Chapter 8

No Mercy


Haylin tried her best to stifle her laugh, as she watched you lie uncomfortably in Himchan's arms. He trudged inside the dorm, and looked right and left, before making eye contact with Haylin.

"Your roommate?" Himchan pretended to hand you over to Haylin, but Haylin made a disgusted face.

"I never knew I was her boyfriend." Haylin giggled, before leaving the room and shutting her bedroom door. Himchan put on a puzzled look on his face, not sure what Haylin meant by that.

Which only left you and Himchan in the living room.

He put you down carefully on the couch, as you silently pouted. "What's wrong ~~~~?"

"We're not getting married yet, so you can't carry me like that." You folded your arms across your chest, and frowned. "People must be already gossiping about us. The whole school probably knows."

Himchan tilted his head. "You really care about what other people think of us?"

His response startled you, and you shook your head quickly. "I-it isn't that it's-"

He chuckled, and ruffled your hair. "I was only kidding ~~~~-ah. I know you don't care about what people think..." Himchan paused for a second. "Do you? I mean, if you did care about what people thought then you would be a wreck by now..."

You bit your lip. Lately, it seemed like biting your lip was a habit, just because of all the stress that suddenly piled over you in the first week of school. You tasted blood again, and quickly it. Himchan blinked, before taking his finger and wiping your lip.

"Don't bite your lip. It's a bad habit, and it'll end up hurting later." He got up and walked away, to the washroom.

While he was washing his hands, you covered your face, thinking about the choices you made in the past week. *First I became Jongup's friend, then I started to hang out with B.A.P., now I'm Himchan's girlfriend, and now I've gotten into a bigger mess than before...what am I going to do...?! I think I should break up with him immediately.*

"~~~~?" Haylin poked your cheek. "Your lip's bleeding again." You stared at her, unfazed that she just reappeared out of nowhere. She dabbed a tissue on your lip, and you cringed as it stung. "Stop biting your lip, didn't Himchan state it already?"

That's it. You couldn't take it anymore. You pushed away Haylin's hand, and faceplanted on the couch, your legs banging the couch rapidly. "IDONTHAHURHUARHAURH!" You sobbed into the couch, and pounded it with all of your limbs.

Haylin raised her eyebrows. "You what?" She pulled you up, and was shocked to see tears streaming down your face. "~~~~-ah, why are you crying?!"

"I-I don't like this place! I don't want anything! I just want to be myself and stay in my little corner- It's not fair- I can't take this anymore- I hate everyone and everything!" You pounded the couch one last time, before falling off the couch and continuing your nervous breakdown. Haylin silently watched you, as you squeezed tears out of your closed eyes.

Himchan looked at you behind the corner of the hall. He sighed, and frowned at himself. *Why am I not strong enough to comfort her? I-* Himchan pulled himself away from the corner and hid himself just as he heard you let out another sob. *I guess it's just because I'm not used to this kind of...closeness.*

Himchan peered at you again, as the sobs started to lower down into quiet cries. He saw Haylin rubbing your back, and looked down at his feet in shame. You crawled into Haylin's lap, and started to slow down your cries, as they turned into silent tears. Haylin kept patting your head, and soon you fell asleep.

After a few minutes, Himchan came from the corner, tiptoeing so nobody could hear him. Haylin whipped her head when she heard a ruffle, and glared at Himchan. "Where were you? Your girlfriend had a nervous breakdown, and you weren't even there to comfort her!" Her poisonous grey eyes struck Himchan's soul, and he shivered as she continued to stare him down.

"I'm not used to this." Himchan whispered, and he sat down next to Haylin. He looked at you with emptiness, before talking again. "I...I lost my sister in a car accident."

Haylin blinked, and pursed her lips. "I know that feeling." She rubbed your forehead as you slept in her lap.

"We were close." Himchan sputtered, his voice wobbling slightly. "She was the little princess, and I was her big shining knight in armor." Himchan clenched his fists. "And then my drunkard of a dad decided to take her shopping."

Haylin showed a sympathetic face. "Well, if things were meant to be..."

Himchan wanted to slap Haylin across the face. *If things were meant to be?! Are you some crazy or something? It wasn't meant to be, she's still supposed to be living!*

Himchan silently got up and trudged to the dorm door, and closed it softly, as he walked down the corridor, resisting the urge to punch someone in the face.


"Jongup, what's wrong?"

Jongup sat in his bed, with a frown. He didn't like what he heard about Himchan and you. And he certainly didn't like being entangled with Yunhee.  Jongup looked at Youngjae, who sat on the opposite bed, with his laptop on the bed. He scrolled down through pages of news, and clicked something.

"Yunhee." Jongup choked. "She's annoying as fu-"

Youngjae looked up at his dongsaeng. "Sorry?" Youngjae had a peeve for people that swore, and Jongup smiled sheepishly.

"She's annoying as fish." Jongup grumbled, and punched his pillow.

"Why would you say that? She looks pretty-"

"Jongup oppa, let's go eat something! Jongup oppa, give me a goodbye hug! Jongup oppa do you love me? Jongup OPPA!" Jongup put on a disgusted face as he mimicked Yunhee in a high-pitched voice.

Youngjae snorted. "Glad I don't have an annoying brat after me. See, this is why it's good to be single. You don't have to worry about anything."

"Then I dare you to get a girlfriend."

Youngjae looked up at Jongup, alarmed. "Pardon me?"

"I can get a girlfriend faster than hyung." Zelo popped his head into the room, and snickered at Youngjae. "Youngjae you never had a girlfriend, did you?"

Youngjae gritted his teeth. He hated to be compared, especially when it was someone younger than him. "Shut up, at least I don't make girls cry over me because I used them for a week."

Zelo smirked. "Hey, why would you stick to a girl for more than two weeks?" Zelo opened the door a little more, so he could let his tall self walk into the bedroom. "Besides, the teenage motto is just to have fun till you're an adult, right?"

Youngjae stood up suddenly, and Jongup widened his eyes. Youngjae hardly got pissed off, and the last time he got pissed off was when Daehyun was caught showering with Junhee in the dorm bathroom.  Jongup laughed at the thought, as he remembered Daehyun's embarrassed expression, and Junhee's red face. Youngjae had thrashed them like a strict father would, and kicked both of them out of the dorm for that day.

Youngjae started to raise his arm, and Jongup just realized that Zelo had more of an advantage to this situation, because of how tall he was. Jongup stood up quickly, and hit his head on top of the bed. He yelped, and clutched his head in pain as the two other guys watched him in amusement.

"How....I'm not even going to ask." Zelo rolled his eyes, and turned his gaze back to Youngjae, who was looking at Jongup worriedly. He pushed Youngjae lightly, and Youngjae stumbled a little on his feet, turning his angry glare back to Zelo.

"Guys..don't start this again..." Jongup looked at both of them, analyzing their faces. Zelo had the same smirk on, and Youngjae looked like he was gritting his teeth.

"Daehyun seems to be having a nice relationship with Junhee." Youngjae stepped a bit closer to Zelo, and Zelo stared down at Youngjae. "Don't you think?"

Zelo laughed. "I think...that's just not my style." He raised his eyebrows comically, and it looked like Youngjae was going to explode.

But he didn't.

"Oh, I'm sure you have swag." Youngjae scoffed, and with that he walked out of the room in a huff. "SWAG. STYLE. SWAGIE!"

Zelo rolled his eyes at his hyung's reaction, and looked at Jongup. "You should break up with Yunhee. She's a bit of a spoiled ."

Jongup nodded, keeping the thought in his mind. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Break up with her tomorrow, because I already know who you like."

Jongup whipped his head to the sophomore's view. He glared at his smirk with fiery eyes, and Zelo stared right back at him, unfazed while keeping his cool.

"~~~~-ah. It's really obvious, I mean the way you look at her-"

"What would YOU know about love? You dump every girl anyways!" This time, it was Jongup's turn to flare up, and he pushed Zelo out of the room. "You don't know anything!" He slammed the door, as Zelo blinked and gazed at the door in front of him.

*Wow, everyone's so stupid* Zelo shook his head, and walked away from the door.


OKAAAYYY, so now you know that Zelo is quite the playboy, as he seems to think that girls are only playtoys. *legasp*




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hey kimchi here! We're not going to be updating any time soon(school work)orz


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wjc912 #1
Chapter 9: Himchan, don't you dare leave her!
xcutecheaks #2
wow omg update!!11
xcutecheaks #3
i really like it but can you put the authors note thing at the bottom can you not put it in light blue to hard to read :) sorry...
fishcakes #6
wahhh whats gunna happen now o-O

update soon~
xcutecheaks #7
loved this since the foreword ~ please update ! ^_^
Wahhh. Please update. Himchan is such a poopoohead. :$