Lu Han's Small Reunion

The Prince and the Pauper


I awoke the crack of dawn next to Nana. She was now staying in the same area as me, so I would be waking up to her every sunrise. I couldn’t believe it. My first love, and here she was. It’s like God fulfilled my prayers. I digress once again…
Sehun’s condition was fatal, as far as I knew. It broke me inside and I felt his pain as well. Nana was willing to help with the remedy, making me feel relieved but yet frightened. What if she spoiled something? What if it went terribly wrong, and it was her fault?
No Lu… she would never…
“Lu Han,” she shouted my name, “come and help with morning chores will you?”
I nodded in her direction and stumbled to my feet. “Oh Lu… your eyes!”
I cautiously moved my trembling fingers towards my eyes and felt them gingerly. They were quite swollen if I could say so myself. I wonder…
“Were…were you crying Lu?” She asked delicately. 
“Why…why no Nani…Of course not!” I spouted.
“Oh Lu… calling me Nani? It’s been so long since I’ve heard you say that to me… Always when you were upset or…angry or…”
“NO! Nana… I’m perfectly alright! See!” I “happily” skipped around the room.
“Fine I told you, fine!” I said as I nonchalantly walked away from Nani.
“Lui!” I stopped in my steps. That nickname…
“I didn’t mean to upset you Hannie… Lui…Lu…Lu Han.” All my childhood nicknames in one perfectly constructed sentence. She really was my best friend.
“Oh Nani… I overreacted I’m sorry. Please let’s just…do chores now,” I said regretfully.
We began walking out together after fixing ourselves up rapidly. What did we need to look good for anyway? As far as I knew I wouldn’t be seeing Sehun anytime soon, thanks to mama and Master. I began shuffling quickly, Nana found it hard to keep up.
“I *huff* need *huff* a break *huff*.” She finally admitted.
“Oh my goodness!” I sprinted to her side and knelt beside her. She couldn’t breathe!
She finally gained her consciousness, her eyes told me she was very terrified.
“Nana it’s alright…shhh…” I tried reassuring her, as she seemed very tense. 
“JUST STOP!” She screamed.
“N-Nana!” I was now alert, her quick and random lash at me frightened me to my core. “Please Nana, what is the matter? Why couldn’t you breathe? Tell me Nana! Tell me at once!”
“Oh God Lu Han! It was horrible! I was living it all over again…”
“Living what?”
“Everything that man has ever done to me and my family, came back to me in a matter of minutes in that nightmare… he caused me to be short of breathe Lu… IT WAS HIM I SWEAR IT TO THE HEAVENS!”
Nani continued to tell me about the man that took her siblings from her, and mother. About how he had abused them all, including herself. I hadn’t noticed but tears began rolling down my soft, pale cheeks, reliving Nana’s most horrible lifetime moments. I could only sit and listen yet offer no help for my friend. There was simply nothing I could do and that’s that.
Being a best friend of someone who was also abused, makes you feel much more…connected and close so to speak. Like you both understand how each of you feel.
“It was…sickening,” she finished.
I held her. I held her so tight not even Master would pry her away. So tight to where God’s fingers were not strong enough to release my grip on her. I never wanted to let go, I never planned to. Until…
“LU HAN?!” Madam Oh’s voice. I began terrified easily and hopped to my feet. I ran in the direction of the voice, regretfully leaving my sobbing friend behind me.
“Lu Han? Please, come,” she said to me tenderly. Was it good? Bad? Deplorable? Magnificent? The wait and suspicion was killing me piece by piece.
We continued to walk to Sehun’s room. I would not walk any further. Madam Oh kept giving me signals to follow, but my body would not let me, neither would my heart. If I had to see Sehun in an ill state, I would have to make myself be punished for my crime.
Besides, Master Oh would kill me before I had the chance to do it myself. Madam Oh kept pestering me to go with her. In the end, I had no choice…
“Lu, let’s go.” I swallowed loudly, I felt like the whole world could sense my nervousness. 
The door creaked with each inch, (I made a mental note to oil those hinges later) I was anxious to see young master’s face. The door was completely full, young master in full view.
“Lu…” Sehun said weakly. I began to sprint forward until arms stopped me from moving. I looked up at her face, tears in my eyes, using them to tell her “please, let me talk to him, let me touch Sehun.” 
She couldn’t bare to look at me any longer. She turned her face away, covering it with her hands. It gave me a free path to my young master, which once the chance was there, I took it. Suddenly, I fell to my knees in front of him wailing my apology.
Sehun lazily moved his gaze towards me, and smiled. Not with his mouth, but with his eyes. It was that very eye smile that made me jump from my knees and hug him. I’ve never felt so close to master before. Not physically, but emotionally. I felt a tear on my shoulder, I honestly didn’t know if it was mine or his. And I honestly didn’t care.
After talking to master about Nana, I was forced to leave. The whole time he was obliged to listen and not speak, as his condition did not allow him to do so. I felt horrible for it, but he enjoyed himself, and that made me happy. Sehun pleaded mama to let me stay, but she was strongly against it. It made me wonder-
“Nana!” Reality caught up with my thoughts, and I dashed to where I saw her last. 
“Oh…please be alright! Please be-” I slammed the door open only to discover…
“Oh thank God!” Nana was peacefully asleep on the floor, huddled in a corner. I grabbed a large piece of fabric and covered her. She was about to freeze to death, literally. I rubbed my hands against hers for warmth. I began to stand but something held me back. Her grip on my hand, it was tightened. 
“Are you up Nana?” I asked curiously. A faint nod from the girl. I giggled to myself, how silly of her to do this now…
I knelt back down and put my other hand on our intertwined ones. Rubbing my fingers over her hand to calm her.
“Lu…” I was listening intently, “I’ve missed you, more than you might think.”
I smiled wide with my eyes, and wrapped my arm around her as I began to fall asleep.
“I’ve missed you too Nani…I’ve missed you more than you might have missed me…”
With that, we fell asleep together, dreaming of far different things.
“LU STOP IT!” Sehun’s giggle was heard throughout the whole parlor, I’m positive!
“Sehun! Get over here rascal!” I swooped him off of his feet and onto his little bed. He continued giggling and it made me chuckle a bit if I can be honest. Sehun never failed to make me laugh, ever. I always felt safe with him… always.
“Lu! I love when you play with me. You barely do anymore…” He confessed to me.
“Why… I apologize Hunnie. Let’s make a deal, no, a promise. I promise to play with you more if you promise…”
“I’ll never leave you.”
“What? Sehun-”
“I will never leave you Lu Han. I will always be here, always. Being with you if the best feeling ever Lu!”
“Lu Han?
“What is it?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too Sehun…”
“No Lu Han! I…I really love you. More than mom, dad, anyone ever. You mean everything to me… I grew up with you always by my side. Its only natural for me to…feel this love towards you…”
“Sehun. I… have waited for too long to hear such words from you. Now that I hear them I cannot believe my ears…Sehun I- I love you too.”
“What?!” I awoke in a frantic. “Oh my… only a dream. But of course it is…Sehun would never say something like that to me. Besides… I wouldn’t want him to anyways…right?”
On that note, I went back to sleep for the night, and dreamt of…. Many other things.
A/N OH MAH GOODNESS~ Sorry for the long wait! Some of my other stories haven't been updated in months! Lazy author. *tsk tsk tsk*
Sort of short update.. school is a pain T_T
Sorry for mistakes!
Let me know what you thought please!
Subbers, commenters, silent readers... Love you <3
Question: Did you see BOYFRIEND's comeback? Did you like it?! ^_^
See you real soon! Check out my other stories too otaii~ :3
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yuu8713 #1
Chapter 7: omo~ Luhan found his father already? hopefully he'll get proper explanation as to why did his father left him behind…
Hunhannie813 #2
2509831936 #3
Chapter 6: i hope they grow older :3
Chapter 6: y luhannie life is getting worst.. make him escape or anything~
JennyLovesRIce #5
Chapter 6: yay~ update! ^^
Chapter 5: luhan~~ T______T
oohluhan #7
Chapter 5: update!!!AHHH I love this story!!! >_<
Chapter 5: my lu~ T.T