The Fate of Xaints (We love, We hurt, We live, We died)

A week has passed, today, Jiyong and I will be off to Japan for a week. Jiyong had been so excited all day long. He can’t stop talking about this and that. It was funny that he already planned things we will do in there though we know we will be totally busy in there. And even now, when we’re in the airport, he unbelievably still talking about you-know-what things, I’m pissed. He makes me wonder why I had this kind of partner.


“Can you please stop talking and help me with these?” I glared at him.

“Sorry, Baby Dee. I’m too excited.” He smiled happily. Ugh! I think I’m about to blow now.

“What the hell, Ji?! Just help me with these or I’ll book another room for myself.”

“Hahaha! Like you can.” He chuckled.

“Alright! You want it.” I took my things and leave him with his annoying arrogant face. I decide to call Taeyang. He knew what I should do.

          “Wassup Ms.BJ-3?” I could hear him laughing to himself.

”Your cousin . I’m pissed.” I sigh.

            “Woooh~ I don’t know you could be pissed too.” He paused with a laugh.

            “Give him your silence. It’ll be enough.” He suggested. I heard someone’s shouted at him.

“Alright then. Was that ?” I raised a brow.

            “Yes. She’s being so noisy since I let her go to the L’Arc En Ciel’s Concert.” I bet he was more pissed than I am.

“Hahaha! That’s really a view.” I laughed.

            “I think so.” He laughed to himself.

“Okay then. I’ll call you when I’m arrived.” I’m about to hang up when I saw Jiyong walked by my side. I decided to make it a little longer.

          “Alright. Have a save trip Ssantokki.” I could see him smile.

“Yeah. Taka care” I shouted happily. Seeing Jiyong’s annoyed face.

          “Yep. You too.” He hung up.

“Bye.” I smiled.

            “Bye.” I could feel his smile.


I hung up. And… Jiyong looks totally annoyed.

“Who was that?” He asked.

“No one.” I kept on walking.

“Who was that?” He asked again.

This time, until the nth time I never answered him again. In our way to Japan he kept on asking me about this and that, but I didn’t answer any of them. He was pissed.

“We’ll be staying at my house.” He said as we were arrived in Japan.

I didn’t respond.

“Hey?! Are you trying to ignore me?!” He whined. He sounded like a banshee.

“No.” I kept on walking. At least I still walk beside him, he must have to be grateful for that.

“Then, wassup with the silence.” He stopped me.

“Nothing.” I answered flatly.

“Nice lie. But no one can lie to me, Park.” He sounded a little bit angry.

“Oh, please.” I rolled my eyes and freed my self from him.

“Hey…. C’mon what is it?” He stopped me again. This time he sound worried. I could see he’s hiding his sadness.

“I told you. It’s nothing. Now, lead the way.” I held his hand to comfort him.

“But…” I didn’t let him finish his words.

“Let’s go.” I walked straight ahead when I saw the arrival gate.

“Alright.” He pulled his phone out and dialed a few numbers.

“Dae, we’re arrived. You have 5 minutes.” He automatically hung up after he finished his order.

5 minutes later a black car stopped in front of us.

“You’re 16 seconds late.” He spoke up as we entered the car. Well, he’s back to the real him.

“I’m sorry Young master Kwon.” He apologized.

“Drove us home.” He ordered.

“Yes, Young master.” He obeyed him at instant. We were all consumed by silence in our way to Jiyong’s home.

“What’s his name?” I asked.

“Kang Daesung. Why?” He sounded a little bit calm now. I think it’s because I finally talked to him. Real talk, I mean.

“Nope.” I smiled. I think I could get myself back to normal now.

“Hi, Daesung. I’m Dara.” I looked at him.

“They’re not allowed to talk, Dee.” He answed as Daesung didn’t want to respond.

“Why? Isn’t that cruel Ji?” I asked innocently. Ji didn’t answer.

I turned to Daesung.

“Then, allow him to talk to me.” I smiled at Ji.

“Why would you?”He raised a brow.

“Jus tell him~” I pouted. Well, he would never resist that.

“Alright… Dae you’re allowed to talk to Dara, but only if she’s the one who talked first.” He crossed his arm on his chest.

“Yes, Young master.” He answered. I didn’t realize we were now arrived at Ji’s house.

“Now, answer me. It’s not polite to ignore someone’s greet.” I smiled to him as he opened Ji’s door.

“Hello, Young master Dara.” He bowed.

“No. Don’t call me that. Your young master is him.” I pointed at Jiyong who’s now standing near him, waiting for me to get off the car. Daesung himself, looked confused as Jiyong did.

“Call me Dara. That’s an order.” I smiled to Daesung. He looked dumbfounded.

“Yes, Young mas- Dara.” He bowed. I could see happiness and surprised mixed in his eyes.

I get off the car. Jiyong looked at me in amusement.

“What?” I raised a brow.

“Nothing. I just think that Daesung must be happy to have a young master like you.” He ruffled my hair.

“I know.” I walked after him. I looked at Daesung who was busy with my suit case.

“Can I have that?” I asked. Again, he was surprised.

“That’s mine. And I don’t really like seeing someone carry my stuff.” I smiled at him and took my suit case.

“I’m sorry for you, Dara.” He suddenly spoke up as we were walking inside side-by-side.

“I’m not one of those girls, Dae. I’m his only cure.” I elbowed him with a smile.

“You mean...” I nodded at his unspoken thought.

“Yep. I’m the one who make him act like a total jerk.” I giggled.

“Well, I could see that. No girls ever succeed to order him.” He nodded as a smile spread in his lips.

“I know. Amazing, isn’t it?” I elbowed him.

“Absolutely.” He nodded with a giggle.

“You look much better when you smile. You should smile more often.” I tapped at his shoulder and headed to Jiyong.

I suddenly realize this house was too big to be called a house. This is a mansion. NO. This is a castle. Well, with modern and retro interiors of course. I saw Jiyong’s family photo hung between two stairs. My eyes drifted to a 20-years olded girl, it must be Jiyong’s older sister. Then, I saw a little boy sit between his parents.

“That’s my little brother, Jinyoung.” He spoke, knowing who I was looking at.

“Hyung!” I heard a voice of a boy shouting from upstairs. It must be Jinyoung.

“Hey! Get down. I want to introduce someone.” Jiyong winked at me. Jinyoung rushed down hastily.

“Whoaaaa~ a new noona!” He hugged me.

“Hello, Jinyoung. I’m Dara.” I smiled at him.

“Can I have her? She’s cute.” He looked at Jiyong. ‘What?! He’s just 7 years old and he wants girl for his own?!’ I freak out in my mind.

I’m not giving you to him, Dee.” He popped in my mind. I’m relieved.

“No. She’s mine.” Jiyong pinched his cheek.

“But…You always let me have… OH!OH!! You’re Hyung’s cure!” He pointed at me.

“I think, yes.” I smiled at him.

“Yah! She’s not a thing! She’s my girlfriend.” Jiyong knocked Jinyoung’s head instantly.

“Alright. Welcome to the family, noona.” He smiled. Well, he looked much better now.

“Thanks, Jinyoung.” I smiled as I pinched his cheek.

“Can I tell you some thing, noona?” He asked.

I just nodded and lowered my body. He’s whispering something that will sure make Jiyong’s head on fire.

“Noona, wait for me, arrasseo? When I’m older enough I’ll marry you.” He winked at me and ran away. I just laughed.

“What did he tell you?” Jiyong turned to me.

“I’m not sure you’ll be able to bear it. You’ll kill him instantly.” I shook my head thinking how pissed he would be.

“Just tell me. I wouldn’t kill my own brother.” He giggled. I’m sure that giggle will surely be gone after this.

“He told me to wait for him until he’s old enough to marry me.” I hold up my laughter.

“MWO?! JINYOOOOOUNG!!” He shouted like he was shouting at a pickpocket.

I laughed to death. Well, this is an epic view. Way more than epic, actually.

“I’ll make sure that little brat died in my hands.” He glared at Jinyoung who was playfully winked at me from upstairs.

“I told you. You wouldn’t be able to hear it.” I tapped his shoulder.

“We should leave for my apartment. You can’t stay here. ” He dragged me out. I stopped him.

“No need to. What would a 7 years old kid do to me?” I raised a brow. I wondered why I agreed to be a girlfriend of a pathetic act-like-a-10-yet-17 boy.

He stopped, thinking.

“Alright. Come, I’ll show you your room.” He smiled and led me upstairs.

“This is your room.” He showed me a huge European styled bedroom with white and sapphire blue interiors.

“You designed these?” I turned to him.

“Yep. They match your eyes.” He smiled.

“Thanks.” I hugged him.

“You’re very welcome, my dear.” He kissed my hair.

“Well, my room is that one.” He pointed at a door of a room right beside mine.

I just nodded.

“We’ll be having lunch at 12 sharp. Now, get some rest.” He smiled and walked his way to his room.

“Alright. We’ll start the practice at 8.” I popped at his head as he was already  in his room.

“Yes, your majesty.” He answered playfully.

I heard someone was knocking my door.

“Come in, please.” I shouted. A young lady entered my room.

“Young master Park, I was sent by Young master Kwon to bring you these.” She bowed and showed me neatly folded dresses.

“Just put it here. And, please call me Dara. That’s an order.” I smiled.

“But, we’re not allowed to call the...” I cut her.

“I know. Now, what’s your name?” I stood up in front of him.

“I’m Hayata Rie, Young master Park.” She bowed.

“Please call me Dara, Rie.” I ordered. Oh, bad habit.

“Yes,… Dara” She answered with a pause.

“Nice. How old are you?” I smiled to her.

“I’m 17 young mas- I mean Dara.” She blushed.

“Woooh! We’re in the same age.” I clamped my hands together. She nodded.

“So, aren’t you supposed to be at school now?” I raised a brow.

“We’ll be having our home schooling at 1-5 p.m and a night class from 8 to 11 p.m. ” She explained.

“Sounds tiring.” I blinked twice.

“Not really. Since we only have Young master Jinyoung here, It is not a big deal.” She smiled.

“Ouch. I must be giving you more tasks to do.” I chuckled.

“No, of course not. You’re giving us more time to breathe actually.” Finally, I could see her genuine smile.

“Well, you’re very welcome. So, you’re saying ‘we’ when we’re talking about your school. So, where’re the others?” I asked. She looked surprised.

“Well, hmmm… 2 are outside, one in front of Young master Kwon door, and 4 around the house.” She tried to remember her friends.

“Can I meet them?”I think I made her shocked.

“But, Young Master Kwon wouldn’t be-” I stopped her ‘but’s.

“Don’t mind him. If he yelled at you, call me that instant.” I winked an eye.

“Alright.” She smiled happily.

“Where shall we start?”I asked excitedly.

“Hmmm.. Maybe we should roam around the house. We’ll meet the girls.” She smiled.

I just followed her.

Well, I wonder who the girls are.



From : JQB (The Writer)

TO : Readers & Subscribers ^^

I'm sorry for the late update ^^"

Keep reading,

JQB the writer

Thanks for everything :)

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ladynikka05 #1
first time to read this, im just kinda confused with the age bracket .. the parent are almost or more than 30's only ... while the lead's are almost 20's ... are they born at the age of 10-13yrs of age by their parents ?????
Chapter 8: Authornim finally finally finally u update!!!
Thanks 4 the update(^з^)-☆
Please update soon(^-^)v

Dis story is really cute want 2 read the next chapter!!!

Daragon fighting fighting YA YA YA(^_^)/□☆□\(^_^)

Authornim fighting o(*⌒O⌒)b
Authornim thank you very much 4 the update(^з^)-☆ please update soon(^-^)v

Daragon 4ever and ever fighting fighting Ya Ya Ya(^_^)/□☆□\(^_^)

Authornim fighting o(*⌒―⌒*)o
I LOVE the story It's very interesting and cute (^-^)
Can't wait 4 the next chapter I'm very very excited !!!!!

Daragon fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Authornim please update soon (^-^)v
lovedaragon32 #6
i want daragon ~~^^