Sehun's Secret

The Prince and the Pauper



After blinking my eyes multiple times, I finally, fully awoke. 
“Mmm…Sehun?” I rubbed my eyes with my arm, and stumbled to my feet. 
“That’s…that’s right. I forgot all about yesterday…How silly of me,” I mumbled to myself.
I paced around the room for quite awhile, not exactly sure of the time. A gurgling sound came from my stomach, signaling for me to find food quickly. Which is what I began to do. In a barn, or shed so to speak, there isn’t much edible food. Though, after awhile, I managed to find some scraps of something worth eating. What it was, I am not exactly sure, but it smelt alright I suppose (depending on your definition of ‘alright’). After managing to scarf down the morsel of food, I let myself fall onto a pile of hay once again.
“Sehun…young master…why do you do these things to me? I care for you…All I wanted to do was protect Master’s vase, that’s all Sehun. Please don’t misunderstand my feelings young one, please.” I spoke aloud.
If only Sehun could hear my feelings, it might make matters better. I am not that lucky though, for him to secretly be behind the door listening to me speak, that is only something people in films do I presume. 
I shot up from my position in the stack of straw, and gained my balance on my feet. I quickly shuffled to the door.
Sehun’s voice.
“Lu? I’m…I’m really sorry…can you forgive me?” He asked in a whisper.
A small voice in the back of my mind was telling me to play hard to get, because a small part of me, a mere minute fraction, was upset.
“For what young master?” I asked him seriously.
“I…I didn’t mean to get you in trouble. Lu? I’m sorry…” Sehun then unlocked the door and jumped into my arms and began to weep silently. 
“Hun-nie~ Don’t cry, please. It makes me upset. Sehun?” He stopped instantly.
His big, round and wet eyes looked right into mine.
“Lu. Don’t leave me. Ever.” He said in a serious tone.
“Never, Sehun. Never.” I responded, keeping our eye contact.
He proceeded to take my pinky and thumb, and made it official with a pinky promise. He wrapped his small arms around my neck and snuggled into my shoulder. I have never felt so…warm.
“You’re annoying Lu! Leave it there and come play!” Sehun began to nag. I was ordered to clean, and that was what I was going to do. 
“Sehun, I’m busy. Please understand.” I told him firmly.
I heard a small sigh from his parted lips, and then tiny steps walking away. It caused me to eagerly spin around. To my surprise, Sehun was standing in the same spot, picking his feet up and down to make a walking noise.
“I never left Lu Han. You want me to stay that bad? HM?! HAHA LU!” He ran to my side and tightly embraced me.
“C’mon…play with me! We can run around in the garden! There is something I want to show you… come…” He dragged me by my wrist, and I had no choice but to oblige. 
After entering the large garden area, we began to stroll slowly together. Sehun occasionally teaching me about the different flowers, and when they bloom. Who would think such a young boy knew so much?
“Those only grow this time of year…aren’t they pretty?” He asked, looking up at me.
I could only nod, because my amazement took over. It was beautiful. I only saw the garden area from a distance, and never have experienced it first hand.
“This way…” We quickly turned a corner and were at a dead end, with brick walls covered in ivy.
“There is nothing here Sehun.” I pointed out.
“That’s where you are wrong.” He pushed aside a clump of ivy to reveal a door. At which he pulled a key out of his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole. He slowly twisted the knob and it opened.
He dragged me, again, into the concealed area of the garden.
“Well? It’s my special place. When you won’t play with me…I come here,” he stated quietly.
I knelt down beside him, “Why did you show me your secret place?”
“It’s not mine…it’s ours.”
I slowly straightened my back and stood up, in shock. My mind was not processing this situation…
“Lu? C’mon!” He ran into another direction and I followed. He ran through mazes of flower bushes, and led me finally to a large tree with a swing.
“Push me Lu!” He ordered.
He ran up to the swing and plopped down, excitedly bouncing in the seat. Once I walked behind him I began to push him, and he began telling me about the garden, and how he cries sometimes when I can’t play.
I am a horrible brother.
“Lu Han!” His voice shot me out of my daydream, and he was already climbing the tree.
“SEHUN! GET DOWN! You…you’ll get seriously injured!” I said with concern clearly heard in my voice.
“NO! YOU come up HERE!” He said while giggling.
Only this once…
It was dark, and we were lying on the grass, looking up at the marvelous stars. Then Sehun told me something very out of the ordinary…
“Lu Han? When I’m older… don’t let me forget these moments. I want to know all the times we had. I’ve been writing all our funs times in this…” 
He showed me a beaten up, old journal. Each page a different date and activity. Even if it was just, ‘talk with Lu for an hour’ it was there. 
I began to feel a tear roll down my face.
“Sometimes, I feel like we are drifting apart. I don’t want that to happen. Ever. I love you Lu. Remember that.”
He rolled over and cuddled into my side, causing me to smile.
We sat there for a long time, but time had no importance, none at all.
I heard loud shouts in the distance, it caused me to awake in a scare.
I was back in my sleeping area.
“How did I get back here?” I thought to myself.
“LU HAN!” It was master.
I knew I was in for it this time.
“Taking Sehun into the garden at UNIMAGNIABLE hours? On top of that, you DID NOT finish your duties. Your punishment?”
I was waiting for the worse to escape his evil lips, but I only got a sigh. A small, minuscule sigh, barely noticeable. 
“Sir?” I was quite scared to say only that.
“Lu Han… Sehun has fallen ill. Usually the blame would be on you, but I’m afraid I can’t do that this time.”
My eyes widened, and he noticed.
“Sehun told me it was his idea to go into the garden. He was in contact with something he was allergic to. He had an attack. He is in his room, if you want to see him. I suggest-”
I never let him finish. I sprinted to his room, it was my fault all along. I never finished my work, I let the younger drag me around… It is my fault. It is all my fault. If only-
After bursting through the door, I saw a small, weak Sehun lying on his bed. Eyes closed, and a mother over his shoulder, Sehun looked so helpless. What did he do to deserve this kind of treatment?
“Se-Sehun?” I took baby steps towards him.
“SHH~” Mother said. She was giving me a wave of her hand, signaling me to leave immediately. I understood and backed out of the room.
I set my head against his bedroom door, and let the tears flow naturally.
“Sehun, I apologize. It’s all my fault. This time it’s your turn to forgive ME…”
Anywho... Was it an okay chapter? Yes it's short I understand, cut me some slack xD
School has been a huge POOP right on my writing.
Sorry for mistakes! 
Commenters, subbers and silent readers I LOVE YOU ALL! You make this story happen!
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yuu8713 #1
Chapter 7: omo~ Luhan found his father already? hopefully he'll get proper explanation as to why did his father left him behind…
Hunhannie813 #2
2509831936 #3
Chapter 6: i hope they grow older :3
Chapter 6: y luhannie life is getting worst.. make him escape or anything~
JennyLovesRIce #5
Chapter 6: yay~ update! ^^
Chapter 5: luhan~~ T______T
oohluhan #7
Chapter 5: update!!!AHHH I love this story!!! >_<
Chapter 5: my lu~ T.T