
Beautiful Stranger.

[Note: Bold+Blue=You guys speaking chinese.]

"Ahnyonghahsehyoh my name is Wu Fan....please take care of me." he said then bowed 90 degree. 

"Welcome Wu Fan, I hope you will have an enjoyable year and learn lots of things!" Mr.Lee then turn his attention back to his current students. "If you didn't know he came from China but because of personal reason he transfered to here..."
"Probably because he got in trouble a lot." Soo Jin mumbled but you could heard it. 
"...So his korean isn't good but I hope you guys can help him out if he doesn't get it. Speaking of language....Jin Ri!" he call out to you giving you a little jump.
"Y-yes Mr.Lee?" you ask politely.
"You say before that you know a little chinese right?" 
"Yes..." you didn't know where this was going to.
"Since you know chinese and he doesn't know much korean, help him out ok?" Mr.Lee gave you a smile. But it was more like a 'you-better-do-it-or-else' kind. Knowing you couldn't say 'no' you nodded. 
"You can sit next to Jin Ri." Mr.Lee gesture to you, he nodded then made his way to you.

Your eyes widen when he got closer but quickly cover that with a smile. He looked at you for a second before sitting down next to you. 
" name is Jin Ri." you said then took out your hand to give him a handshake but he just gave you a confuse look.
"Shake...umm...head! Headshake!" 
"It's hand not head."
he corrected you then turn his attention to the teacher. 
*Hand?...oh yeah! Gosh i'm so stupid.* you mentally hit your head for your fail chinese then went back to your teacher lesson.

Every five minutes you would take a quick glance at him. Of course you try not to make it obvious but little did you know. He actually knew that you been looking at him. Even though his eyes was glue to the front, he could still feel people eyes looking at him and yours was one of them.  

"Is something wrong?" he finally turn to face you.
You jumped a little because you didn't think he'll notice "No...wrong.." you wave your hands. He put his eyes back to the front board and pay attention to the teacher.
"Ok guys for your first project you will be working with your table partner and plo-"
*Oh no we're going to work together?! But I'm nervous just sitting next to him!* you were out of your thoughts when you saw a hand waving in front of you. You turn to find that it belonged to Wu Fan. 
"Y-yes..?" you ask nervously. It wasn't because you were afraid of him. It was just that you never seem such a perfect human being that it got on mess up in your head making you nervous. 


Kris POV
"Ok guys for your first project you will be working with your table partner and plot a storyline that you guys will act out." the whole class groaned expect me and the girl sitting next to me. *What was her name again? Oh yeah...Jin Ri.*
"I'll give you guys one month to come up with ideas for the story. After that you could either act out in front of everyone or record a vidoe of it." everyone groaned again, I was starting to find that sound really annoying now. 
"One more groan and I'll make it two weeks." Mr.Lee warned everyone and somehow it worked. *Do human being hate working that much?*
"You have now until the bell ring to plan something out chop chop." Mr.Lee clap his hands and the whole class start talking.

I turn around to see Jin Ri spacing out. "Jin..Ri." I call out. No response so I tried again "Jin Ri..." again nothing.
*What should I do?* After some thoughts I remembered during one of my class there was a boy who was trying to get a girl attention by waving his hand in front of her. So I decided to wave my hand in front of her hoping she'll notice too. 
"Y-yes..?" she finally spoke.
"Did you even pay attention to the teacher a second ago?"
"Slow! slow down!"
she gresture it with her hands. *Does her chinese or what?*
Um...did you...hear what...the teacher say?" I said as slowly as I could. To be honest it made me sound dumb.
"What?! I missed what he say gosh your so dumb Jin Ri." she started to hit her head. * she hitting herself?*
"umm yeah I did." she said with a small smile. I raise my eyebrows as to why she would lie. But I couldn't tell her that she was lying because then she'll know I fully understand korean.
"Let's...get to work then." I said then pull out some papers and pencils.
"..what we doing?" she finally ask after a few second.
"I thought you knew what we were going to do." 

Your POV
I saw him taking out some papers and pencils which made want to take back what I say before. About me knowing what the teacher told us to do.
"..what we doing?" I finally ask after a few second of silent.
"I thought you knew what we were going to do."

Another slient. 

Just when I was about to speak, I felt a paper ball hit on my head. I turn around to see who threw that. I should have known, it was none other then my two best friends who was sitting right behind me. I mouthed them a 'why did you threw that at me?'.
They both mouthed 'read it.' at the same time. So I turn back to my seat and pick up the paper ball.

"We saw u spacing out, anyway we're been told to work with our table partner (omg I feel sorry for u) and come up with a storyline that u guys will act out or record it.Be carefull our dear friendT^T. HWAITING!!" 
                                                                                                                                                                                       Love, Soo Jin & Hye Young<3 

*Oh so that's what we're going to do.* after reading that it helped me a lot.
I turn my attention back to him. "Let's....start!" I said with a smile. He nodded then put the paper in the middle so we could write down some ideas.
"Do you have anything in mind?" 
I was about to speak when I felt a paper ball hit my head, again. This time I didn't even brother to turn around and face them, I just pick it up and read it.

"Whatever u do DON"T do anything that has voilent! Your two bestie, Soo Jin & Hye Young<3"

"O..k..." I went back to him again "How abo-"
I was cut off again when another paper ball hit my head. So I picked up but this time kind of annoyed. *Why don't you guys just write all of it in one note?!*

"Do something fluffy~ remember NO voilents! that's a no-no >:) From your friends that care for you<3"

I facepalm at my friend's notes. 


"See you guys tomorrow!" Mr.Lee cried over the bell.
School had just ended making every student cheerful and jolly. You were putting away your last note when two arms linked into yours and pulling you along with it.
"What are you guys doing?" you ask confused.
"You'll see!~" they said in unison. 

For some reason you had a bad feeling about this.


A/N: it's not that long but it's longer than my previous chapters right? XD I hope my readers like this chapter ;__;
also from now on i'm going to try to write all of my chapters longer :)
I don't know about you guys but it feel so weird when I write/read 'Wu Fan' instead of 'Kris' xD but don't worry later on she's going to call him 'Kris' ^^

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-paperhearts- #1
I REALLY like her friends LoL ^^
Gina_11 #2
Your story is great and interesting, keep up the good work! HWATING!! (:
@klreader2: Thank you^^ I thought this story was boring and lame .__.
-paperhearts- #4
This story is amazing !
@Kosianfanfics: Thank you :D I'm glad it doing great T__T
You're story is doing great ^^
Gahh update soon! ^^ LuLu so cute xD Kris is some hottttt alien
-paperhearts- #8
Kris they are staring cause're you
omg please update soon!
hohofood #10
love it <3