Behind Those Nerd Glasses

- Min Ah's POV - 

When I was still on my way to the clinic, pupils gave me their weird stares as I passed by... AS USUAL. I ignored their stares.

When I arrived at the clinic, I was hoping that the nurse was there. Unfortunately, the nurse wasn't. WHERE'S THE NURSE WHEN WE NEED THEM?! I sighed in frustration and was about to walk back to the rooftop when I felt someone grabbing my wrist. I turned to see who it was, and to my surprise, it was L.Joe. I gulped at the sight of him.

"Umm.. Hi." I awkwardly greeted him as he slowly started to let go of my wrist.

"Hi. Umm.. Is your, you know, arm okay now?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"Y-yeah." I lied. He raised a brow.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yeah." I lied once again. Then suddenly, he grabbed the part where the wound was, making me wince and flinch.

"You lied." He said while I sighed. "Follow me." He ordered. I hesitanty followed him.

- - -

We arrived in the garden, where there were no pupils in sight, except for us two; Beautiful flowers and green grasses. And there stand a tree that blocks the sun's heat and light.

"Why are we here?" I asked L.Joe.

"Since there's no one who can annoy me and disturb me, I can slowly cure your wound now." He smiled a bit. HE SMILED. HE FREAKING SMILED AND HE WAS SOOOO CUTE. Wait, what the heck am I thinking?! Oh My God, I think a ghost possessed me. I shrugged at the thought.

"So, tell me, why are we here again? I spaced out a bit awhile ago." I lied.. AGAIN. He smirked.

"I'm not a tape recorder." He said with a smirk and headed to the direction of the big tree.

I followed him and sat under the shade of the tree.

I breathed in the fresh air that the garden has. My mind went back to L.Joe's smile.

"Do you smile that often?" I suddenly blurted out. He looked at me, confused.

"What?" He asked.

"I mean, you smiled a while ago. Do you smile that often?" I repeated. He smirked.

"Why. Do you like it?" He teasingly asked.

"Well, I'd be lying if I say no." I admitted. L.Joe chuckled. "OOOH~ AND YOU CHUCKLE TOO!" You said like a little kid. L.Joe chuckled again.

"Sometimes. When I'm with my members, I laugh a lot. I want to act cool when I'm with others." L.Joe answered. I nodded my head. "Hey, about awhile ago. I'm sorry."

"Uhhh. It's okay. I think." I replied.


A/N: FILLER CHAPTER! HAHAHA. I'm in the computer lab and I think the time is running out.. SOOO. yeah :D 


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hey guuuuuuys. I'll be updating tomorrow, so don't ya worry :)


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Chapter 17: Update!!!!!!
Miss_KpopGurl #2
Chapter 17: Please Update!! ^^
Chapter 17: Update soon
_StarryEyes #4
Aaah, please update soon!
Threewannabes #5
Chapter 17: Awesome story!! Pls update soon!!^^
Love it!!
OMG. L.Joeee..
Awww cute!!! <3 please update soon author nim! :))
Awww they're getting close!
Me loves a nerd story feature Teen Top members. :DD
Update soon!!
chubbymorie #10
the 2 are starting to get close..