Caught in Between

Finding Unexpected Love


I stare in disbelief at the man in front of me. He backs away from me and looks down shamefully. 

"It didn't work, did it?" he says breaking the silence. I stay still, unsure how to answer. Did I feel anything? I reach up to the tingling sensation on my lips.

I feel the warm electricty run through me. It was something, I just don't know..... it was different. It was exciting, something new.

I shake my head to clear the thought. I am practically married to Lee Min Ho, I was just about to go to him.

"you?" Minho interrupts my thoughts. I need time to think. I walk out of the room and out of the house with out saying a word.


Minho sighs and throws himself down on the bed face first. He sits up and punches a hole into the wall, not even cringing as his knuckles bleed.

"Why did you do that Minho? You're such an idiot." He mumbles to himself. He rests his back on the wall and lets his head hand between his knees.

He looks over to his phone and dials Min Ho's number.

"Hello?" he hears a low voice say on the other line.

"Did she get home safely?" Minho asks with a sigh. Lee Min Ho's eyes widen at Minho's question.

"She's not with you?" he asks worriedly. There is a long silence then they both hang up and head outside.


I have been wandering the streets for a while, lost in my own thought. Seeing as how the sun is going down, I figure I have been out for a while.

My phone has been buzzing in my pocket so I take the battery out and shove the parts in my jacket pocket. I feel the tears of confusion slide down.

Who do I choose? Iv'e been longing for one, and now I am drawn to another.

I look at my surroundings and realize I have been wandering through a wildlife park.

The path in front of me should take me to the top of the mountain. By the time I make it to the top, I'll have made my decision.

As I climb up, the path seems to get thinner and harder to follow. I am here, at the top and the sun is setting over the city. 

"Who ever I run into first, will be my choice." I say aloud. Soon enough the sun goes down and I descend the mountain. 

When I reach the bottom, only then do I realize I don't know how to get back home. I put my phone back together and call Mi Nyu. 


"Sorry to bother you Mi Nyu, you must be really tired." I say, as I get in the car. 

"Im pregnate, not dying." she says. I stay quiet for a while until Mi Nyu breaks the silence.

"So, what's going on? Why do you look so sick? Have you been home yet?" she asks curiously.

"Um, I ran away from Choi Minho, I lost too much blood, and no." I answer. Her eyes widen.

"You were with Choi Minho?" she asks suprised.

"It's a long story." I answer then go on about how I ended up at his house.

"Where are you going to stay?" she asks. I don't want to ask to stay at Mi Nyu's house again, I think she has had enough with me.

Kang Woo? No. He's busy with Key, and that would create a worse misunderstanding. Sandra. She and Onew haven't gotten that far yet.

"I'll stay with Sandra." I decide. Mi Nyu looks at me worriedly.

"The foreigner? You don't even know her that well ."

"Yes I do, she's harmless. And plus we have gotten closer through classes." I respond.   

I unlock my phone and dial her number, "Hey Sandra, can I ask you for a favor?" 


At Sandra's house there is a huge blow up bed taking up most of the living room, topped with pink blankets. 

"Sorry that this is all I can provide." she says shamefully. Is she kidding? No one has ever gone to the extent for me. 

"Are you kidding me? This is more than enough." I say with a smile. She smiles back and wanders off to the kitchen. 

"Is there something you would like to eat?" she asks. Come to think of it, I am hungry. 

"Anything you make is fine, and I have been noticing your Korean is getting a lot better." I reply. She pops her head out of the kitchen.

"You really think so?" she asks excitedly. I nodd, "Why is that by the way? Is there something motivating you?" 

She looks down and taps the toe of her foot onto the floor, "Well.. You see... Jinki.. doesn't speak english very well.." she mumbles. 

Well thats weird, whenever I'm around Onew no one calls him Jinki, other than Jonghyun. They must be getting close. 

"Hmm.... So, how are you and Onew doing?" I ask while nudging her with my elbow. 

"He comes over often.... I guess.. I make him chicken.." she rambles on. I laugh and lay down onto the air mattress.


After dinner, I am exhausted. Sleeping is the only thing on my mind right now. I close my eyes. 

......." you.......

Minho? It sounds like him, but is this real? Or a dream? 

I feel a warm hand sweep my bangs to the side. It's not a dream, It's over. He found me first. 

I open my eyes to a calm face but a worried set of eyes. 

"Where have you been, you ?" he asks with worry. 

"Here." I reply. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. 

"Come on, let's go." he says as he pulls me by the arm. I look at Sandra who is sitting on the coach waving goodbye with a thumbs up. 

I smile greatfully towards her, and then I am dragged out the door. 


I made my decision, but something feels wrong. Being with Minho feels natural, too natural.

He's nurturing, loving, and absolutely has no mean bone in his body. With him I feel warm, and safe. 

But with Lee Min Ho... I feel burning, and daring. I don't know which direction to turn to. I ruffle my hair in frustration.

Minho looks at me from across the room. He decided on staying on the futon in the bedroom that I am sleeping in, which I guess is his.

I hug my knees as I lean my back against the wall.

I hear a loud crack of wood come from the front door. Moments later Lee Min Ho came bursting into the bedroom.

He grabs a hold of my wrist and drags me towards the door. He stops halfway across the room as Minho grabs a hold of my other wrist. 

"No." Minho says looking into Min Ho's eyes. I don't like this. I feel like the rope people pull when playing tug-of-war. 

"Stop!" I shout with the pathetic tears streaming down my face. They both look down at me with their expressions changed. 

"She's right. Why don't we let you choose?" Minho offers. 

"Fine." Min Ho relplies. 



:3 I hope you guys liked it. If not... well... U CAN GO DIE IN A HOLE!!!!!!!! jk XD

well as always I would like feedback :) share with your friends? 



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Hey all you people that are still subscribed to me and this story! Im going to be updating soon! I'm sorry its been so long D:


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shuulover #1
Justmaili #2
Chapter 18: Aww authornim having the username in the place of our POV… i fangirled everytime mines was used >_< the stiry was a great read! *thumbs up*
brightelena #3
Thats my username xD
The story is great :)
Lol 4th fanfic with my name in it seriously what is going on? XD
minimindy #5
Chapter 2: did you set this so it does the reader's username??
Chapter 18: Yay! I loved this story! XDDD Lee min ho is fantastic and I love him so much!
DarkMave #7
Chapter 18: I was reading it
DarkMave #8
Chapter 17: Please finish I love it.
Gujunhye #9
Please please update soon♡♡