The Foreigner/Christmas Eve

Finding Unexpected Love

I want to be like this forever, in the comfort of Lee Min Ho's arms.

Even though it is freezing cold outside, neither of us notice. Right now I feel as warm as the sun, not a single prick of cold.

I know this moment of pure bliss is going to have to end sometime, but the mere thought of leaving his arms seems impossible now.

After four years I'm finally able to see the man I love. Leaving him for just two seconds would make my heart shatter. 

Suddenly he turns his head towards me and smiles. He my hair and places a loose strand behind my ear.

I wrap my arm around his torso and snuggle up closer to him. He rolls over on his side and faces me, pulling me into him.

He mumbles into my hair, "From now on, I don't want to be apart from you, not even for a day." He moves back and looks at me, "Okay?"  

"Okay." I mumble while I putting my head on his chest.

The air begins to fill with the familliar sound of sqealing girls so I sit up and turn towards the noise.

As expected I see the five angels of our school, SHINee. In addition to the angels are two 'out of place' looking students.

One, holding hands with Taemin, the other with Key attatched to him. I poke Lee Min Ho in the stomach but end up only hurting myself.

I lightly shake his shoulder, "Get up, they're coming." He sits up and looks towards the crowd of girls that are now blocking the view.

He sighs and stands up, " I'll be right back." he says while dusting off his pants. He starts to walk over to the growing crowd of squealing fans.

"LOOK IT"S LEE MIN HO!!!!!" one fan girl screams. Every single head snaps towards the direction of Lee Min Ho.

The crowd, literally in two seconds, had shifted from SHINee to Lee Min Ho. Taemin spots me and dashes in my direction, dragging Mi Nyu along.

He takes a seat on my left and Mi Nyu sits infront of me. Soon enough we create a circle with all SHINee members.

Lee Min Ho, still surrounded by fans, hasn't noticed. "Why weren't you in class?" Mi Nyu asks curiously.

"Yeah, you missed the class with me too." Kang Woo adds.

" She was obviously too busy with Mr. Popular over there." Mi Nyu points in the direction of Lee Min Ho.

Onew sighs, " You guys are so lucky, you will have someone to spend time with on Christmas. I guess SHINee won't be spending it together this year." He says while looking down.

" I guess it's just going to be us three." Onew says while wrapping his arms around Minho and Jonghyun.

"Actually im taken." Jonhyun says while not looking up from his phone. He shows the text message on his phone from a girl named Ah Jung.

"What are you doing for Christmas?"

"Looks like it's just us two Minho!" Minho looks down, "Actually..."

"What?! You too.... I guess I'll be eating chicken alone.."

"Hyung! You can come spend time with us!" Taemin says quickly.

Onew shakes his head, "No, this is your first Christmas with a girl. How could you have me hanging around if you want to spend time with a girl you always talk about?" he says.

Taemin blushes heavily while looking away from Mi Nyu. I see a girl hiding around a corner and peeking out at us every once in a while.

" What are you looking at?" Onew say while turning in the direction of my stare. As soon as Onew turns his head she hides behind the corner again.

It's barely noticable but you can still see part of her hand. I stand up, "I'll be right back, stay here guys."

I walk past Lee Min Ho and his still squealing crowd towards the corner. The girl see's me and starts back away.

"Wait, what's your name?" She looks up and I notice that she actually looks quite young, like a doll actually.

She's absolutely adorable, she's not quite as tall as me, but is at a decent height. The strangest part about her is the shape of her eyes, they are different.

"S-Sandra.." she says quietly. Her voice is light and high.

" Where are you from?" I ask in English.

"I was born in America.. but I came here for the University.." she says quietly.

"Do you want to join us?" I ask while pointing towards the circle. She nods and I guide her towards the circle.

When she walks past the clump of squealing girls she stopped. "Who's in there?" She asks while pointing towards the mass of girls.

"Lee Min Ho. I'll introduce you to him later."  I say while walking again. I take a seat and pat the open spot next to me.

" Her name is Sandra and she speaks in English and Korean but I think it's easier for her to speak in English, so could you please try?" I ask.

"For some reason I feel I need to help her, like she's my sister. Since I have the highest grade in English I am the best translator for her." I say.

"Hello!" they all say in English.

"Hello..." she says quietly.

I point at Taemin sitting on the left of me "I'm going to start on the left and you are all going to say your names."


"Mi Nyu."

"Kang Woo."

"Key~ but you can call me Unnie!"



"Onew, nice to meet you." he reaches out a hand. She takes it shakily with her tiny hand.

"I'm Lee Min Ho." a voice says from behind me then hugs me from behind. "'Be right back?' Yeah right." I say with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sandra." she says with a smile. He whispers in my ear, "She's from America?" I nodd. He pulls me into his lap.

I notice that Sandra keeps stealing glances at Onew.

"Sandra, what are you doing for Christmas?" I ask while winking towards Onew.

"I don't know yet... I just moved here and I don't have any relatives, or friends.." she says shyly.

"You do now! Onew isn't doing anything either." I say while looking at Onew.

" Sandra, do you like chicken?" Onew asks excitedly with an accent.

"Yeah, do you want me to make you some? Since I don't know what you like, it can be my Christmas present to you." She says quietly, then I translate.

He nodds and says, "Yes, Thankyou!" he says in English.

"Yay Hyung is no longer alone on Christmas! Thank you noona!" Taemin says to Sandra.  

Christmas Eve Lee Min Ho's POV

I walk into the jewelry store, already having an idea of what to get her. I saw it on display a couple of days ago, a ring.

I always thought of proposing to her, and never felt nervous. Now that I'm here I'm not sure I can do it.

I walk up to the store clerk, "Can I get this in a six?" I point to the ring I found fit her best and felt was most beautiful.

"This is the only one," she pulled it out of the glass case,"You are lucky that it's in a size six." She handed it to me.

"Why is there only one?" I ask while studying the ring. " It is extremely expensive and the person who made it only made one. There is only one in the whole world." She said. "I'll take it." 

I play with the ring in one hand and call you. It rings a few times and then goes to voicemail.

I sit on the nearest bench and call again, same thing happens. I look at my watch and see that it's already six.

"Hey there!" I look up and see a girl I swore I never wanted to see again. Why does she have to show up now?

She caused enough of a disturbance when I was with you in highschool. She caused so many misunderstandings, to the point where you almost broke up with me.

She even followed me to America, she was the only one that knew I left.

She was also the only one who knew where I was constantly. "Why are you here Ginger?" I ask rudely.

"Why are you here alone on Christmas Eve?" she looks at the box in my hand.

"What's that?" She points at the box and tries to snatch it but ends up making it slip out of my hand and tumble to the floor.

I get on my knee, pick it up then start to dust it off. This time she succeeds in taking it from me and opens it.

Her eyes widen and as she looks up her smile goes away. I look behind me and realize why her smirk faded.

you was staring straight at me with fresh tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. With my one knee on the ground and another woman holding a ring, my plan is ruined. 

you was staring at me in disbelief and I am so shocked I can't speak. 

Then finally she breaks the silence, "Why?" 

I made her cry, again.



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Hey all you people that are still subscribed to me and this story! Im going to be updating soon! I'm sorry its been so long D:


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shuulover #1
Justmaili #2
Chapter 18: Aww authornim having the username in the place of our POV… i fangirled everytime mines was used >_< the stiry was a great read! *thumbs up*
brightelena #3
Thats my username xD
The story is great :)
Lol 4th fanfic with my name in it seriously what is going on? XD
minimindy #5
Chapter 2: did you set this so it does the reader's username??
Chapter 18: Yay! I loved this story! XDDD Lee min ho is fantastic and I love him so much!
DarkMave #7
Chapter 18: I was reading it
DarkMave #8
Chapter 17: Please finish I love it.
Gujunhye #9
Please please update soon♡♡