"I Like You"


"Hey, look at this," Chansung said excitedly as he lay on his belly on the floor next to Bekah.

"Hmm?" She said, still immersed in the contents of the book she was reading.

She looked up when he nudged her.

"We're going to Jeju island for a class field trip next month for a long weekend. Class bonding, I guess," he grinned at her.

"Oh my gosh, really? That's so exciting!" She exclaimed, setting her book down and reading the e-mail more carefully.

They were sitting on the floor of his room, just hanging out like he promised. It was the greatest thing about being with Chansung: they could sit and not talk for hours, but it never felt strange. Her heart always raced when she sat next to him, yet she was still extremely relaxed. 

"I'm hungry," he pouted at her.

"Go feed yourself, then. It's your house, isn't it?"

"Come with me, please?"

She rolled her eyes, "I mean... I don't know, Chansung..."

"God, you're so mean to me."

She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Come on," without another word he grabbed her hand and pulled her up onto her feet and dragged her down to the kitchen.


She tried to fight him as he pulled her through the hallway, but he was far stronger than she (though she was extremely strong to begin with.) When she realized that he was too strong to fight, she started to tickle him. They both laughed and giggled as they struggled to the kitchen, tickling one another and trying to get away from the other. 

When he let go of ther, she sprinted away to the kitchen as he followed.

"Now, sit," he said to her.

"What am I? Your dog?" She replied snarkily, her face still bright red from laughing so hard.

"No. But if you want to stand for the next half hour that I cook, you're totally welcome."

"But I want to help!" She whined.

"Fine; help me get the things from the fridge."

She laughed cutely as she shuffled to the refrigerator, grabbing the ingredients as he dictated them to her.

"Udon," he said as the last ingredient on the list.

"Where...?" She squinted as she tried to find it in the refrigerator.

Chansung was setting up the cutting board and vegetables on the counter behind her as he listened to her struggle to find the noodles.

"Hey, babo." He walked up behind her, trying to look for the udon as well. He tried to get a better look by getting closer to the fridge, forgetting that Bekah was stuck in between; she was uncomfortably pressed against the door, facing Chansung's wide chest.

"Chan, a little more personal space please," She said as she pressed her hands gently on his chest.

With one hand, he covered both her hands and kept them there, "Just a second."

He knew very well that she was there now, but he liked the feeling of being so close to her with her hands on his chest.

She blushed slightly. It wasn't much like her to blush, but she was so flustered by the position she was in that she couldn't control it.

"Ah, here it is," he said, turning away still holding her hands on his chest.

"Can I have my hands back now?" Bekah said sarcasticly.

"Hmm?" He pretended to be spaced out, reading the label on the package. "Oh. Yeah." He lifted his hand.


When they finished eating he suggested that they go for a walk outside.

With their jackets on, they set off on their excursion.

For a while they were walking silently, but then Chansung asked Bekah if she had liked anyone at the moment.

"Um.... no. Not really. Just the occasional: 'oh he's cute'. But besides that... no," She lied.

"Ah, I see."


"I don't know if you can call it "liking", but I do find her attractive."

"Attractive in what way?"

"She's pretty, and she has a nice body."

"Is that it?"

"Well... I mean... she's smart?"

"Are you talking about Hara?"

"How'd you know?"

Bekah rolled her eyes, "How does anyone not know?" Her heart beat faster. So he likes Hara; that must mean that he only thinks of a friend right now.

He chuckled, "I guess."

"So you think she's physically attractive... what about her personality?"

"I mean... it's alright."

"And you like her?"

"I don't know.... Why are you interogating me about this?"

"I'm not. I'm just... a concerned friend. I don't want you to be falling for someone that could hurt you."

He smoothed her hair, "Thanks, man."

They trekked on.

"By the way you see things, do you think she likes me back?"

"Probably. You guys spend a lot of time together, don't you?"

"Yeah, but we never actually talk about a lot of things. She's just really flirty."

"How do you do that?"

"What, flirt?"

"No. How do you like someone who you don't even know that well? How can you like someone when you don't even like their personality that much?"

"Bekah, I said I liked her. Not that I was going to commit my life to her. Calm down," He smiled gently.

She rolled her eyes at him again, walking a little faster towards the playground they were making their way towards.


"Hey, Bekah!" He called to her as he tried to catch up with her.

She sat on a swing.

He stopped in front of her and crouched down.

"What's wrong? Did I say something?"

She didn't want an old situation to play out again; if she told him how she really felt, he might just abandon her again.

"No, I'm just a little tired."

"Bull." He said quietly.


"You heard me. Bull."

"But I am!"

"Okay..." He got up and sat on the swing next to her.

She swung in low swings, thinking about how happy she'd be if only he had said that the girl he liked was her.

"What if...." he began, "What if I were to tell you that I like you?"

Surprised, she turned to him.

"How would you react?"


"Would you accept my confession?"

"Are you trying to tell me now?"

"Depends," He smiled as he turned to look at the stars in the sky.


"How you'd react."

"Chansung, are you teasing me? Do you want to die?"

He chuckled. "No, I promise that I'm not."

She was at a loss for words. Was this the moment that she'd been waiting for?

"I like you too." She said quietly.

"What was that?" He pretended not to hear her.

"I like you too." She said louder.

"I'm sorry. I can't hear you."

"Hwang Chansung, I'm hopelessly in love with you." She said assertively.

He smiled, looking at the ground, then turned and looked at her, grinning.


Haha thanks for all your comments!!

Sorry that it took me so long to update I've been so busy with school and studying TT_______TT

But here I am! With another chapter! I hope it was good. ^-^

More comments and subscribers would be much appreciated!


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 11: New reader. Hope you will update one day. I just love chansung so much. Hahaha
Chapter 11: Update pliizz :)
awww.. i just started reading this! i prefer wookah over chankah? lol <33 update soon! if you want a poster, feel free to request here.. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/134757 ^^
their relationship really complicated. <br />
i like how bekah having happiness with wooyoung. n i just its stop in there.<br />
but there r chansung who really want to back to bekah. i just feel not like if chansung will ruin bekah feeling to wooyoung. even chansung already change.
Aww Wooyoung & Bekah is a cute couple but so is Chansung & Bekah. Idk which couple to choose. So now its a fight for Bekah's heart.
Countless_stars10 #6
I'm glad you decided not to abandon us. Lol. Ugh, this is so hard. Bekah and Wooyoung are really cute together as for Channie... I really wished it would have worked between them both. But I don't want her to get hurt again... I feel bad for Nichkhun.
simple-love #7
I love your fic. new reader here.keep updating im sointothefic right now. i feel so sad for khunnie.
I am so glad I found this fic! *new reader alert* I really like Bekah from AS and my two biases from 2pm are nickhun and chansung. Waaaahh~ i'm on cloud nine~ please update soon.<br />
<br />
I kind of feel bad for nickhun in chap.10, I hope he still has a chance... XD.
chaymmc #9
poor khun. but i love that bekah is now the one who's going out with others. chansung needs to learn his lesson.
Omo! First I was like yay Misunderstanding updated 2 times in a row ^^ lol Chansung oppa can be so mean to Khun sometimes :(