
Beautiful Stranger.

Kris POV
Fourth period just ended and it was now time for the human to have their lunch but I wasn't in the mood to eat.
One, it's human food, they eat stuff that been cooked. Two, they don't have food that I usually eat, which was fishs and birds. Three, I still wasn't use to eating their 'foods'.

The walk down to wherever the hallway lead me to, I could still see set of eyes looking at my direction as they continue to whisper about something. 
I ignore them again and just continue minding my own business. The hallway lead me toward the school garden.
There was a huge water fountain right in the middle and different kinds of flowers surrounding it. All I could say was that it pretty and peacefull at the same time. It kind of remind me of my own world. We had this special place that was filled with all kinds of flowers, even rare one too. All together in one big endless field. But not many dragons were allow to be there.
Since I had nothing to do I decided to laid down on the solf grass under the tree where it could block out the sun. 
Before I knew it, I went to the dreamland.


Your POV
Classes after classes it was finally lunch time. I gather all of my notes into my backpack and head to the canteen. My friends had told me that they'll be waiting for me so I quickly ran to the canteen, not caring if people thought I were weird.
When I got there I did a fast scam through the crowd of hungry students. "Where are they?" 

"Jin Ri-ah!"  
Hearing my name call out loud like that I knew who that voice belong to.

It was none other than Luhan.

"Luhan! I missed you" I said then gave him a big hug, it been a long time since I seem him.
"Long time no see. How you been?" he was now ruffling my hair, I pouted because he mess up my hair.
"I been great! What about you? How did your trip to China went?"
"It was nice, I finally got to see my parents again." he then gave me warm smile, I smiled back too.
"Anyway want to eat lunch with me?" 
"Sorry bu-" I was cut off when I saw my two best friend from afar signaling me to go with him. I sighed but smiled because it really been a long time since I hang out with him "Sure!" I grinned.


"Oh my god! Did you see them together?!"  Soo Jin started spazzing along with Hye Young "When do you think they'll date?" Soo Jin nudged Hye Young while she wiggle her eyebrows in a creepy way. Hye Young just gave her a 'what-the-hell-are-you-doing' face.
"I don't know but soon for sure!" she finally replied.
"Come on! Let's stalk them~" they both grinned evilly then link arms and went to where you and Luhan was going to.

You and Luhan weren't hungry so the two of you just buy a banana milk. 
"Ah~ I missed this drink." he gulp all of it in one shot then throw it away in the trash can that was near him.
"What? You miss that banana milk more me?" you joked.
"Actually yes." he turn to face you with a smile.
"Yah!" You lighted hit his shoulder but end up smiling too. 
"So where are we going?" you ask as you put the straw in the milk and was about to drink it when he grab your hand and pull you along with him.

"Wow it's so pretty!" you clasp your hands together as you take a good view of the school garden. It looked more alive than the last time you saw it. Which was during your freshman years. Now that you thought of it, you really never been here much. *Wonder why*
"Come on." he gently grab your hand and took you to a nearby bench to sit down.
"So what did you do in China?" you ask him. He reply back to you by giggling, but it was a creepy one.
You made a weird face because you never heard him giggle like that before, never. " yeah, what did you do over there?" you ask again then took a slip of your banana milk.
"My dad wanted me to go China for an urgent mission."
"What kind of mission?"
"A secret one." he giggle again making you curious as ever. "Tell me!"
"N.O." he teased you. You got annoyed so you start poking him "Tell me Luhan!"
"O-o-k f-f-fine i-i-i'll t-t-ell you-u-u." he laughed in between his sentence. "OH MY GOD IS THAT A FLYING PIG?!" he pointed at the sky with a serious expression. Being the gullible person you are, you believed him and turn around "WHERE?!" but all you saw was the clouds moving slowly. 
"Yah! There n-" you were cut off when you saw he wasn't next to you anymore. *I'm going to kill you when I see you Luhan!*
You got up and walk to the trash can provided there when you suddenly trip over something making you land on top of it.

But it wasn't something, it was someone.


A/N: sorry that it short again and that I haven't updated in a while blame aff lol XD
Hope you guys like this chapter :D

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-paperhearts- #1
I REALLY like her friends LoL ^^
Gina_11 #2
Your story is great and interesting, keep up the good work! HWATING!! (:
@klreader2: Thank you^^ I thought this story was boring and lame .__.
-paperhearts- #4
This story is amazing !
@Kosianfanfics: Thank you :D I'm glad it doing great T__T
You're story is doing great ^^
Gahh update soon! ^^ LuLu so cute xD Kris is some hottttt alien
-paperhearts- #8
Kris they are staring cause're you
omg please update soon!
hohofood #10
love it <3