The Fate of Xaints (We love, We hurt, We live, We died)

Rie led me downstairs and headed us to another huge room which I suggest as a dining room. I saw a girl who was arranging plates for 4 people.

“That’s Gummy noona, she is the oldest among the girls. She’s responsible for preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner.” Rie start explaining. I just nodded, those 4 plates stole my attention.

“Four plates? I thought Ji only has one brother?” I pointed at the plates.

“You’ll met Young master Kwon’s brother, Kwon Seung Hyun at lunch. He always come home for lunch.” She smiled.

“Now come, I’ll introduce you to Gummy noona.” She continued and walk before me.

This Gummy noona is beautiful, and I make sure she is a human. Humans got no smell in Xaints nose although they use a liter of cologne.

“Gummy noona, this is Dara. She’s Young master Kwon’s girlfriend.” She bowed to her.

“Oh? Another girl? Where are you from, sweetheart? Kim? Lee? or Choi?” She turned to me.

“I’m Park. Dara Park.” I smiled.

“Really? Young master Kwon must’ve find a new collection.” She gave me a sarcastic smile. Oh, how she would be doomed for saying these.

“No, Gummy noona. She’s not one of them. She’s the one who made that girl list.” She smiled happily as Gummy’s eyes widened.

“OMO! I’m sorry, Young master Park.” She bowed in 90 degrees while Rie is chuckling.

“Aish! Why does everybody keep on calling me that? I’m Dara, and I supposed you to call me that.” I shook my head as I hate it when someone kept mentioning my family name.

“Yes, Dara.”Gummy bowed again. Well, at least she didn’t try to call me ‘Young master’ again.

“Well, I should meet her with the others. I’ll go first, noona.” Rie bowed with a smile. I think she was tickled by the scene happened in front of her.

“We’ll go to the living room. I’ll meet you with Ailee. She is a very very fussy.” I just nodded. I wondered how talkative she is until she got ‘very’ when fussy itself means ‘very talkative’.


We leave the dining room and arrived in the first room I know, the living room. It’s totally big, no it’s huge, I can play baseball with Thunder here.

“That’s Ailee.” Rie pointed a girl who was dusting a Chinese vase.

“Wait here. I’ll go call her for you.” She smiled and walk straight to her.

I stood there waiting for them as they get closer. Well, Ailee looks more ‘alive’, her face screamed out happiness.

“Hello, Dara. I’ve heard about you from Daesung. Welcome to the Kwon family.” She bowed politely.

“Eh? I’m still Park, Ailee.” I chuckled to the greet she just gave me.

“But you’re soon to be Kwon, right?” She winked an eye.

“I don’t know. We’ll figure it out later.” I winked an eye back.

“How did you met him? I heard you both kiss below a tree in the age of five?” My eyes widened automatically. Rie’s jaw dropped that instant.

“How could you know?” I whispered to her. I feel like they have known everything.

“I read it in a magazine.” She whispered back.

“HOW?! Show me that magazine!!” I freak out. How can Jiyong tell this silly thing to public.

“I’ll give it to you at lunch.” She winked an eye.

I just nodded. How come? How can that stupid dragon tell this kind of information to public?! Is he out of his mind?! Oh, maybe he really is.

“What are you guys talking about?” Rie popped between Ailee and I. I almost forgot my ‘study’ trip with Rie.

“Nope. We should go now. Who’s next?”I grabbed her arm as I walked to a random direction.

“We’ll meet Hyesun, the smart girl. Come, she’s in the library.” She turned left to a long  . A girl opened the door for us.

“Hello, I’m Go Hyesun. How can I help you?” She bowed.

“Hyesun, this is Dara. She’s Young master Kwon’s girlfriend.” Rei introduced me to her.

“Hello, Dara. You mustn’t be one of ‘those’ girls right?” She turned to me with a smile.

“Yes. None of them have ever go here, am I right?” I roamed around.

“Yes, they will stay at Young master Kwon’s room and leave in the morning.” She shook her head remembering the past.

“I’m really curious what kind of girl that made Young master Kwon prepare a special European room. Now, I understand how that room matched you in every way.” She continued.

“Yes, when I prepare the room Daesung is on the phone with Young master Kwon yelling at him. It has been a long time I didn’t see Daesung’s frightened face.” Rie giggled. I supposed she must be close with Daesung.

“Oh! We should go and meet Hayi! She’s the one who designed your room.” She drag me outside, leaving Hyesun chuckling to her friend.

This Hayi must be a nice polite girl. My room style and arrangement explained how she is a kind-hearted girl, with a soft voice and a sweet smile. And I think she is, Rie walked me outside to the backyard, heading us to a girl who was busy with the flowers.

“Hayi!” Rie waved her hand to her.

As I guess, Hayi turned to her and smile sweetly to us.

“I’m Hayi.” She bowed before me. Oh, she must be the youngest one.

“I’m Dara. Nice to meet you Hayi.” I smiled back to her. Oh! She’s also a human.

“Hayi is our dongsaeng. She is really kind and sweet.” Rie made her blush.

“Rie, too. She is very humble and friendly.” Hayi smiled with a blushing face.

I just laughed at the two. They look like a sibling.

“So, you’re the only one who’s Japanese here?” I turned to Rie.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Dara, it’s almost 12. Aren’t you supposed to have lunch with the others?” Hayi remembered me with the lunch and the magazine Ailee had promised to me.

“Oh! I’ll go first then. Bye you two!” I waved them goodbye.


I rushed upstairs and changed my clothes. I like the dress Rie brought for me. Yellow, knee-length, and a cute peach colored ribbon, I’m so in love with it but I can’t stay in front of the mirror. I should go down for lunch.

“Hyung~ Are you home already?” I heard a voice of a boy knocking my door, I went out and see who is it.

“Yah! Who are you?! Where’s my hyung?!” He pointed at me.

“I’m Dara and your brother is in there.” I pointed at Ji’s door, I guess.

“That’s my room! Are you sure you’re not pointing at the wrong room?” he shouted again.

“Oh, sorry. It’s this one. You’re knocking at the wrong door, little boy.” I smiled to him and opened Ji’s door for him.

“Ji, Seunghyun is looking for you.” I get in and saw him sleeping. Oh, sleepyhead dragon.

“Yah! How do you know my name?!” He pointed at me and shouted, again.

“Rie, told me. Now shut up or your brother will kill you for yelling at me and waking him from his peaceful nap.” I pointed him back.

“Who are you?” This time he asked calmly, whispering actually.

I don’t answer him. I should wake a dragon, and that’s not easy.

“Ji, wake up.” I tapped his shoulder. He didn’t answer.

“Yah! Wake up!” I messed up his hair. He did not respond.

“Wake up, Ji. I’m starved.” I wailed, sometimes it’s useful, but this time it didn’t affect him.

Alright. The expert way.

“Jiyongie~ Lets eat~” I whined. He started moving.

“Hmmm…” He opened his eyes.

“Hyung, who is she?” Seunghyun ruined the peaceful scene.

“My bride.” He managed to hold my hand.

“Don’t trust him. I’m his friend.” I try to assure him. Ji just woke up, I don’t think he’s really aware what kind of thing he told his brother.

“Don’t trust her, Seungri.” He stood up and tapped his shoulder. Seunghyun, who i just know called Seungri look dumbfounded as he heard a nonsense came out fro Ji’s mouth.

“Are you sure he’s awake?” Seungri raised a brow.

“No.” I shook my head, still looking at him in disbelief.

“I guess so.” Seungri nodded to my thoughts.

We were both consumed by silence. We just don’t believe what we just heard. It was way too unbelievable. Well, Ji’s unbelievable, and I unbelievably fall for him. Oh, this is stupid.

“Let’s go downstairs.” I barely walked pass him.

He shook his head to his brother’s stupidness. Is ‘stupidness’ is not a word? Hell, I don’t care.

“What’s your name?” He asked as I sat down.

“Dara. Dara Park.” I turned back and saw the one who answer his question. The just-waking-up Kwon Jiyong.

“Oh, you’re here.” I barely smiled at him.

“Yep. How’s your first day here?” He kissed my forehead.

“Nice. Rie is nice, Gummy noona is beautiful, Ailee is amazing and Hayi is lovely.” Well, this all remind me of the magazine Ailee promised me recently.

“Oh, you’ve meet them all?” He seemed to be surprised.

“Yes. Oh, Jinyoung is home.” I saw that cute little boy ran towards me.

“NOONA!” Jinyoung hugged me tight.

“Hi. How’s your school?” I pinched his chubby cheeks.

“NICE! I got two girls on their knees.” He smiled cheekily.

“WHAT?!” I glared at Jiyong. I just don’t believe my ears.

“What? It’s not my business.” He kept on digging in his plates.

“He’s your goddamn brother!” I freaked out.

“Can you guys stop speaking? I’m trying to eat peacefully here.” Seungri barged in.

“You heard what Seungri just said. Now, please eat your lunch.” He smiled and gave me a wink.

“Hyung?” Seungri turned to his freaky-yet-hot brother.

“What?” He raised a brow.

“As she’s soon to be your wife, when you will you held the marriage?” Seungri winked at me. I just shook my head.

“What?! What marriage?!” He looked at Seungri in shock.

“She’s your bride right?” Seungri pointed at me. Oh, this is epic.

“What?! Where did you bumped your head?!” He is totally in shock.

“Yes, you said she’s your bride.” I just smiled to him.

“Well, if you really want me to marry you so bad we could do that tomorrow.” He smiled back. He is insane.

“NO! Seungri is joking! You don’t have to listen to him.” Nice. Now my head is on fire.

“No need to be shy, Dee. I’ll make sure tomorrow is the best day you’ve ever had.” He winked at me.

“What? NO! We have to go to the Olympiad tomorrow.” I try to find an emergency exit.

“I can cancel that.” He made my mouth hang open.

“You? How?!” I laughed.

“I just know how.” He winked at me and pulled out his phone.

“Daesung, tell-” I grabbed his phone and end his conversation at that time.

“Oh, please. You’re not serious about this stupid marriage thing right?” I folded my arms on my chest.

“Why not? Marrying you is on of my wish list. So, how can I resist when you’re the one who offered me to?” he smiled childishly.

“Gosh! You’re insane.” I slapped my forehead to his lunatic plan.

“Hyung, you’re not serious about that right?” Seungri asked him. I bet he’s more pissed than I did.

“I am serious.” He tapped his brother shoulder.

I’m doomed. Seungri is doomed. Why did I agree to be his girlfriend?

Oh, I should go for a brain check. NO. He’s the one who need to get his brain checked. He is absolutely out of his mind.

What am I gonna do now?

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ladynikka05 #1
first time to read this, im just kinda confused with the age bracket .. the parent are almost or more than 30's only ... while the lead's are almost 20's ... are they born at the age of 10-13yrs of age by their parents ?????
Chapter 8: Authornim finally finally finally u update!!!
Thanks 4 the update(^з^)-☆
Please update soon(^-^)v

Dis story is really cute want 2 read the next chapter!!!

Daragon fighting fighting YA YA YA(^_^)/□☆□\(^_^)

Authornim fighting o(*⌒O⌒)b
Authornim thank you very much 4 the update(^з^)-☆ please update soon(^-^)v

Daragon 4ever and ever fighting fighting Ya Ya Ya(^_^)/□☆□\(^_^)

Authornim fighting o(*⌒―⌒*)o
I LOVE the story It's very interesting and cute (^-^)
Can't wait 4 the next chapter I'm very very excited !!!!!

Daragon fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Authornim please update soon (^-^)v
lovedaragon32 #6
i want daragon ~~^^