

It had been three months since Wooyoung and Bekah started dating, and she felt as if Wooyoung was someone she wasnted to spend the rest of eternity with.

Chansung, on the other hand, had to endure watching them cuddle in the library or have lunch together. He knew that there was no hope for the future-- that he should just move on. Who was he to her anymore anyway? She had someone better.

Maybe now, that speech that he gave to Khun was supposed to be given to him by Wooyoung. He deserved every word of it though, and he knew it.

She had always thought that he was playing mind games with her-- trying to make her lose, and maybe gaining some personal happiness out of knowing that he has so much control over her.

But none of that mattered anymore; she was happy with exactly the way things were going.

She loved Wooyoung's charisma, the way he would make her laugh or the way that he would listen to her. He was very transparent, and she loved that there was never any guesswork invovled. Everything she saw was everything she got.

Nichkhun had to bear the same amount of emotional distress as Chansung, except he still felt like he had a chance if he could just somehow get her alone. His friends had advised him against it-- she was afterall in a serious relationship now. For some reason, however, he just couldn't let go of her. 

After he figured out that Chansung wasn't actually going out on a date with her that night, but rather she was going on a date with Wooyoung, he was thrown into a frenzy. He had no idea why Chansung had even covered up for her or why she hadn't just told him the truth.


One snowy weekend afternoon, Wooyoung and Bekah decided to hang out at his house to prepare for a surprise birthday party for his sister.

She was in charge of baking as he decorated the house.

"Wooyoung, that's possibly the two ugliest colors to put together..." she commented as she slid the birthday cake into the oven.

He was standing at the top step of the ladder, sticking two balloons onto the wall. Turning around carefully, making sure not to fall, he squinted at her.

She walked over to the bottom of the ladder, climbing up and sharing a step with him. 

"Well, if it bothers you so much," he said in a sultry tone, "then you tell me what colors to put together."

She giggled as he leaned in to her.

"What goes well with dark purple?"

"Lime green."

"Alright, then." He grabbed a lime green balloon out of the bag and blew it up, finishing by sticking it onto the wall next to the purple balloon. "Have I satisfied your inner artist, now?"

She nodded.

He laughed, "Good."

He kissed her forehead.

"We'd better pick up the pace. It's already four... she'll be home in about an hour and a half, right?" Bekah said, blushing from his cute, caring personality.

He nodded, "Other people are going to start arriving at five."

"Who did you invite?"

"A bunch of her work friends and other friends, family, um... a couple of our friends."

"Like... who...?"

"Umm... Taecyeon, Nana, Nichkhun, Gahee and Chansung for you, and a couple of my buddies," he said casually.


"Why, is there someone you don't want to see?" He looked concerned.

"Um.... I don't really talk to Chansung and Nichkhun anymore," she said.

"Ah.... You told me before, kind of... what happened... I'm sorry, I didn't know if you guys were close anymore, I just thought you'd like to have more people here you knew..."

"Wooyoung, it's okay," she smiled shyly, holding onto his arm. "As long as you stay with me tonight, everything will be fine."

"I will."

For a moment they just looked at each other, thinking to themselves how lucky they were to find each other.


Meanwhile, Chansung sat in his room listening to some calming music, still trying to decide if he should go to Wooyoung's sister's birthday party tonight or not. If he was going to he'd have to start getting ready now.

He reluctantly got off his bed and shut off his computer, shuffling over to his closet to get his things together.

Why not. 

It had been a while since he got to hang out with Bekah, even though she probably didn't even realize it.

But she did, and even though she was anxious about having Chansung and Nichkhun in the same area around her, she still wanted to see them both.

He slipped on a dark purple sweater, a nice pair of jeans and made his way down the stairs to grab a pair of shoes.

Right as he was about to walk out the front door, his brother stopped him.

"Yo, where are you going?" He asked, curious as to why Chansung was so nicely dressed.

"To some friend's sister's party."

"Is that Bekah girl going to be there by any chance?"

"Why...?" Chansung started to get defensive; his brother had better not think about making moves on Bekah.

"Calm down, dude. I'm just wondering if that's why you're so dressed up."

Chansung smirked, "Nah, she's in a relationship with someone, now."

His brother gawked at him, "No way; I thought you guys were dating."

Chansung couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Nope."

"Can I give you some brotherly advice, Chansung?"


"Stop messing around. That other girl... what's her name...?"


"Yeah. That one. Stop fooling around. I know you were only with her because you thought she was really hot, but come on. Bekah's beautiful and she's sweet. You're ridiculous."

"It's a little late now, isn't it?"

"No," he shook his head calmly. "It's never too late for anything."

Chansung looked at him skeptically, turning away to ponder what his brother had just told him, "Alright, well. I have to go if I don't want to be late."

"See ya, bro."

He shut the door behind him, wondering how his brother could read his mind like that.

There was one thing his brother missed though: the other reason why he had never held onto Bekah was because he knew that she was easily conquered-- there was no real chase, and the relationship was so tame-- too tame. Hara, Yoona and everyone else... came only with some real work on his part... there was a thrill that he got out of it. 

A thrill he didn't quite understand now that he had lost Bekah.

The thoughts twisted and contorted in his mind, but all he could do was continue walking to Wooyoung's house.

He didn't really have to think much about directions. When they were all younger he would always be at Wooyoung's house. They were close friends back in the day. Something had pulled them apart-- probably the fact that they had different interests. He was into his martial arts and Wooyoung was into dance. Though once in a while Chansung would show up to the dance studio for dance team auditions, they barely ever saw each other.

At least he knew that Bekah was with someone he trusted.

When he reached the front door, he knocked hard, hoping that he wasn't too late for the surprise.

Bekah opened the door and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the house.

"You're so late!!" She scolded, "What if she saw you?!"

He smiled faintly, "Are those the first words you've spoken to me for a month? Wow, Bekah."

She rolled her eyes and smiled back. He missed her smile.

"Go and hide behind that couch."  She pointed to a spot next to Wooyoung.

He jogged over to a spot next to Wooyoung. 

"Sup," Chansung nodded to Wooyoung.

"It's been a while, bro."

"We should hang out some time; catch up..." Chansung suggested.

But before Wooyoung could reply, they heard a key turning the lock and the door creaking open.

His sister flicked on the lights and everyone jumped out to yell surprise. 

Bekah the music as everyone went to congratulate her on turning 22.

Wooyoung stood by Bekah, knowing that he would have his chance later to say happy birthday.

Chansung knew that it would be rude if he didn't join the welcoming crowd. He reluctantly left Wooyoung and Bekah to be alone.

"'It's been a while'? I didn't know you were friends with Chansung," Bekah inquired.

Wooyoung smiled, "Yeah, we used to be buddies back in middle school and part of lower school."

"What happened?"

"eh, you know. We just drifted apart. He had his interests, I had mine. We just didn't really have time to ever just hang out."

"I see..." Bekah said as she grabbed a cup of water from the dining room table.

Chansung returned soon and stood by Bekah. "You planned this?"

She smiled, "Sort of... with his help of course." She grabbed Wooyoung's hand and squeezed it.

"The food's really good," he said as he took a big bite out of the cake.


They stood there silently, leaning against the kitchen counter, waiting for the other one to start a conversations. It had been so long that they didn't even know what to talk about anymore. Chansung would have started a conversation, but everything he thought of would have been awkward to talk about in front fo Wooyoung.

But soon that wasn't a problem. Wooyoung had to go entertain some of his family members and reluctantly parted with Chansung and Bekah.

"Did you do the decorations too?" Chansung asked.

"Well... sort of. Wooyoung put them up, but I directed him," she smiled, remembering what had happened earlier.

"I'm sorry... but the balloons look really awkard... just being taped against the wall like that," Chansung laughed.

She shot him a glare, "Are you telling me I have bad taste in decorations?"


"Do you want to take this outside?" Bekah playfully asked trying to break the tension.

"I'm glad you asked," He said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her outside to the snowy backyard.

She exhaled a puff of white air. "I was kidding." She glared.

"I know. But look at how quiet it is out here!" He exclaimed, laughing.

The snow was thickly laid down on the ground and just the right consistency for any snow activities.

She crossed her ams, "I'm cold."

He wanted to take her hands and warm them up, but he knew that wouldn't be right.

"Let's make a snowman," He quickly suggested.

"Are you kidding?" She asked.

"No! Come on. It can be small."

He began to roll snow into a big enough clump to pass for a snowman body. When he saw that she was just standing there watching him, he stood up and grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to the snowman.

"Start building, missy." 

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Fine."

She began patting snow into a ball then rolling it on the ground to make it bigger. Before they knew it, they had made a snowman that ws pretty impressive in size. Their faces were red from the cold, and they also sniffled, but something about the moment made every minute worth it.

"He doesn't have eyes or a mouth," she said as they took a step back.

"Hmm... I know." Chansung made his way around to a patch of ground that wasn't covered by the snow and picked up two smooth stones. When he returned he placed them on the snowman's face. "Ta-da!"

She smiled at how cute he was acting.

"Come on," she said, "We should probably go back inside."

"Wait," he stopped her before she could open the door.

"What?" She turned around.

"We have to give it a name," he said, staring at her.

She laughed, "Fine. You name it."

"Let's decide on a gender first," he took his time. He really didn't want to go back to the crowd of people inside and lose her to someone else.

"Chan!! I'm cold!" 

"Okay, okay. Bek-Sung." He paused, "That's it's name."

She laughed, "You're so creative."

"Thanks, I know." 

"Alright, Bek-Sung it is," she turned around and grabbed the doorknob, waiting for Chansung to come closer before opening the door.

A rush of warm air welcomed them in.

The first person to spot Bekah was Wooyoung; they made direct eye contact, and she blushed.

Chansung could see the strong connection between them, and slowly slipped away from her to give her some private time with Wooyoung.

Why was he being so passive? He had always been a fighter-- especially when it came to Bekah. He never let Nichkhun get close to her, why was he suddenly letting Wooyoung have his chance?

He kept thinking, and thinking. Then it hit him; it was probably because he knew that Nichkhun wasn't right for Bekah... does that mean that he knew, deep down inside, that Wooyoung was right for her?

He sighed.

"Yo, Chansung," Nichkhun waved.

Chansung looked around, and saw him standing with Nana and Taecyeon.

He walked over, "What's up, guys."

"What were you guys just doing outside?" He asked.

"We made a snowman," Chansung chuckled.

"I hope you're not trying to break them up," Nichkhun casually slipped.

"What? No..." Chansung let the rest of his sentence hang.

"I'm so happy for her! So happy that she's finally with someone that is so into her," Nana said, not realizing what she said directly insulted Chansung.

His insides twisted. 

Taecyeon could tell that he wasn't comfortable so he changed the subject, "Wait... have you guys finished your psychology paper, yet?"

"Yeah, almost." Nana said. "Why?"

"No reason, just wondering..."

Chansung looked over at Bekah again. She was laughing with Wooyoung, Junsu and Junho by the kitchen counter.

She could feel his eyes on her ans looked up in his direction.

They gazed at each other from across the room and stared for a while, smiling brightly before looking away again.

"I saw that," Jay snuck up beside him.

"What?" Chansung tried to act dumb.

Gahee stood next to Jay, arms crossed, smiling, "Me too."

"What did you guys see?" He continued to play dumb.

"Ugh. Stop playing around, Chansung; you don't need to pretend. We know," Gahee said.

Chansung smiled and looked away.

Gahee and Jay-- whoever would have known that they would start dating? I mean... everyone knew that Jay had always like Gahee.. but what made her change her mind? For the longest time, it seemed as if Gahee had no feelings for Jay... at least no romantic feelings.

Looking at them was like looking in a mirror... except, now they had moved onto a further stage than Bekah and he would probably never reach.

"How did you just let her slip past you like that?" Jay nudged.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Chansung replied casually. He never really had a conversation with Jay before; it felt weird telling a stranger the details of his love life.

But then Gahee asked him the same question, and he couldn't not reply. She was a friend of his-- his noona. 

He sighed and replied, "I just made her unhappy, and now she's in a better place."

"But what compelled you to make her unhappy?" she asked.

"Knowing that she was always there for me... I just... took advantage of it."

"Go talk to her... invite her out or something. You guys are still friends, right?"


"Go. Now. Look! She's walking this way," Gahee quickly said.

"Hey guys," Bekah sat down next to Chansung on the couch.

"Hey; I heard that Minho is throwing a house party next weekend... he invited me... want to come with?"

"Uh.... I mean... I'd love to, but I don't know if I should," she hesitated.

"Come on," he pouted, "It'll be fun."

She looked down at her fiddling hands and let out a sigh, "Why not."

"I'll come pick you up then, on Saturday night."

Gahee winked at him; hopefully this will be his chance to redeem himself in Bekah's eyes, but how was he supposed to do that when Wooyoung, a childhood friend of his was so in love with her, and she was so in love with him?



omg, it's been so long since I've written in this story! 

:F sorry to keep you guys waiting... for a while I thought about abandoning this fic... and then I realized how many of you were actually reading it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support!

i will do my best to update as frequently as possible!!!


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 11: New reader. Hope you will update one day. I just love chansung so much. Hahaha
Chapter 11: Update pliizz :)
awww.. i just started reading this! i prefer wookah over chankah? lol <33 update soon! if you want a poster, feel free to request here.. ^^
their relationship really complicated. <br />
i like how bekah having happiness with wooyoung. n i just its stop in there.<br />
but there r chansung who really want to back to bekah. i just feel not like if chansung will ruin bekah feeling to wooyoung. even chansung already change.
Aww Wooyoung & Bekah is a cute couple but so is Chansung & Bekah. Idk which couple to choose. So now its a fight for Bekah's heart.
Countless_stars10 #6
I'm glad you decided not to abandon us. Lol. Ugh, this is so hard. Bekah and Wooyoung are really cute together as for Channie... I really wished it would have worked between them both. But I don't want her to get hurt again... I feel bad for Nichkhun.
simple-love #7
I love your fic. new reader here.keep updating im sointothefic right now. i feel so sad for khunnie.
I am so glad I found this fic! *new reader alert* I really like Bekah from AS and my two biases from 2pm are nickhun and chansung. Waaaahh~ i'm on cloud nine~ please update soon.<br />
<br />
I kind of feel bad for nickhun in chap.10, I hope he still has a chance... XD.
chaymmc #9
poor khun. but i love that bekah is now the one who's going out with others. chansung needs to learn his lesson.
Omo! First I was like yay Misunderstanding updated 2 times in a row ^^ lol Chansung oppa can be so mean to Khun sometimes :(