
Beautiful Stranger.

"Luhan!" you heard your two best friends call out a name. *Luhan?*
"Hey Soo Jin, Hye Young and Jin Ri." he flash his million dollars smile. For some reason they giggled as they stare at each other. 
"Don't I feel left out." you joked. They all giggled one more time then went back to normal.
"So Jin Ri." Hye Young was the first one to speak.
"Yeah..." you raise a brow.
"Your not busy today right?" 
"Well we got to go now bye Jin Ri!" Soo Jin and Hye Young said at the same time. Sometime you question yourself whether their twin or not.
"O...k...?" you tilt your head to the side as you gave them a unsure wave.
 There was a small silent building up between you and Luhan but it was quickly replaced with a cough.
"So...want to hang out?" he rub the back of his neck while having a shy smile on.
A huge smile ran across your face "Sure!"

"What do yo-" you were cut off when you bumped into someone. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" you said as you bow.
You stood up straight to see that it was Wu Fan who you bumped into.
"Hello...." you said with a weak smile. He gave you a small nod then left.
"Something....not right." Luhan stood next to you as he watch Wu Fan left the school gate.
"Nothing... just be careful of him. He not what you think he is."
*He...not what I think he is?*  what Luhan just told you made you confuse "Hey Luhan what did you mean by that?" 
He turns to face you then put his hands on your shoulder "Just be careful when you’re around him okay?" he said with a weak smile.
You just nodded not sure what do. 


It was exactly 10:30pm when you got back to your apartment. 
"I'm back!" you yelled even though you knew there was no one living with you. It was one of those odd habits of yours.
You felt a little hungry so you went to the kitchen to see if you could snack on something. But there wasn't anything. Not even a piece of bread.
"I should do some shopping." you quickly went to your room to change out of your uniform and into something more comfortable.

"Thank you, come again." the cashier said with a smile as she hand you your changes.
Since it was January it was still cold so you zip up your jacket and put your hoodie over your head. 

When you were walking back home you saw a blonde guy that was getting kind of drunk. He was moving from side to side.
"I don't think you should drink any more soju." the owner of the place warned him but he keeps on waving his hands, disagreeing with the man.
"One more shot!" he cried back.
"No! Now get out before I call the police!" the man threatens him.
"Fine! You don't want my moneys huh?" he said with hiccup between words "You human being !" and with that he finally left the place and starting walking. Obviously not in a good state cause he ends up falling on the ground. 

"Are you okay?!" you cried as you ran up to the blonde boy. But before he could reply he was already out of it. Because there weren’t any lights there you couldn't see what he look like but you knew you had to do something.
*What to do?!* 
Since he was a boy you decided to call Luhan for help. 
Beep. Beep. Beep. *Please pickup*
"Sorry but the caller you just ca-" *Great what to do now?*
Not knowing what else to do you end up dragging the boy to your apartment. 

"I'm home!" you cried as you put down the boy and went to look for the light switch.
"Where is it....oh found you!" you turn on the switch making it light up throughout your apartment. You walk back to the boy that was now leaning on the wall with his back behind you.

When you got in front of him to take off his shoes you noticed that it was Wu Fan.

I'm really really sorry for the super duper late update T__T and i'm sorry for the short chapter ><
The next chapte will be longer^^



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-paperhearts- #1
I REALLY like her friends LoL ^^
Gina_11 #2
Your story is great and interesting, keep up the good work! HWATING!! (:
@klreader2: Thank you^^ I thought this story was boring and lame .__.
-paperhearts- #4
This story is amazing !
@Kosianfanfics: Thank you :D I'm glad it doing great T__T
You're story is doing great ^^
Gahh update soon! ^^ LuLu so cute xD Kris is some hottttt alien
-paperhearts- #8
Kris they are staring cause're you
omg please update soon!
hohofood #10
love it <3