The Baby

The Prince and the Pauper


A/N the things in italics are Lu Han's past.
I raced back and forth, from my young master to my older master. Working for them was tough but I knew I could stick through it.
“LU HAN!” My young master called for me, and I diligently made my way to the library where he was trying to reach something.
“Be careful master! You might fall and hurt yourself!” I said to him. Sehun could be so clumsy and carefree, he was only five years of age but still needed discipline once in awhile. 
“I DON’T CARE! GET IT FOR ME LU HAN!” He screamed right into my ear, and I obeyed him eagerly.
“Alright sir, here you go. Any particular reason you want this?” I asked, handing him the vase from above the bookshelf.
“Yes…I want to give it to her!” He said excitedly. 
“Who is ‘her’ master?” I asked him, curious to see who this girl was. After all, he is only a small child.
“Yoona!” He shouted. Yoona? Yoona was my age; she was much older than him.
“Sehun, Yoona is quite old. Why do you want to give it to her?”
“LU HAN! Just let me do what I wanna! I love Yoona and I’m giving this to her as a gift!”
“M-Master!” I snatched the vase from his hands.
“This is your father’s vase! He would be extremely upset to see you’ve given it away like that. I won’t allow it Sehun,” I scolded him. I knew what was coming next.
“DAD!” My young master screamed. I tightly closed my eyes, waiting for his father to come into the room.
I heard a slam of the library door and I instantly winced at something striking my arm.
“S…Sir! Please, I apologize. I didn’t mean to upset Sehun, honest,” I pleaded. It was no use however. Mr. Oh dragged me by my arm down the extensive hallways until we reached the door leading outside. He continued to drag me all the way to the help’s barn room.
“Sir, this is where the animals are!” I told him.
“I know Lu Han, but until you understand not to upset Sehun this is where you will be,” he responded and slammed the door shut.
“Sir? SIR PLEASE! I’M SO SORRY! SIR?” I banged on the wooden door but it was useless, it was locked. Sehun’s mother had plenty of horses and pigs, because she always wanted to live on a farm. Her husband had bought a whole ten acres just to build barns for her. I never thought I’d be sleeping here again.
I walked over to a pile of hay and sat on it.
“Why do you all smell so bad?” I asked the pigs.
“Oh well Lu Han, it is because we are pigs silly!” I responded back to myself.
“But mister pig, do you not know how to take a bath once in awhile haha,” I laughed at myself but soon made the pig respond.
“Oh Lu Han, I would if I could! I’m sorry the master threw you in here with us. Last time wasn’t so fun. I’m sorry for you when you were here Lu Han,” I made mister pig say.
“Oh it’s alright mister pig, I just-” I stopped for a moment and let a tear roll down my cheek.
“It’s just that, mister pig, I don’t have many friends you see. Being stuck here…it’s just, not my ideal scenario. I only want to make masters happy, now they are upset with me… I remember what it was like when I first came here…”
“Mom? Dad?” I asked as I shook their shoulders. They felt cold, lifeless…and they were covered in blood. 
The people from the next city over had come into the houses of all of the less fortunate, on a rampage. They were slaughtering innocent people, like my mom and dad…
“MOM! DAD!” I couldn’t help but continue to let tears roll down my face. It was a horrible experience, watching your parents get murdered in front of your own eyes. I collapsed on top of their bodies, sobbing until my eyes were red and swollen.
I soon woke up to feel a hand on my shoulder, I flinched.
“It’s okay Lu Han. I’m here,” she said. It was the woman that came to my parents shop. 
She was a good friend of ours, I remember her so well. She was still pregnant, soon to have her first child. I trusted her a lot, I stood next to her.
“Lu Han? Are you-” She began to talk but I cut her off. I rammed myself into her for a hug, I gripped her tightly sobbing uncontrollably. She rubbed my hair and kept whispering kind things into my ear.
“C’mon Lu Han. I want you to stay with us,” she whispered. I looked up into her big beautiful, trustworthy eyes and wiped my own. I nodded frantically, hugging her tightly once again.
We walked in silence to her home, where her husband was there to greet her as she walked in.
“Ah, and who is this?” He asked her.
“This is Lu Han. He is the child of the market folk I visit often. They are ever so kind honey,” she told him. She left my side and whispered something into his ear, which he gasped at.
“Oh my… Lu Han? Come, I’ll show you where you can sleep,” he said. I gave a nod and left the woman alone as she winked goodbye.
I followed him outside, and I was curious to where we were going.
“Here. See this? This is where the ‘help’ sleeps,” he pointed to a few barns built outside. One in particular looked a bit, worn down to say the least.
“Come Lu Han…” he guided me to the door and opened it to reveal three older women.
“Ladies. This is Lu Han. He is new help. Train him well,” he said and quickly left.
“Wait, Mr. Oh?” I asked.
“You are here because I don‘t want you in the way of the baby, and from now on it’s master or sir, understood? ” He asked me.
I stared at him with big eyes until he said, “Good.”
He walked out, slamming the door behind him.
I slowly turned around to see the ladies in aprons and tattered clothes staring at me.
“H-Hello, I’m Lu Han,” I said as kind as I could.
They all ran up to me at once and hugged me tightly.
“Poor boy!”
“Why would he do this to you?”
“I’m so sorry Lu Han!” Were the things I heard them say.
I escaped from their grips and backed up, running into the door. I slid down until I hit the ground, and silently began to cry. What did I do to deserve this? My parents were gone, and I’m still all alone.
It was so kind of them to take me in…so kind of them…
“IT’S A BOY!” Master ran into the kitchen and announced to us help.
“Congrats sir.”
“Great to hear it!”
“What’s his name?” I asked.
“Does it matt-” He was cut off by his wife.
“SEHUN! That’s his name. Isn’t he precious?” She asked, showing me the boy.
“H…Hi Sehun. I’m Lu Han,” I said shyly as I rubbed the little boy’s face.
“It’s your older brother Sehun! Say Hi,” she said to the baby.
My face grew red, older brother? I could feel the glares from my master.
“This is young master now Lu Han,” he told me and I nodded in understanding.
“Here Sehun, take the toy,” I said handing the baby a rattle.
He smiled at me and played with it as I got his juice. Baby Sehun wasn’t a baby anymore, he was a toddler three years old.
“LU! WHERE ARE YOUUU~” He mewed. I laughed and handed him a juice and sat on the ground next to him.
I kissed his forehead, “Don’t worry little guy I’m here.”
He smiled up at me and drank his juice, then my master called me.
“Coming sir! I will be back Sehun, stay put,” I told him as I ran off.
“LU HAN!” My master shouted. I quickly ran into the room to see a picture broken on the ground.
“Clean it up,” he ordered. I nodded to him and began picking up the shards of glass. One piece became lodged in my wrist, but I kept silent until the room was spotless.
There was a loud wail from downstairs, Sehun.
“Where is Sehun?” He asked me furious.
“I-I left him downstairs with his toys sir,” I responded, my wrist began bleeding down my arm. I tried to hide it as much as possible for fear of being scolded for getting the carpet dirty.
“SEHUN!” Master yelled and ran down the stairs, I diligently followed behind.
When I came into the room my eyes widened and a tear fell down my face. Sehun was crying because he was hurt, his head was split because he tried to follow me and fell. I felt pain strike my head and I out,
When I awoke I was in a shed, no… the barn. I heard my master’s voice.
“You will stay here until you know how to take care of Sehun,” and with that he left, locking the door behind him.
“Master? MASTER!” I shouted, tears streaming down my face.
I looked down at my arm to see it stained with my own blood, that shard of glass now penetrating me deep into my vein. I looked around for anything to bandage myself with until I saw a sack used to hold vegetables. I ripped it and tied it around my wrist, stopping the bleeding.
I came back into reality to see myself in the pigs stall, being none the less, surrounded with hay and waste. The stench was horrible, I felt as if I could pass out just from that. I was disgusted with myself for leaving Sehun alone.
How could I be so careless?
He was my brother?
What am I thinking… no he isn’t… he is just… my master.
“Back then mister pig, Sehun loved me so much and so did mother! Well, she isn’t MY mother…And father, I mean master, he always hated me from the beginning. He hasn’t changed at all. I love taking care of Sehun but I hate when he is upset. When he cries I want to cry. Do you understand mister pig?”
With that, mister pig didn’t say anything.
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yuu8713 #1
Chapter 7: omo~ Luhan found his father already? hopefully he'll get proper explanation as to why did his father left him behind…
Hunhannie813 #2
2509831936 #3
Chapter 6: i hope they grow older :3
Chapter 6: y luhannie life is getting worst.. make him escape or anything~
JennyLovesRIce #5
Chapter 6: yay~ update! ^^
Chapter 5: luhan~~ T______T
oohluhan #7
Chapter 5: update!!!AHHH I love this story!!! >_<
Chapter 5: my lu~ T.T