
Diary Of Forbidden Love

Dear Diary,

Key and I went shopping today. We acted like yesterday never happened, like everything was fine. We held hands too. That made me smile. We bought ice creams and Key dropped his, so I gave him mine. He was like a little child, full of excitement. I bought some new shoes today, and Key bought a new shirt. We had a laugh trying on ridiculous clothes. Seeing him smile and laugh made me so happy. Although, you could see he was hurting inside.

When we were saying goodbye, Key smiled at me nervously. I wondered if he was going to tell me something bad, but then he smiled happily at me. He asked me to be his boyfriend! I grinned at him, and told him he didn't need to ask, 'cause I'd assumed we already were dating. We kissed goodbye again. I really like kissing him. I like strawberries. :)

Jonghyun x


Dear Diary,

We went shopping today. It was really fun. We bought ice creams (but I dropped mine, so Jonghyun gave me his!) and Jjong - that's what I call him now :p - bought some new shoes and I bought a new shirt. We tried on all these funny clothes, and I'd say we spent 90% of the day laughing. I tried on this pink shirt, which secretly I loved, but Jonghyun found it a wee bit horrible. I went in a huff, I was only joking though, and Jonghyun acted offended. The shop assistant thought we'd had a tiff, but of course, how was she to know we were just playing around?

It feels like I've known Jonghyun for ages, although I've only known him for just over a week. 

When we were walking home, I was a bit nervous. I asked him to be my boyfriend, and he said yes! But he thought we already were boyfriend and boyfriend (normally boyfriend and girlfriend!). I came home grinning, a big change from the tears yesterday, and umma asked how things went. I told her everything, and she was really happy for me. Except, I know she's worrying about how hurt and upset Jjong will be in half a years time. She didn't say, but she didn't have to. I explained to her how I told Jonghyun and what he said, and she said she's glad, and even wants to meet him! I'm so glad my umma is supportive, and I'm pretty sure she's told my appa, who's fine with it too. I'm going to text him now and ask if he wants to come over for dinner tomorrow! I hope he can. :)

Key :)


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elaineyysenpai #1
Awwwwww...This story is so cute but saddening~ I mean, the cuteness masks the sad parts but we all know what's gonna happen in the end T^T I love it do far though! Update soon <3
They're cute <3
OMG, I really can't wait for the next update... I wonder how Jjong's reaction will be... Key, hwaiting! <3
Looking forward to this! Jongkey forever <3