Chapter 15 - He Understands Now.

A Bad Boy And A Good Girl?

The next morning you wake up,  not feeling well at all. When you reach the bottom of the steps, you see Taeyang, GD, Daesung and Seungri all hanging around, sipping on their coffee.

Daesung: How are you feeling?

You: *suprised they're there* I... I guess I'm alright...

Taeyang: I knew hyung loved you....

Seungri: Hyung you can't just say that so plainly...

Taeyang: Well it's true, I always knew he had feelings for her, he was just way too stubborn to admit it.

Daesung: Aniyo, he's just harsh on himself and thought she could do better. That's what I got from it anyway...

Seungri: *walks over to you*

You: *sad* Do you think he'll be okay?

Seungri: You know, he's probably at the studio so there's really no need to worry.

You: You think so?

Seungri: I do, I think he'll be there. He probably slept there.

You run upstairs, get changed then race back down to grab your keys and without a word you run out the door and straight to the elevator. You run to the bus stop and then pay your money to get  onto the bus. When it arrives at the studio, you run off like a crazy person and unlock the doors as you go. Finally you reach the recording studio. You enter with your eyes slightly shut, you're so worried he won't be there. When the door is fully open, you widen your eyes to see TOP listening to music and sitting back on a nice comfy black chair.

You: You! I was so worried about you! *sobbing*

TOP: *turns around to see tears streaming down your face* 

You: I wish... I wish sometimes I'd never accepted this job! I wish I'd never met you!

TOP is sitting there with an odd look on his face.

You: How many times do you want to break my heart?! How many?! I searched for you almost all night! 

TOP: You were out by yourself at night?

You: Aniyo, Ji Yong oppa was there with me.... He was there and you weren't....

TOP: Then why not date him?

You: *crying* Pabo! I never stopped liking you!! I never ever even loved that other guy one bit. Ji Yong is the same! I love him but only as a dear friend! You're so stupid!

All of a sudden you feel those big arms wrap around you and embrace you in whole. Your first reaction was to struggle but now that his arms have wrapped you up tightly, you really don't want him to let go. You quietly sob and leave a little stain on his shirt as you lift your head up to hear him speak to you. 

You: Sorry *looking at the patch on his shirt, you're still crying*

TOP: Aniyo, it's my fault you're crying so I should be the one to dry those tears.

You: *sniffling*

TOP: *gets out his hanky and wipes your tears up gently* You know.... I thought you'd really gotten over me...

You: *sniff sniff* I'm sorry.

TOP: I thought you really did like that guy.... 

You: I broke up with him last night.... 

TOP: *nods* Please don't cry anymore *hugs you* Just be happy.

You: Neh oppa~ *still a little sniffly*

TOP: I love you so much.... Did you know that?

You: I know now *a little smile forms on your face as you look up*

TOP: *smiles at you*

You: Omo! Oppa smiles?

TOP: Shhhh~ *holds his index finger against your lips* I'll only ever smile sincerly for you. This smile is for you and you only.

You: You won't share it?

TOP: I don't smile for just anyone you know? It takes a special kind of girl.

TOP leans in closer and closer until your lips touch. Gently he pushes forward closing any gaps with his full lips. He breaks the kiss and looks in your eyes. You look back at him with all the love you ever felt for him. His response... Another kiss. This time it's not just a gentle press, it's a more forceful push. As he pushes you breaks your mouth open and before you know it, you're experiening your first french kiss. He's done it before so he takes charge, teaching you the way. You get caught up in the kiss and when you think you know what is happening, you respond, kissing him passionatly.

TOP: You know... I'm older and I'm not as happy a person as you, I can't seem to make others happy around me the way you do... But I hope you'll always love me. No matter what.... I'm always going to love you.... 

You: I don't care how cold you are to anyone else or how distant you might seem. I know your close to me and the warmth in your eyes doesn't lie.

TOP: I've been meaning to ask you....

You: Neh...?

TOP: The engagement.... It's real right? I mean I did give you my grandmothers ring and you are still wearing it.... Do you think maybe you want to marry me?

You: *blink a few times* Is this.... Is this you asking me to marry you?

TOP: Mmm, If that's what you want to call it... Then I guess it is...

You: *hug him tightly* Oppa! I don't ever want to let you go. Do you really want to send forever with me?

TOP: Aniyo.... Forever in this life and forever in the next.... Deal?

You: Deal!

Later on you arrive back at the apartment with TOP. You walk into the lounge room where the others are and they see you and TOP. 

GD: Seunghyun....

TOP: Sorry....

Daesung: Wait! Did hyung just apologize?

Seungri: *nods slowly*

Taeyang: What're you sorry for?

TOP: For being so stupid I gues....I know you all were trying to help me out these past few weeks and I just made it really hard for you....

GD: Well as long as you know *laughs*

Taeyang: You've still got the ring on?

You: *smile cutely and blush*

TOP: She's mine.... So don't even think about her in that way. *eyeing off Taeyang*

Taeyang: Yah! Why do you get her? She's so pretty and kind yet the old hyung gets her?

GD: Aigo, settle down...

The relationship you and TOP share just keeps growing stronger and stronger. You end up marrying him and also attending Mir's wedding. TOP is still a really cold guy but not towards you... Whenever you're scared, nervous or in any form of danger, TOP is always there protecting you. He's a really wonderful guy and he gives the best hugs. You learnt that the first time you started working with him. 

Oh my gosh, sorry this is the last chapter.
I have a really important History speech due on Monday and it's supposed to go for 6 minutes.
I just finished my Society and Culture one, noe it's history. I will be writing for stories in the future so look out for them :D Thank you so much for reading this story and thank you for all the comments! they were much appreciated. Anyway, i hop you all enjoyed this story and thanks for subscribing/reading!! :3

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 15: Awwww! This has to be one of the cutest stories I've read!! Thanks, author-nim!!! ♡♡
lolwhat842233 #2
JBL511 #3
Chapter 15: oifvnljk53hndkswntvjnhsdjnhwg. NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE !!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: Omg! This story is awesome!!! Thanks author-nim
Chapter 15: Best ending!! you are truely amazing!!!! keep up the good work <3 :3
lillium80 #6
Chapter 15: Such a great story. Thanks for the great read.
lillium80 #7
Chapter 13: haha jealous cute.
lillium80 #8
Chapter 10: Yay! This is such an exciting chapter.
MorganMirae #9
Awww best ending!!! Haha it was so funny in the prologue bit when you described the characters 'I' was exactly like me in real life! Short, brown hair, big brown eyes and both parents are Caucasian....haha freaky! Anyway great story!!! I wish it didn't end! :'(
T-O-P-oppa #10
Ah seunghyun... Such a y pabo...