Minho or Min Ho

Finding Unexpected Love


"Ah!" I yell as the pain in my temple strikes again.

I sway from side to side, losing my balance.

Minho catches me before my shoulder hits the wall. I try to escape his grasp but he just pulls me in and wraps his arms around me.

"Try to calm down, okay?" he says, slowly releasing his hold on me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. 

"So, why am I here?" I ask calmly. 

"I brought you here, after you fainted and hit your head." he says, gingerly rubbing the bump on the side of my head.

"What happened to Lee Min Ho?" I ask while moving away from his touch. 

"He took that Hee Sun to the hospital, and just left you there." he says looking down. 

I nod and stand up. My legs crumple to the ground emmediatly, not ready to work.

I am suspended off of the ground and set down lightly onto the bed. Minho fluffs the pillow underneath me, and pulls the blanket over my chest.

"Anything I can get you?" he asks while bending down to face me. I shake my head and he slips underneath the covers next to me. 

I slide over as far as I can from him without falling off. He shifts onto his right side, faceing me with his head propped up on his elbow. 

"Look, I know I won't be able to make you as happy as he does....but I know I will never bring you as much pain as he does." he says.

Suprised by his words, I slowly roll over to face him. He takes a deep breath and says, "I'll be here for you. Whenever you need me, I'll be there."

He brushes a loose strang of hair behind my ear. I watch him as he sits up and starts to walk away. The door closes softly behind him. 

I like this.. Going back to our times when we used to be close.. it doesn't sound like a bad idea. I really do enjoy being around him. 

A buzzing noise interrupts my thoughts. I pick up my phone that is neatly placed on the dresser beside me. The bright screen flashes back at me.

Incoming Call : Min Ho <3

I stare at the phone, not sure if I should answer. 

Lee Min Ho

"Come on, pick up." I say to my self worriedly. I turn to Hee Sun who is staring at me angrily. 

"Do you have to call her? I thought you were tending to me." she said with a scowl. 

I move over to her, "Where does it hurt again? Here?" I press down on her right ankle. She slaps my hand away.

"I'm fine now. I don't need to go to the hospital." she says standing up. I stare in shock. 

"You faked it?" I ask unconvinced. 

"Of course. I'm an actress, I can do that kind of stuff." she said while shrugging her shoulders. 

"Why?" I ask, anger building up.

"Simple. I don't like her." she says. I ball my fists. 

"Well I love her. You pulling all of this crazy isn't making me love her any less. She's hurt right now, and she's probably with Minho." I say with rage. 

Her expression changes from angry to upset. "I'm sorry, I just really like you and-"

I cut her off "Well I hate you! Now I finally know why she was avoiding me all the time, because she didn't want to see a like you." 

I turn away from her and start to walk away. 

"What about the filming?" she asks. 

"Oh, I'm going to finish, and I'm going to do my job well. You aren't going to stop me from making money, I won't let it happen." I say, spitting the words out at her. 

As soon as I get in my car, I dail Minho's number. 

"Hello?" I hear him answer. 

"Is she safe?" I ask with concern. 

"Yeah, you is fine. She's resting right now, so call back later." he says then hangs up. 

I throw my phone down on the passenger seat. 


My eyes flutter open to the light air on my face. Minho's eye brows push together as he sighs in his sleep. I roll over and pretend he isn't there.

He looks to peaceful to be woken up. I close my eyes again to try and sleep, but my eyes snap open again to the long arm placed over my torso. 

"M-Minho? Are you awake?" I ask. No response. I roll over to face him again, only to have our faces meet up with our noses brushing. 

Iv'e never really noticed how good looking Minho is. He is usually remembered by his frog like eyes, but all I could stare at were his lips. 

Slightly parted, and full as he takes in deep breaths. I press down on the crumpled, center of his forehead. The wrinkles smooth out and he is peaceful again.

His eyes slowly open and meet mine. He backs off the bed. "I'm sorry, I don't even know how I got here.. I - I'm sorry." he says with a bow.

The door bell sounds through the whole house. Minho and I get up and shuffle to the door. 

We swing thedoor open. Lee Min Ho.


Hey! Sorry it's been so long! Stupid school -___-"




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Hey all you people that are still subscribed to me and this story! Im going to be updating soon! I'm sorry its been so long D:


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shuulover #1
Justmaili #2
Chapter 18: Aww authornim having the username in the place of our POV… i fangirled everytime mines was used >_< the stiry was a great read! *thumbs up*
brightelena #3
Thats my username xD
The story is great :)
Lol 4th fanfic with my name in it seriously what is going on? XD
minimindy #5
Chapter 2: did you set this so it does the reader's username??
Chapter 18: Yay! I loved this story! XDDD Lee min ho is fantastic and I love him so much!
DarkMave #7
Chapter 18: I was reading it
DarkMave #8
Chapter 17: Please finish I love it.
Gujunhye #9
Please please update soon♡♡