

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

"Will you stop that?" Nana said in a hushed tone as they sat in the empty classroom, early for psychology class.

"Sorry, I'm just a little... anxious..." Bekah replied as she put her pencil down on the desk.

"Ugh, I'm sure things are fine, now. Stop worrying, okay? It's not good for you."

Psychology was the only class that Bekah had with Chansung. He usually sat three seats away from her around the oval table; that way he wouldn't have to sit across the table from her, nor would he have to sit next to her. At least that's what she how she analyzed it.

Taecyeon walked in.

"Hey guys," he said greasily.

"Hey," Bekah and Nana both said at the same time, but with completely different expressions. Bekah was too worried about how things really were with Chansung, and Nana was completely infatuated with Taecyeon, so she had a certain flirty tone to her "hey".

As everyone began to roll into the classroom, Bekah finally saw Chansung cooly making his way into the classroom, spotting the empty seat next to her, then plopping himself down in it.

He flashed his charismatic smile at her, "Hey."

She couldn't help but to smile back; it was like second nature for her to smile when she saw him smiling so kindly at her. 

When class started, Chansung looked panicked.

"What's up," She asked him with wide-eyes.

"I forgot my textbook..."

"Here; I'll share." She pushed the textbook to her left so that it was positioned between them.

"Thanks, Bex." He was looking at her with that expression again, and as always, she didn't bother looking at him; she didn't have to.

About halfway through class, everyone started dozing off. It wasn't that psychology was a boring class-- it was their teacher that made everything dreary and boring. Even Bekah, who was one of the best students, felt her eyelids weighing down like a ton of bricks.

It wasn't until Chansung poked the arm that she was resting her head on that she was basically in a coma.

"Look!" He mouthed to her as he pointed to her textbook.

"Hmm?" Bekah looked down at the open page.

On the blank spot of the page, there was a drawing of her. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't exactly a masterpiece either. For one thing he had her eyes right.

She smiled at him, and decided to draw him. She sketched everything perfectly, his big eyes, his high nose-bridge, even the way his upper lip hung loosely when he was in a daze.

Everyone knew that she was an amazing artist, Chansung especially. He was always trying to get her to draw him, but she always declined, telling him that she didn't have enough time to when really, she just didn't want to draw him poorly and suffer embarassment.

"Ja-jjan!" She whispered to him as she pointed to the drawing.

"Wahh," he was speechless at the accuracy of her drawing.

She stared at him. He was so cute when he was surprised or impressed-- like a timid little boy. If it weren't for his cold heartbreaker alter ego, he would probably be the most perfect boy she had ever known.

Suddenly, their psychology teacher cleared his throat.

"Bekah and Chansung... do you have something to share?" He said sternly.

They looked at each other. Bekah couldn't help but stifle a laugh when Chansung made a face at her.

"Is something funny?" He asked again.

Chansung cleared his throat, "No."

"Then would you like to share what the two of you are drawing in your textbook? Perhaps we could analyze your drawings and hence your personality."

Everyone else in the room nodded. 'Anything but but his boring lectures' everyone though to themselves.

Bekah frantically looked at Chansung; she never really liked publically showing off her artwork. It was really just a preference of keeping to herself.

"This drawing of Chansung is very good, Bekah..." Their teacher said with a surprised tone.

"Oh... Thanks." She shyly replied.

Chansung nudged her a little and smiled at her with an I-told-you-so sort of look.

"Let's analyze Chansung's drawing first, shall we?" Their teacher said as he held up the drawing. "Any thoughts?"

Taecyeon raised his hand.


"It seemed as if Chansung put a lot of time into drawing Bekah's eyes; I know that he usually finds girls with pretty eyes attractive.... Maybe... and I'm just saying that this is a theory... He thinks that Bekah has really pretty eyes, which is why he spent so much time perfecting them... which may then mean that he likes her?" Taecyeon smiled cheekily at Bekah as she glared at him for making things so awkward.

Nana then raised her hand ignoring Taecyeon's stupid comment, "I think that the reason why he, or anyone for that matter, emphasized her eyes and is attracted to eyes is because they're either extremely afraid of judgement and rules, and so they overcompensate, or they're all about rules... and..."

"and maybe he sees Bekah as a powerful figure. We usually think of the eyes by themselves as a symbol for a powerful being watching over us; he sees her as knowledgeable and all-knowing person in his life," Minho finished Nana's sentence the way she intended on finishing it.

"Wait! If he really looks for a girl with charismatic eyes, and eyes symbolize power... then doesn't that mean that he likes a powerful girl?" Jay asked.

"Bekah's a very dominant girl," Joon said, joining in with the class, hinting that Chansung liked her.

"Chansung? What do you think?" The teacher picked on him again.

Chansung sat silently, turning a little red. "Maybe we should analyze her drawing of me and then come back to mine.."

Jay glanced over at the clock, "Woops. No time, Chansung. The class period is over!"

Everyone but Chansung scrambled, picking up their books and stationary, throwing them all into their bookbags and exiting the classroom, Bekah included. He simply sat there, dumbstruck at how everyone basically just saw right through him. 'Stupid drawing,' he thought. 'How the hell do you get so much information from a measly drawing that took ten minutes?'

"Hey, do you have lunch now?" Bekah poked her head back in the doorway.

"Um.." He mumbled as he sat there, collecting all that had just happened.

"What are you doing?" She walked back into the classroom.

"Just... packing up," He said as he grabbed his books and shoved them into his bag.

She giggled, "Silly Chansung, you look so weird sitting here by yourself... Do you have lunch now?" She repeated again as she helped him put his pens back in the pencil case.

"Mmm." He grunted a little as he nodded his head. 

"Let's go," She said with caution, hoping he wouldn't take it as an invitation for something more than friendship and be frightened off again.

He flashed his charming smile at her again as he stood up and walked with her to the cafeteria.


haha another chapter. Hope you liked it!!

I'm not quite sure why, but my teachers haven't been giving me a lot of work lately... which means that I have time to update ^-^

anyways, please leave a comment and subscribe!! :)








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brat2104 #1
Chapter 11: New reader. Hope you will update one day. I just love chansung so much. Hahaha
Chapter 11: Update pliizz :)
awww.. i just started reading this! i prefer wookah over chankah? lol <33 update soon! if you want a poster, feel free to request here.. ^^
their relationship really complicated. <br />
i like how bekah having happiness with wooyoung. n i just its stop in there.<br />
but there r chansung who really want to back to bekah. i just feel not like if chansung will ruin bekah feeling to wooyoung. even chansung already change.
Aww Wooyoung & Bekah is a cute couple but so is Chansung & Bekah. Idk which couple to choose. So now its a fight for Bekah's heart.
Countless_stars10 #6
I'm glad you decided not to abandon us. Lol. Ugh, this is so hard. Bekah and Wooyoung are really cute together as for Channie... I really wished it would have worked between them both. But I don't want her to get hurt again... I feel bad for Nichkhun.
simple-love #7
I love your fic. new reader here.keep updating im sointothefic right now. i feel so sad for khunnie.
I am so glad I found this fic! *new reader alert* I really like Bekah from AS and my two biases from 2pm are nickhun and chansung. Waaaahh~ i'm on cloud nine~ please update soon.<br />
<br />
I kind of feel bad for nickhun in chap.10, I hope he still has a chance... XD.
chaymmc #9
poor khun. but i love that bekah is now the one who's going out with others. chansung needs to learn his lesson.
Omo! First I was like yay Misunderstanding updated 2 times in a row ^^ lol Chansung oppa can be so mean to Khun sometimes :(