The Unlucky Day
You breathing heavily after hearing the whole story. You felt your cheeks burning red. You put your hands on the table.

You tried to hold the tears. Then...

'Ring..ding..dong.. Ring..ding..dong..'

You phone buzz in your pocket. You took it out and you can see who caller was 'Myungsoo'.

Your hand shaking to press the green button."Huh.." you let a heavy sigh escape from your lips. You slowly pressed it and closed the phone to your ear.

"Y-yeabos-sayo," you stuttered. You've tried to hide your real expression but you can't.

"Oh baby, why your voice stutter?" he asked.

You let a fake chuckled. *I'm not expecting you being like that, Kim Myungsoo?" you thought.

"Janeun?" he called on the other line.

"Mwoh? Ermm.. Mianhae Myungsoo-ah. Your surround kinda noisy*fake laugh*" you bit your lower lip as you said it.

"Is it? Opps mianhae.. I was watching TV. Cakamman,"

After few seconds,

"Janeun, are you still there?" he asked.

"Emmm.." you tried to smile although you knew he would not see it.

"Are you busy tonight?" he hopely asked. He wanted to bring you to the 5-star restaurant to celebrate your two birthday.

"B-but, I'm in the school..." you closed your mouth with your hand..

You accidentally said it! *I should not tell him* you bit your bottom lip in regret.

"WHAT?!" Myungsoo exclaimed in suprised.

««The flashback came»»

Myungsoo panickly looking onto Ahra's died body laying on the floor with her stomach messy with the blood. He just hit Ahra's stomach with his sharp scissor. He threw the scissor away far far away from his hand.

He could hear she saying 'Oppa' at him. It was the FIRST time he heard it from Ahra's own lips.

*Omana, ottokkae????* he looked around, trying to find something that can help him.

The school already ended 1 hour ago. Just Myungsoo and Ahra still in the school. Myungsoo mimd went blank, completely blank!

Myungsoo hold his head. He didn't know what to do with Ahra's died body.

"Should I just let?" he chewing his fingernails. "But, the teachers will suspect me," he grew more panick than ever.

"WHAT SHOULD I DO TO HER???!!!" he shrieked.

Then, an idea pop in his mind. *This the only choice*

He pull both of Ahra's hands without mercy eventhough he love her, but that's the only one on his right now.

He kept pulling him till at the behind of the school. He went to the store that stored many kinds of tools. He took the hoe from it and quickly went back to Ahra while holding the hoe.

He dig the soil as deep as possible, then after finished it he put her body in it.

"Mianhae," he said while he refill again the soil that been dig earlier.

He wiped his dirty hands onto his school uniform.

"Aish..*ruffled hair* I must clean those blood before tomorrow," he left the hoe there and went in the school again.

He took some towels and wiped the floor that has Ahra's blood. His sweats flowing as he clean those.

After an hour, he already done wiping it. "I must go home now," he said as he smell yucky-sticky-sweats smell on his body.

He grabbed his bag and went home.

"Myungsoo-ah~" Ahra cried at the back of the school.

««End flashback»»

"M-Myungsoo?" your voice cracked.

"Why you go there?" hir tone getting higher.

"I-i think today we*sob* we have classes," you started to sobbing.

*Urghh!!* his breath became heavy.

"Wait there, I will be right there. Arasso?" he started to wearing his shoes and his brown jacket-your present for him-.

"Emmm.." you turn off the phone.

'She' was sitting at the teacher's chair, looking at you with her gloomy eyes.

"Is that Myungsoo?" she asked still looking at you deeply.

You just nodded faintly. Didn't dare to speak.

"Oh, Kim Myungsoo...... My Precious," she stood from the chair and the chair made the strecth sound.


Anyeonghaseyo*wave* Its been a while I'm not updating it. Mianhaeyo*bow* But here you guys, the UPDATE!!!*hip dance* btw, forgive me for late update :(( it is because I've been busy with school and *whisper* I'm kinda lazy, kekeke :p

Hope you all LIKE this update!!!~~@\\(^o^)//@~~

Thank you for the subscribers and for all the comments that you given ^^ Its meant a lot for me*hugs you*

For the silent readers, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT please~~ ><

Saranghae <3<3<3<3

leeheemin *buing buing*

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my story is already ended!! :D {The Unlucky Day}


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Chapter 10: such tragic yet romantic it!!!
Chapter 2: gosh scary!! hemm..
Chapter 10: oh ? already end ? hehe . btw , nice ending ^^ . sorry for being late reader :)
InspiritHamster #4
Chapter 10: Aww myungsoo die T.T so sad
Chapter 10: Huaa!!Myungsoo is died :(( So sad ><
Chapter 9: i choose 2~ btw im a new reader xD
Chapter 4: Ughhh!! Poor Ahra >< that stupid Myungsoo xD Okay im said that to my bias ==' such a asdfghikl >< !!!
Chapter 3: The killer must be Myungsoo... Am I right?
Chapter 2: My back spine shivered. I like the line "Are you here to celebrate my birthday?"