The Fate of Xaints (We love, We hurt, We live, We died)

"Dara.. Wake up.." Someone whispered on my ear.

"Storm…GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I shouted.

"Baby Dee, It's me.." He whispered again.

"Ji? What are you doing here?" I asked half awake.

"Wake you up of course." He sat on the corner of my bed.

"I need a few minutes more..." I pouted.

"No, Baby Dee.. We'll be late.." He stood up and took my blanket.

"Arrasseo. Now get out." I stood up and took my blanket back.

"Y-You wear these to sleep?" He asked. I smell trouble when I saw his eyes.

"Hmm.. Yes. Why?" I asked back loosing up my ponytail. I just wear shorts and bra to sleep, is that wrong? I mean I already do this for years. My mom have never protested and neither my brothers.

"Well.. You look hot. Your eyes were calling me to get closer." He moved closer. I could smell his cologne.

I froze. I saw a hungry dragon in his eyes. 'This is going to be fun' I mumbled.

"Well thanks. I think you deserve a present." I smiled naughtily. 'Here we go guys' I smirked on my mind.

"Of course." He circled his arm on my waist. ! I forget this scene! I'm in a VEEERY BIG TROOUBLE!

"Close you eyes, then." I ordered. I think I found a way to get out.

"Nope. Let me do it first." He smirked. CRAP! I LOSE!

"Guys! Get down now! We'll be late!" Thunder pounded on the door.

"!" He mouthed. 'Thanks Lil brother, you just save me from a and hungry dragon.' I whispered.

"Go and get a shower. I'll wait for you downstairs." He let go off his hand from my waist and kissed my cheek. He looked awful. Trust me he looked like he just lost a thousand bucks.

"Okay." I kissed back to cheer him up. Well, it works.. a little.

"I'll see you downstairs." He forced a smile. It looks bad. I feel bad. WHY I FEEL BAD?!

"You'll get you present later. Just behave." I smiled. Ooh boy, I hope it wouldn't be like yesterday.

"Okay." He finally smiled.


* Jiyong's POV *


DAMN! She looks terribly H.O.T! I almost couldn't control myself.

I hope she didn't feel bad for that I scene I made.

But I think she didn't since she tried to cheered me up.

"Hey, Sanghyun!" I greeted Sanghyun who was now eating his breakfast.

"Hello Jiyong-ssi." He greeted back.

"Where is your brother named Storm?" I asked.

"You act like my sister, she always asked me that almost ever day. Anyway, He's still upstairs, sleeping. He worked at night since his power only work at night. He'll wake up there at 7 sharp." He pointed at the clock.

"Ooo.. What's your nickname by the way?" I asked.

"They call me Thunder. The one comes last, after Lightning." He answered between spoons of cereal.

"That sounds good. You're and Aidhe right?" I asked stupid question. A question you asked when you actually know the answer, that's what called stupid question.

"Neh. My sister must've told you about me." He answered yet kept on eating his breakfast.

"Yeah. How does it feel to be an Aidhe between Xaints?" I asked.

"Great. I always enjoy it when they tricked each other. Especially when Dara tricked Storm." He laughed.

"Well, she's good on tricking someone." I stated.

"Thanks. You’re also good on reading traps between words." Dara's voice surprised me.

"Of course I am." I proudly smile.

* Sandara's POV *


"Hey guys!" I greeted my girls.

"Hey Dara." Bom hugged me.

"Hello Unni" Minzy smiled.

"Why he walked behind you and kept on clicking his fingers to yours?" Chaerin asked, pointing to Jiyong.

"We unbelieveably live in the same blocks. I met him on my way to school so I let him go with me." I lied.

"It explain the first strange, what about the holding hand thing?" Bom interrogated me. I hate her in a situation like this. She wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted to know.

"Jiyong will explain that." I looked at him hoping he didn't mess up.

"We're together from now on." He announced. OH GREAT! Now, prepare a tombstone for me.

"Really?! Is that true, dear?" Bom looked at me.

I just nodded hoping Bom wouldn't punch too hard.

"OMO! I'm sooo proud of you, dear~" She hugged me and squeezed me in her arm. 'Thanks God. You're my savior..' I thanked god.

"You finally find someone to replace Ja-" I gave Bom a shut-up-or-die look and she stopped before she mentioned 'his' name.

"Guys, I should leave first. My literature book is in my locker" I waved goodbye.


"Who is he? Your Ex?" He asked.

"No. I never have any relationship with him." I shook my head and opened my locker to take my book.

"Good lies. I almost believe it." I saw him smirked from the mirror in my locker.

"Alright. He's my Ex, but I burned all my memories about him." I closed my locker, locked it and turned to him.

"You're a pretty little liar." He pinched my cheek.

"I don't lie. I said burn. I can't burn his name and his rank as my Ex." I give him my excuse.

"Rank?" He looked confused, but I saw jealous in the corner of his eyes.

"I'm the most wanted girl remember? It's an achievement to be my Ex." I chuckled in the 'achievement' part.

"That makes sense. Would you show me that guy?" He asked.

"Okay. Let's go." I led him the way.

We arrived at my classroom.

"You're in same classroom with him?" He asked.

"This week? Yeah. Last week he's in your classroom. Mind to replace him? He's ." I winked at him.

"You don't have to tell me. I'll absolutely get him out from there." He smiled. DAMN! That cute smile again.

"Well, there he is." I pointed at a boy who was surrounded by girls.

"Not bad. What's his name?" He asked.

"Jaejoong, Kim Jaejoong." I answered.

"So, Kims huh?" He responded.

"Yeah. Wait... 1. .2. .3. ." I counted realizing Jaejoong had find me standing on the door.

"Morning, Dara baby." He smiled. Oh boy, I hope he didn't forget to tell her mom to prepare for his death. Jiyong was a hot-blooded one. Well, he’ll might kill Jaejoong now. This morning, everytime he saw a boy looked at me, he gave them a glare, telling them to back off.

Jiyong is about to go and punch that brat, but lucky Jaejoong I stopped him, grabbing his wrist.

"Hey. This is my boy, Kwon Jiyong." I smiled to Jiyong then turned back to him.

"Hey Jaejoong. Mind to stop calling my baby Dee 'baby'? She doesn't even like you." He chuckled.

"Are you sure, baby? He's not even better than me." Jaejoong gave a smirk to Jiyong and then turn to me.

"Yeah, I've never been so sure like this in my entire life and for you information he all the way better than you. He's the best." I smiled to him and then kissed his cheek.

"Right, G-Dragon?" He kissed me, this time is soft. 'HELL YEAH!' I screamed on my head.

"Of course Bunny-D." I erase his smirk on his face with my lips.

"Revenge is always sweet.." he whispered.

"Yeah.." I just smiled. I just realized my friends’ mouth were all hanging open. Especially Jaejoong, he's SOO DAMN SHOCKED.

"Sorry guys. My baby Dee is just too sweet." He winked at me.

"." I mouthed.

"You're the one who start it." He whispered.

"Yeah, yeah.. Now go to you class. The test will be started in a few minutes." I tapped his back.

"Alright. Wait for me here tomorrow, OK?" He kissed my cheek.

"How can I wait if we're coming here together?" I asked with my 5 year old kid face so he can't read my sentence.

"Okay then. I'll change the plan." He smirked. I smell trouble.

"Up to you. Now go. See you later, Ji" I pushed him and waved goodbye.

"See you, baby Dee" He smiled.

I entered my classroom. My friends eyes were all about to jump and I think Jaejoong had stopped breathing. I ignored him and sat beside Bom.

"DAMN! You just gave us the most shocking view ever." She elbowed me.

"Did I?" I pretend to know nothing.

"You did, Dara. And you do it in front of her." Chaerin pointed at Minzy who was surely surprised.

"Sorry Mingkki. You okay?" I tapped her shoulder.

"Neh. Gwaenchana. I’m just a little bit surprised." She blinked a few times.

"Oh, Innocent eyes." We stated altogether then unreasonably laugh.


* Jiyong's POV *


I finished the text earlier than I told. Now I've nothing to do. Well, let's have telepathy. Since we already a spouse and I've already kissed her, I could have telepathy with her.

"Baby Dee, are you finish?" I asked her.

"Yeah, It's boring here." She frowned.

"Let's get outta here, then." I offered her.

"Okay. I know a great place to go." She answered.

Then I look my surroundings no one had finished.

"Ms.Kim I'm done with my test. Can I go now?" I asked.

"Bring your test here and then you may go out." She ordered.

I stood up and give my test to her, waiting for her reaction.

"Good job, Mr.Kwon." She smiled.

"Thanks Ms. Kim." I bowed and get out from the room. I saw Dara waiting for me on the stairs.

"What taking you so long?" She asked.

"Ms.Kim checked my test first." I answered.

"Ah~ I forget you guys have a teacher in your room at test." She slapped her forehead.

"You guys don't?" I asked.

"Yeah. Who gonna cheat who?" She chuckled. DAMN! She’s cute.

"So you just leave?" I asked again.

"Yeah. I just leave my test there at my table. Bom will submit it for me." She started climbed up the stairs.

"Where we gonna go?" I asked her.

"Just follow me." She smiled.

She kept on climbing the stairs.


From : JQB (The Writer)

TO : Readers & Subscribers ^^

This is the teaser for the next chapter~^^


* Jiyong's POV *


I felt a hard wind blew around me. I tightened my hand to hers.

Suddenly I feel a warm breeze. The hard wind dissapeared.

"Open your eyes. We're here." I heard her voice.

I opened my eyes. I think we're in the top of a building.

"Where are we?" I asked.


be patient ^^

JQB the writer

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ladynikka05 #1
first time to read this, im just kinda confused with the age bracket .. the parent are almost or more than 30's only ... while the lead's are almost 20's ... are they born at the age of 10-13yrs of age by their parents ?????
Chapter 8: Authornim finally finally finally u update!!!
Thanks 4 the update(^з^)-☆
Please update soon(^-^)v

Dis story is really cute want 2 read the next chapter!!!

Daragon fighting fighting YA YA YA(^_^)/□☆□\(^_^)

Authornim fighting o(*⌒O⌒)b
Authornim thank you very much 4 the update(^з^)-☆ please update soon(^-^)v

Daragon 4ever and ever fighting fighting Ya Ya Ya(^_^)/□☆□\(^_^)

Authornim fighting o(*⌒―⌒*)o
I LOVE the story It's very interesting and cute (^-^)
Can't wait 4 the next chapter I'm very very excited !!!!!

Daragon fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Authornim please update soon (^-^)v
lovedaragon32 #6
i want daragon ~~^^