The Carnival 2

Diary Of Forbidden Love

Dear Diary,

Key told me he has to talk to me tomorrow after the cinema. He sounded pretty serious. I'm quite nervous. He seemed quite... sad when he said he had to talk to me. I can't think straight - I so hope he's okay. Seeing him upset broke my heart. I don't really want to write tonight, I'll write tomorrow. Maybe.

Oh, before I forget, we kissed again! That seemed to cheer the both of us up. :) We got a few strange looks from people, but a lot of people seemed to think it was cute.

Jonghyun x


Dear Diary,

I was so close to telling him, but I couldn't. Not after we'd had such an amazing night. We kissed again. :) That cheered me up a bit a lot! I've never felt like this for anyone before. Jonghyun is special to me. I hope I'm special to him.

Key :) 



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elaineyysenpai #1
Awwwwww...This story is so cute but saddening~ I mean, the cuteness masks the sad parts but we all know what's gonna happen in the end T^T I love it do far though! Update soon <3
They're cute <3
OMG, I really can't wait for the next update... I wonder how Jjong's reaction will be... Key, hwaiting! <3
Looking forward to this! Jongkey forever <3