002. Sports

The Guy Next Door [HIATUS]

"I'm Sehun, Kris's dorm mate. I believe you took the wrong suitcase, Miss Krystal Jung" He said in a well tone manner that would melt any girl's heart.

He wasn't smiling nor was he frowing. His features were perfect. There was just something about this Sehun guy that made Kryst-

"Thankyou Sehun-shii!" Sulli butted in grabbing hold of the suitcase as she waved goodbye to him.

Shutting the door, Sulli and Jieun stared at Krystal with the most astonished face.

"My, my Krystal. I've never seen you get this flustered over a guy in awhile" Jieun cheered as she poked Krystal's flustterd face.

"CORRECTION! She's never been flustered over a guy until now!" Sulli corrected Jieun, as the two high-fived.

"Was I that o-obvious?" Krystal stuttered feeling the warmth from her cheeks.

"You were as RED AS A TOMATO! Like that wasn't obvious!" Sulli laughed as she played with Krystal's hair.

Meanwhile, at Genie High. It was math class for Kris and as usual, being the stubborn one as always, he fell asleep during class.

"Look who we have here class. This is an example of Kris Syndrome! " Professor Jung sneered as he pointed towards the sleeping Kris. Waves of laughter were heard all over the classroom until it was seized when Professor Jung threw a textbook on the floor.

"If I see anybody sleeping in class again, DETENTION!" And by then class was dismissed sending Kris flying awake.

"I'm so tired!" Kris yawned as he stepped out of class followed by Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"Dude, you just slept all of math class!" Baekhyun barked as they made their way for lunch

In the meantime, Krystal headed towards the school's sports field as she tied her hair in a ponytail.

"I hate soccer" Sulli pouted as she struggled walking in her soccer boots.

A chuckle escaped out of Krystal as she examined the field. Just then from a mere distance she could see that a few Genie High students were dismissed for their lunch break.

"Seems like their heading for lunch outside" Jieun smirked as she examined the male students.

"HEADS!" Amber the team captain yelled as the ball headed towards Krystal's direction.

The group of boys were heading out for lunch when a certain area caught Chanyeol's eyes from Angel High.

"Dayum, who knew girls could be fiesty when they play sports" Chanyeol growled as he watched from a distance

"OOOOOOOH" They all ooed in unison as they've just witnessed a scene where a soccer ball hit someone's head.

"Hehe that was funny! Let's go, I'm hungry!" Kris smiled as he dragged Chanyeol and Baekhyun towards a burger joint.

Krystal was lieing down in the nurses's office with an ice-pack wrapped around her head. In pain she struggled to get up as the pain was just too nasty to handle.

"I'm so dizzy" Krystal complained as she closed her eyes.

"Hang in there Krystal! At least you miss out in sports!" Sulli smiled trying to cheer up her bestfriend.

Meanwhile at Genie High......

Sehun was in the middle of finishing off F.Scotts Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' when Kai entered the dorm. Letting go of his book, Sehun examined Kai as he stuggled to climb up the bunk bed.

"Have you ever been scolded by a girl?" Kai muttered plopping his body on the bed.

Sehun just shrugged, continuing to read his book. Kai frowned at the scene but continued to talk as if nothing happened.

"There was this..girl, who was just happened to be here at Genie High" Kai paused sending Sehun off track.

Sehun knew who he was talking about.

"What about her?" Sehun muttered not keeping eye-contact with Kai.

Frankly, Kai was actually surprised to hear Sehun talk nor respond. He was usually the type to keep to himself, but nevertheless he shook off the idea, continuing with what he was saying.

"Well about that girl. She was wearing an Angel High uniform, which got me curious. Why don't we play a prank on her, you know for revenge?" Kai said as a small smile appeared on his face.

Sehun paused for a minute. Why would he do such a thing?  Kai seemed to get the idea as he watched Sehun's facial expression turn into a confused frown.

"Well as you can tell, my leg is swollen" He pointed towards his leg and by the looks of it there seemed to be no swollen area what so ever.

"I told the guy's about it, there getting ready as we speak" He chuckled limping his way towards the door.


Annyeong :) Second Chapter is up!
Can't wait to update you guys with CHAPTER THREE!
I have it all planned ^0^


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I updated..omg..it's been ages!!


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Chapter 10: Author-nim ! I really love your poster !! It's really beautiful !!
wmonnica #2
Chapter 3: Interesting story! Kaistal~
Chapter 25: When suddenly what?? I'm so curious~
ernestinethrz #4
Chapter 25: Update soon please!!!
xoexo__ #5
Chapter 25: please update when you can, very excited to find out what happens next!
jsj_baby #6
Chapter 1: I want to your fanfic translate to Turkish . Would you let me ??
FreakyLeonix #7
Chapter 25: please update soon
deinarara #8
Chapter 1: I cannot ship kaistal yet. But this story is interesting x))
ljoeswifey #9
Chapter 25: wait nevermind I just finished reading. I'm happy. as long as kaistal stays please. PLEASE IM BEGGING YOUU. please update soon! you're the best!
ljoeswifey #10
Chapter 18: kaistal. I'm wishing so hard for kaistal. please please make kaistal real in here. PLEASE OMG.