.


Annyeong :) Third Chapter is up!
Decided to do a double update for you guys~
Ngaw Sehun gave Kris's chicken to Krystal LOL....THIS CHAPTER IS SO FREKIN CHEESY~

Please don't be a silent reader and comment :)



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I updated..omg..it's been ages!!


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Chapter 10: Author-nim ! I really love your poster !! It's really beautiful !!
wmonnica #2
Chapter 3: Interesting story! Kaistal~
Chapter 25: When suddenly what?? I'm so curious~
ernestinethrz #4
Chapter 25: Update soon please!!!
xoexo__ #5
Chapter 25: please update when you can, very excited to find out what happens next!
jsj_baby #6
Chapter 1: I want to your fanfic translate to Turkish . Would you let me ??
FreakyLeonix #7
Chapter 25: please update soon
deinarara #8
Chapter 1: I cannot ship kaistal yet. But this story is interesting x))
ljoeswifey #9
Chapter 25: wait nevermind I just finished reading. I'm happy. as long as kaistal stays please. PLEASE IM BEGGING YOUU. please update soon! you're the best!
ljoeswifey #10
Chapter 18: kaistal. I'm wishing so hard for kaistal. please please make kaistal real in here. PLEASE OMG.