11. Cold hands



You were so excited and happy that you squealed at the sight of it. You ran up to the pig-bunny that L.Joe was holding and gave it a bear hug with those long arms of yours. Losing your balance, you began to fall forward, pushing L.Joe down as well. L.Joe pushed off the pig-bunny leaving him stunned as he sees you lying on top of him, your bodies connecting.

“Wow these two really need to get a room,” said a voice. It was Chunji who came into view along with Teen Top.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It’s been a few months now and your relationship with L.Joe, as well as Teen Top remained steady like any regular friendship. Chunji would constantly drop hints about you and L.Joe while at the same time manage to hit on you. How that happened, you didn’t know, but it would always somehow make you blush fifty shades of red.

You and L.Joe actually began having a sort of routine. Since his mom had gotten better, their family has gotten back on their feet financial wise, and managed to rent out a decent apartment for the two of them. The teasing continued, yet it was nothing you hadn’t handled before.

JiAe stopped bothering you, partly because she feels bad and partly because she sees no use or the fun in it anymore.

If you were to say that you feelings for L.Joe have decreased or even remained the same since the carnival, that would be a lie. Every day, every moment that you two meet up, even if you were just to do homework, it was torture.

But it wasn’t the torture you might think it would be. It’s the kind where every day you see him, you know you love him and you can’t help thinking thoughts that maybe one day you two may be able to date and become a couple. Each time you think about that, you would slap yourself a little because, well that was not a possibility.

You are a head taller than him. Everyone would laugh at the mere idea of you two dating, including him.

It wasn’t possible and you accepted it.

It was a Thursday afternoon, and you were having a study session at L.Joe’s house. Kind of scandalous since it was eight at night.

You were leaning on his bed and sitting on the floor going over some notes as he came into the room with some water.

“I know you like your usual vanilla milk, but we ran out so here’s some water,” said L.Joe who chucked you a water bottle.

You nearly got hit in the face with that thing, shocked at the weighted object that landed in your lap.

“Rude… you could’ve just passed it,” you said.

He laughed, showing his adorable eye smile as he sat next to you.

He sat so close to you, that you felt his body right next to yours. You thought about pointing out how close he was but figured that would only make things more awkward so you kept quiet and held you breathe.

Dear God why does he smell so good? I can’t take this anymore!

You began slapping yourself for thinking about L.Joe that way.

“Hey… why are you hitting yourself… again?” he said cocking his head in curiosity.

She’s been doing that a lot lately, he thought.

“Oh no! I’m just fanning myself cause it’s hot!” You fibbed.

He just laughed at your dorkiness and grabbed your notes.

“Where are we at?”

“Chinja, get your own notes!”

“I didn’t take any!”

“Well maybe if you would stop sleeping during class…”

“Well maybe if someone would stop nagging me to tutor them.”

You thought about it. Since L.Joe’s mom’s recovered, he’s applied for a part time job in which takes up nearly all his time. He gets home from work at around seven at night every day and homework alone takes a few hours plus he has to sew buttons on dolls for his second part time job. It’s surprising he gets any sleep at all because he also has time to tutor you every day.

You pouted, beginning to feel guilty.

“I’m sorry…” you said slowly.

“Hey wait, no it’s fine! I was just kidding I really don’t mind!” He said waving his hands in front of him.

“Are you sure? I’ll find another tutor! It’s fine I don’t want you to waste your time on me when you barely have any of your own!”

“No… I want to tutor you okay?”


Am I hearing him right? He wants to tutor me?

“I said I want to tutor you Yooji-ah, so don’t get another one okay?”

He smiled again, this time a light smile that only crinkled a little of his eyes. His eyes, in which were full of warmth and comfort and happiness. All showed sincerity, truthfulness to what he said.

“Awww… tha—“

“Besides, who else would know how to teach a pabo like you?” He laughed and poked a finger at your forehead.

“Aish!” You groaned.

So that was your relationship, light jokes and heartfelt comments.

But inside you were dying. Dying to be with him, dying to kiss those cat-like lips, dying to be in those muscular arms of his, laying on his rock hard abs you’re sure are there. Completely dying.

For him, it was the same way. He yearned for you but in his mind, it was exactly the same as yours. A tall and short couple, how would that work?

That’s right it wouldn’t.

He wanted desperately to tell you how he felt, how much he actually liked you and how big of you part you played his life in from such a long time. Everything he thought beautiful or cute about you. He wanted to so bad, but why risk ruining such a great friendship he had with you?

“Gosh it’s cold in here, my hands are freezing,” you said rubbing your hands together.

“Is that a cue for me to hold your hand?” he smirked.

You blinked innocently at him, confused on what he had just said.

He leaned in closer to your face, so close you noses could touch.

“Because you could just ask,” he winked, yielding a mad blushing Yooji.

L.Joe grabbed both of your cold hands and placed them in his.


You nodded, too stunned to say anything.

L.Joe is holding my hands. Why.

“I-I think we should get back to studying,” you stuttered and took your hands away.

L.Joe only shrugged and held a straight face when inside he was content with being able to hold your hand like that.

After another hour of studying you began to feel sleepy, yawning five times in a row pretty much gave it away.

“L.Joe can you explain the parts of the Compromise of 1850,” you said grudging as you head began to droop.

After he finished explain, he turned to you to find you already dozing off.

He only smiled and placed your drooping head on his shoulder.

Bad move, because then, he himself began to fall asleep. 

Author's Note: Hey guys... I'm back...


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Grpw: Hey guys, I'm really sorry but I have to but this story on hiatus for now b/c I don't feel like it's going anywhere atm, but I'll eventually finish it~


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Chapter 11: Finaly!!
When are they beining together?
Update soon
eli1030 #3
When is the next update? ^^
miss it so :(
haha Ricky is so cute with the noona thing :p and Chunji knows everything ^^ really love it ^^
aw so cuttie cute off L.Joe to try to get that pig-bunny for here. sweetist thing that a guy can do to a gril ^^

update soon ^^
Uwaa! Please update soon! ^^
Uhh! I really like this story!
Please update soon~~ ^^
update soon ^^ love this story hihi
Awww L.Joe your not short, your..... just not that tall. LOL, JK! But no matter what height you are, your still my bias!
I really like your story! Update soon!