
Beautiful Stranger.

"Aish! Why did I oversleep again?!" you mentally yelled at yourself then quickly grab your backpack, ran to the front door of your apartment, put your shoes on and left running to school.
You had forgotten that today was back to school again as the winter break was over. Today would be the day where all seoul students go back to their school and get their education keep on expanding so that they would have a bright future for themself. Running to school made you feel like your a freshman all over again since this had happened to you when you first started high school. Now being a senior you still feel as though you were the same as your freshman year.

"Soo Jin! Hye Young!" you yelled as you could see them waiting for you in front of the school gate.
"Jin Ri!" they both cried as they signal you to hurry up. Knowing that the school gate would close in any minute, you put all of your effort and ran as fast as you could.
"Jin Ri why do you always oversleep before school start?" Hye Young asked as the three of you guys were in front of your locker. 
"It's because it finally stopped snowing yesterday and it was such a beautiful day that I didn't go home until midnight." you pouted.
"As expected of you." they said in unison. "Come let's get our timetable." you close your locker than lock arms with your two best friends.

"Hey I heard there a new transfer student that came from China." 
"But there a rumor going around that he was in a gang."
"There was also a news saying that he might have been a killer too!"
"Whoa no way, really?! We need to stay away from him then!"
"I am not getting near him!"

"Um. what are they talking about?" you asked as you hear students around you whispering about something.
"I think they're talking about that new transfer kid that came from China." Soo Jin simply said, she have heard this news when she came to school. It was all the students seem to talk about since this morning.
"I hope he isn't in any of my class..." Hye Young made a worry face, she was the type that get scare easily. 
"Come on let's go get the timetable!" you drag both of them playfully. 

"Aww! We only have one class together!" Soo Jin whined. You guys had just recieved your timetable and was now looking at each other class schedule.
"Look like we won't be able to see each other much now." you pouted.
"Stop being sad you two! We can still see each other during lunch time too so..." Hye Young started brusting out (fake) crying. You and Soo Jin cried too and the three of you started hugging each other. The school bell ringed signaling everyone to get to class.
"Bye guys!" you bid goodbye and walk toward your first class. 


Kris POV

Today would be the day where I start becoming like a real human.
Eat like them.
Talk like them.
Walk like them.
Drink like them.
Think like them.
Dress like them.
If any of my action I do or made goes wrong, it could end me.
Today my father had told me that I would need to go to school so that I could learn better on how to act like one. Which mean I have to pay more attention on not showing or giving ideas that I am something else. Which was an alien to them.
While I do that I have to examine every human around me to see if they could the one I'm looking for.

Standing in front of the school gate as I look up to see the school building I could hear people whispering from afar. But because I am a human now I couldn't really hear them well. I ignored them and walk to the entrance door. The touch to the door felt weird as this hand weren't mine but a real human hand. Walking down the hall way more people looked at me like they already found out I was not a human but something else. Like what happened outside they started whispering again.
Is it the way I walk that they're looking at me? Or the way I dress? 
I look down at my clothing. I was wearing the same school uniform, shoes and I'm pretty sure this was how you put on it judging by the other human.
Ignoring the human being I continued walking down the hall and look for the office. When I got there I slowly open the door as I was still not use to using this strange hands. 
Walking inside I could see a bunch of teachers rushing around to get what is needed as school have once again started. Looking around I finally found the person that I was looking for. 
"Excuse me sir." I spoke out a new foreign language. 
"Oh Mr.Wu I see you have come here like I have asked you too." he said as he would give me a smile.
"Here are your timetable and textbooks that you'll need from now on." I took it and like before it felt weird and strange. 
"I heard that you don't know much korean but I hope you can soon learn it. It's a great language to learn too." he gave me his smile again and with that I bid him goodbye and left.
To be honest I already know how to speak in korean but I had to pretend that I don't know much so that I could get closer to my goal.

As I look at my timetable I heard another sound ringing out loud, it was almost like the sound of the cars honking from yesterday. I wanted to cover my ears but because nobody around me covered their ears I try not to. I was now a human being like them.
So I must be like one too.

When I was close to my class the ringing had finally stopped and I was relieve but I had a feeling that it would ring again. 
Opening the door I walk inside and went striaght ahead to the teacher. Once again I could hear whispering around me. 
"Hello there Mr.Wu, I'm Ms.Lim it's nice to have you here with us." she said with delight.
Ms.Lim then noticed that her students were whispering and had tell the class to quiet down.
"Please introduce yourself." like the man before, she smiled as she told me.
I turn to face them and I could see they all had their eyes on me and was ready for me to speak up.
"Ahnnyonghahsehyoh my name is Wu Fan please take care of me." I said then bowed. 
"If you didn't know he had came from China so his korean isn't good like yours but I do hope you guys treat him well!" Ms.Lim told them then turn her  attention back to me. "You can take any seat that is open." I nodded then started walking toward the crow of students. Every steps I take I could feel they all looking at me. Why are they all staring at me? That question was always on the mind since the day I step into this world.
I found a seat that was next to the window and walk toward it then sat down.
The class was easy but I would try to act like I didn't understand it since they were informed that I didn't know korean much. 

Through out the whole class the only thing that was on my mind every second was where could this person I'm looking for be at.


A/N: asdfghjkl this chapter is so boring T^T I'm sorry if I made you guys fell alseep while reading it .-. BUT the next chapter will be less boring :)
Also I won't be doing that "for every chapter there will be a theme song and a quote from the song" I tried to find a song that fit this chapter but nothing=___= so I gave up on that lol...if any of you guys were wondering~
Thank you for subscribing and commenting, it make me smile;)
Happy Reading!~

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Thank you so much for subscribing my story guysT__T I'll make the next chapter awesome for you guys :)


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-paperhearts- #1
I REALLY like her friends LoL ^^
Gina_11 #2
Your story is great and interesting, keep up the good work! HWATING!! (:
@klreader2: Thank you^^ I thought this story was boring and lame .__.
-paperhearts- #4
This story is amazing !
@Kosianfanfics: Thank you :D I'm glad it doing great T__T
You're story is doing great ^^
Gahh update soon! ^^ LuLu so cute xD Kris is some hottttt alien
-paperhearts- #8
Kris they are staring cause're you
omg please update soon!
hohofood #10
love it <3