6. Chef Byunghun


L.Joe came out a few minutes later stretching his arms after his release. "Ahhh~! This is a really nice room! You sure I can't sleep here?" He smiled innocently.

"As if. Get out mdiget."


You threw your bunny-pig pillow at him. He only flinched and rolled on the ground laughing. "HAHAHA Is this from the drama You're Beautiful?"

"Yeah... So?"

"You're such a girl."

"Gee I thought I was a boy..."

But L.Joe had already walked out of your room with the bunny-pig still laughing to himself. Why'd he take that? Weirdo...

You hopped out of your bed quickly to turn off the lights and hopped back into bed, comfying yourself in the soft sheets. Not knowing it, your eyes involuntarily closed and you were sound alseep. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

It was morning, approximately 10 am as you looked to your alarm clock. Huh... I'm actually early today. You would usually wake up at 1 or 2 during the weekends no matter how many hours of sleep you've had before. Slow stretching, you extend you arms under your pillows, but to your surprise you suddent hit something hard. It feel like, an arm... Frightened, you turned quickly to see what you hit.


Your eyes turn to stare at a sleeping L.Joe right next to you. What the hell? What was he doing here? You were pretty sure he went downstairs last night after pissing in your bathroom...

"Midget! Wake up!" You kicked him hard till he fell off your bed. 

"Ummphh" He mumbled as he tumbled off onto the carpet floor. "What the... Hey! Why am I in your room?" He rubbed his eyes still half asleep.

You stared at him. You heart beat a little faster hearing his morning voice and seeing how cute he was rubbing his eyes. "Excuse me?! I should be asking you that question!"

He slumped his shoulders, still trying to figure out what happened. HIs eyes blinked slowly, and he scratched his head. "Maybe I was sleepwalking---"


"I haven't in a while!"

"How do I know you're not some ert and you did this on purpose and tried to do things to me while I was sleeping!"

"I didn't! What the hell? You're the weird one always staring at me for too long, ugh." He got up and headed to the bathroom.

He didn't do anything right? You were a heavy sleeper... If you were in your sleep you wouldn't know. Heck, you could sleep through a fire! You burried you head into the pillow, attack it with the crown of your ehad trying to get your frustration out. You began touching your body, He couldn't have... Right? He's not like that pssshhhh. Then you realized something. You weren't wearing a bra. Aishhh now I have to go put one on cause of him.




Once you two freshened you, you were already in the kitchen preparing brunch. L.Joe saw you busying yourself in the kitchen, grabbing this and that and grew curious to what you were doing. He smiled to himself. Awww, she'd make a perfect wifey.

"Are you cooking for me?" He smiled meekly.


"Huh? What am I supposed to eat?"


"You're so mean!"

"Ugh fine. But you do the dishes," you grinned with a devilish smile.

He ignored you and came over to see what you were doing. "What are you making?"


"Eww why?"

"Cause I saw it on Rooftop Prince..."

"Do you think your life is a drama or something," he looked up at her, trying to contain his laughter. Really? Does she get influenced that easily?

"Fine. You can't have any."

"Noo~ I'm sorryy"

"Help me then."

"But I at cooking."

"Don't eat." You pointed the knife you were using to cut the carrots at him. He stared at it, beginning to back away. 

"Okay okay! Sheesh, why so bossy amazon."

"Shut up midget. Cut the onions," you grabbed another knife and handed it to him. "Cube them okay? Can you handle that?" You smirked.

"Yes I can, god I'm not a child you know." He wrinkled his nose with annoyance at you babying him.

"I'll be right back, lemme get the mail." You ran out the door, quickly returning with a few bills from outside and putting it on the counter.

When you came back, you found L.Joe tearing up cutting the onions. He started to blink fast and you could see the teardrops falling already.

"Amazon... why... my eyes, AHHH! It stings so much!" He began to rub his eyes. Big. Mistake. He had previously touched the onions, so now rubbing his eyes made everything worse. The sting was unbearable, and he began backing up, not seeing you behind him.

You, on the other hand began to crack up at his misfortune. "Hahaha... have you ever cut onions before?" 

Still rubbing his eyes to try to get the sting out of his eyes, "No! My mom always does it..."

You kept giggling and grabbed his hands from his face. You made him face you and blew into his delicate eyes as he stared up at you, seeing his vision becoming clearing. 

"Is that better?" You smiled.

"Yeah..." He nodded and you two stayed like then, staring at each other with your hands grabbing his wrists. It would've been more romantic if you were looking up at him like lovey-dovey romance scene rather than down at him like a hear felt brother-sister scene.

Quickly turning away to avoid the awkwardness you continued to cook. You two didn't know it, but you both had the same warm feeling within that moment. Time stopped, and it felt great. You began to fall for L.Joe, bit by bit, but you didn't want to admit it, as he was as well. You continued cooking as he sat on the counter observing your every move.

"Just sit okay? I'll make it, I don't want you hurting your self again." You meant to say that in a y way, but in all honesty, you really did mean it.

Despite these happenings, the weekend had way more to hold than you thought. Although it was only a few days with L.Joe, your heart told you that keeping your "classmate" relationship title was soon to change. 

*omurice = fried rice with ketchup in an egg

Author's Note: Thanks to my new subscribers <3 (sooyoung, Momomi, CookieMyungster <-- CLEVER!) and EunHaeSarangHaeEDL for the comment (Please subscribe?) Enjoy ~ And don't forget to comment and tell me what you think (: 

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Grpw: Hey guys, I'm really sorry but I have to but this story on hiatus for now b/c I don't feel like it's going anywhere atm, but I'll eventually finish it~


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Chapter 11: Finaly!!
When are they beining together?
Update soon
eli1030 #3
When is the next update? ^^
miss it so :(
haha Ricky is so cute with the noona thing :p and Chunji knows everything ^^ really love it ^^
aw so cuttie cute off L.Joe to try to get that pig-bunny for here. sweetist thing that a guy can do to a gril ^^

update soon ^^
Uwaa! Please update soon! ^^
Uhh! I really like this story!
Please update soon~~ ^^
update soon ^^ love this story hihi
Awww L.Joe your not short, your..... just not that tall. LOL, JK! But no matter what height you are, your still my bias!
I really like your story! Update soon!