The Truth

The Prince and the Pauper


“Lu…Lu? Lu Han? Lu Han wake up,” a gentle voice was calling out to me. I felt a smooth hand caress my cheek softly. 
“It’s HwaYoung. Come on Lu, let’s get you up…” She grabbed me by the arm and carefully, slowly, she brought me to my feet. I couldn’t gain my balance, so I used her as support to rest my limp body on. 
“Oomph…that’s right…ah...Lu, just…ow…use me,” she tried to complete one sentence but it was difficult, for my body continued to lean hard onto hers.
“S-sorry HwaYoung,” I confessed.
“No no, don’t be. Let’s get you somewhere else okay? Somewhere we can heal you,” she wrapped my arm around her waist and began guiding me to a room in the back of the overweight estate. It was a miniature room with a small hideaway bed and a tiny sink in the corner, along with a baby table in the center of the room containing a basket filled with fresh bread. I eagerly grabbed a piece and shoved it into my mouth.
“Hungry little one?” She said giggling. I nodded at her and she sat me gently on the edge of the bed. She rubbed my arms, trying to make any pain disappear. It was useless though. My head throbbed, my back ached and my whole body was completely and utterly sore to the core. My eyelids were drooping more with every second. 
“Shall we get you hot tea then? With honey? Yes? Let me go make some. Don’t fall asleep on me,” she said cheerfully and exited the room. I saw Nana’s face peer in from the door frame. 
I giggled, “just come in foolish girl,” I said to her. She smiled and skipped next to me. She grabbed the piece of bread out of my mouth and shoved it in her own.
“Hey that was my second one!” I said to her.
“Oh well, what are you gonna do?” She managed to say with full of dough.
“Nothing now I suppose. But when I’m better you should be so smart as to watch your back!” I teased. She stood up and knelt in front of me.
“It’s all my fault. I’m really sorry…” she said sincerely.
“Nana, it isn’t. So don’t go around blaming yourself for something you didn’t cause. I suppose my health just isn’t at it’s best right now,” I confessed. She nodded and stood back up. Nana continued walking around the small room and opened the window. Dust flew off and she coughed for awhile.
“Thing hasn’t been opened in ages!” She said jokingly. The fresh air felt good, I needed that at the moment. HwaYoung reentered the room and set the kettle and cup on the table, along with the honey jar.
“Let’s go then. Here, I’ll pour your tea, you put the scoops of honey in. Not too much because then you’ll be even more ill,” she said smiling. Just her smile could make me well again. I really felt the warm feeling from HwaYoung when she was around. Sometimes it amazed me how kind and tender she really was. 
“Here, take it now Lu,” she said with a gentle tone in her voice. I gladly took the cup from her as I batted my eyes. I closed them and allowed myself to take in the scent from the warm, fresh tea. I blew slowly on the liquid until it was cool enough to drink. I took a big gulp but coughed.
“Silly child. Come,” HwaYoung patted my back to get the coughing to subside. I nodded at her and continued to gulp the drink she prepared for me. My body felt like it was being pierced multiple times. The pain was truly unbearable. I could feel my temples throbbing and my chest heaving. My arms and legs were pulsing from the swelling. 
Nana shuffled over to me from across the room and grabbed me; pulling me in for a tight embrace. I felt a warm liquid on my neck. Those tears weren’t mine; but those of Nana. I blamed myself, of course, for all of the recent events. I cause everyone in this house trouble, I cannot just sit back and allow myself to ruin their lives.
I often thought of leaving; of running away. I could never bring myself to do it though. I felt the intense pleasure of having Sehun by my side; of now having Nana. But after this happening, could I really stay? I broke some of Mistress’ favourite dishes and glasses, I stained and ruined Master’s carpets and desks. I’m horrible and disgusting. I should be ashamed. I’m the worst guest…
Ah, that’s not quite it, is it?
I’m not a guest, I’m just a servant; and that’s all I’ll ever be.
After some time HwaYoung and Nana cleared the room and left me alone to…“rest” I knew I wouldn’t be resting. I was more scared for my punishment. “Lying down on the job” would be my mistake I’m assuming. Anytime now Master Oh will run on in and-
Ah~ Just as I-
Wait a moment…that’s not the voice of Master Oh, that’s the voice of-
“I’M SO SORRY. LU HAN! LU!” Someone quickly scampered over to me and jumped onto my lap. Sharp stinging took over my lower body from the weight.
“Sehun? What is going o-”
I heard wails of guilt. I felt his tears of agony. His earsplitting cries of his own conscience took over the dome-like room. There was nothing I could do to soothe the younger, so I allowed him to sob into my neck until he felt he was through. I made noises to try to quiet him as I rocked back and forth on the edge of the small hideaway. He hiccupped and breathed heavily as he tried to stop himself from crying any longer.
What was there for him to feel bad about? Everything was my fault. If I didn’t-
“Enough,” a harsh voice from the doorframe said. I glanced over to see Master standing there with a glare that could pierce my soul. I slowly moved Sehun off of my lap; I wandered over to Master Oh.
“Sir. I deeply apologize for-”
“I SAID-…enough.” The Master caught his deep yet loud inflection and changed it to a more soothing tone. The calming tone though, was more intimidating than his booming and superior nature.
I choked back tears as my chest heaved once again from lack of oxygen. Having someone as petrifying and unapproachable as Master in front of me like this, made my body go into panic mode. The attacks were rare; now was a time where my body was at it’s weakest and couldn’t take the intimidation given by my ‘oh so caring Master.’ 
He set his hands on my shoulders as he kneeled to my level.
“Lu Han. This is something that I won’t do often so take remembrance of it well. I called in a professional to look at your condition,” he said to me with sincerity in his eyes.
For a moment I felt as if he really cared. He began to leave the room as he took Sehun. His next sentence stabbed me right in the heart.
“I don’t want to lose anymore servants.”
With that, he slammed the door… and left me alone for the rest of the night.
I scratched my head as I stretched my legs. I clumsily threw my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Immense pain rushed through my body and made my blood hot. My whole body was sweating. But there was something making me forget about pain. My eyes still closed, I lifted my nose higher into the air to get a whiff of the mouthwatering scent filling the Master’s abode. I let my legs carry me to the core of the aroma. As I walked into the kitchen the family was eating breakfast as the help fed them. There was HwaYoung, with a gash across her cheek. Master interrupted my thoughts.
“Ah Lu Han, Doctor Lee is on his way for you,” he said expressionless. I nodded. 
I mustered up the courage for the first time to question the Master.
“What did you do to HwaYoung?”
The kitchen grew unpleasantly quiet. Even the servants stopped in their tracks. I saw the disapproving look from Madam Oh and the shaking head of HwaYoung behind her.
“None of that is your concern Lu Han,” the Master said poker-faced. 
I started to walk away until my name was called once more.
“Lu Han?” I turned around slowly to the source.
It was mother.
She stood up and took my shoulder, leading me back into the room I stayed in. As we entered she shut the door behind her.
A feeling of intense pain whipped across my face in an instant.
“I’m sorry Lu Han,” she said insincerely. I left my hands at my side, not to dare touch the cheek she had just abused.
“You worried Sehun so much. Your father-” She stopped. Soon realizing her mistake she continued.
“Your ‘Master’ was furious. He broke things, he hit me, he almost hit Sehun. It’s all your fault. I don’t know why I allowed you to stay. All you do is CAUSE TROUBLE!” She raised her voice at the same time she raised her hand to allow it to come into contact with my face once more.
But she didn’t follow through.
She just fell to her knees and wept.
Wept away all her fears and guilt. 
Wept away her troubles, her anxieties, her misfortunes.
Concerns and woe all disappeared with these tears. 
I couldn’t stand to watch her break down like that. I knelt beside her and rubbed her back and I tried to calm her.
“Shhh~ It’s okay. Everything is alright…
With my last word I instantly understood the effect it had on her. She shot up and pushed me down.
“I’m not your mother you filthy misborn. Your mother was a ! Your father you loved so much? He wasn’t even yours. YOUR REAL FATHER DISAPPEARED BECAUSE OF YOU! I hope you have the same fate. Disgusting illegitimate.” 
Mistress Oh proceeded to kick me in the abdomen and face. She stepped on my hands and slapped me. Before leaving she spit on me.
“Do us all a favor, and take my advice.”
My mind was still beginning to process the situation. The adrenaline from fighting back caused the pain not to sink in at the moment. 
My father…wasn’t even my real father?
Does that mean…my real father could still be alive?
Are you really still out there…papa?  
I'm so sorry.
I got so lazy so I'm not even gong to try to make excuses. I don't know how many of you
actually read this anyways so I'll keep it simple.
The general/main plot has yet to take it's place~ <3
Tehehe ;3
All readers, commenters, subbers, I love you all for sticking with me~
Means ALOT xd
Sorry for any mistakes in grammar, spelling etc. I think I caught all of them (hope so!)
~ Parkkimi
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yuu8713 #1
Chapter 7: omo~ Luhan found his father already? hopefully he'll get proper explanation as to why did his father left him behind…
Hunhannie813 #2
2509831936 #3
Chapter 6: i hope they grow older :3
Chapter 6: y luhannie life is getting worst.. make him escape or anything~
JennyLovesRIce #5
Chapter 6: yay~ update! ^^
Chapter 5: luhan~~ T______T
oohluhan #7
Chapter 5: update!!!AHHH I love this story!!! >_<
Chapter 5: my lu~ T.T