The Kiss

Diary Of Forbidden Love

Dear Diary,

So we went out and it was absolutely brilliant! We were both early, and we ordered coffee and we talked about nearly everything! I told Key all about how my dad wanted me to become an athlete, but how really I wanted to be a singer. And he asked me to sing for him, which I was a little bit nervous about doing - I almost rejected but he was sitting there looking like an angel, so I sang to him for about two minutes. He looked into my eyes the whole time, and I thought my heart was going to jump out my chest it was beating that hard! He told me I was a brilliant singer, and should definetely go for my dreams. I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up, and he said he wasn't really sure. He was quite quiet about the subject actually. I figured maybe he didn't know and was getting a bit under pressure for not knowing, so I quickly changed the subject, and he perked up after that.

I couldn't even list the things we talked about, we talked about so many! He laughed a lot. I like seeing him laugh. He looks so beautiful when he smiles - I don't think I've ever felt this way about someone before. 

When I came home, my dad asked where I was, and it seemed as if I'd forgotten how to speak. I told him I was out with a friend called Key, and he asked me so many questions about him. Ones like, "does he have a girlfriend", or "does he play any sports" - y'know, questions that any other boy could answer. I muttered a quiet no and said I don't know, and ran up to my room. And here I am now, scribbling away in my secret journal about my magical day with Key! 

I'm going go to bed and sleep, and replay today over and over and over and over again!

Jonghyun x


P.P.S. His lips taste like strawberries :)


Dear Diary,

I was early today, but I didn't even notice I was. I arrived at Starbucks at ten past twelve, and thought Jonghyun wasn't going to show up, but he turned up at quarter past so it was fine! I was really nervous to meet him, but when he walked in and smiled at me, the nerves slipped away and I melted inside. We talked for hours - I didn't get home until the back of seven! We talked about everything, I think. He told me how he wants to be a singer but his dad doesn't want him to be, and he asked me what I wanted to do when I grow up. Oh. I felt so bad. I don't know, because I don't know if I'll be here, because I've never thought about it? But he must have seen me looking uncomfortable, because he changed the subject really fast. I was pretty thankful for that. 

Seeing him today has just made me so happy, and when I got home my mum asked so many questions. She wanted to know if we'll be meeting again, and I told her probably. She's glad I'm happy, since the past 2 years have been... Well, . Meeting Jonghyun has probably been the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. 

Oh, also! Before we left, I kissed him! I don't know how I got so brave, but I just leaned forward and put my lips on his! His lips are so soft, and he tastes like vanilla. It's wonderful. He's wonderful. I'd love to kiss him again. We've planned to meet up this Saturday, we're going to go to the movies. I think I might tell him about Clinic and everything then. He deserves to know before anything gets too serious. I'd hate for me to just be ripped away... 

For Gods sake Key! I always manage to make everything negative and bad! :( 

I'm quite tired though, so I might go to sleep. Just think of the kiss, and be happy. 

Key :D 



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elaineyysenpai #1
Awwwwww...This story is so cute but saddening~ I mean, the cuteness masks the sad parts but we all know what's gonna happen in the end T^T I love it do far though! Update soon <3
They're cute <3
OMG, I really can't wait for the next update... I wonder how Jjong's reaction will be... Key, hwaiting! <3
Looking forward to this! Jongkey forever <3