Chapter 11

Noona, I Love You

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I may break some of the readers' heart who is reading this story who is expecting the things that you imagined but it turn out the other way. For that, I ask for forgiveness since I'm just a humble author who writes freely and purely imagination. For the readers, thank you a lot for subscribing and comment this story from the beginning 'till the end. I may not reply your comment but it gives me strength and courage to write. :)



7 years has just passed like a wind. Their life is much brighter when each of the school leavers is holding a scroll of certificate and working in their comfortable position.

As for Chanyeol who wants to be a photographer like he wants since he’s small, he is already achieved his own dream.

He owned a company and labour many creative and professional photographers under his coach.

He felt grateful with his achievement but there is one thing he regrets doing so but he thought that was the wise decision after all.

His noona.


He was taking a leisure walking at the side road when he saw a familiar figure. This time, he grew much taller and better looking.

Wearing a simple collared-shirt with sea blue color, Luhan still look younger than his actual age because of his baby-face.

 “Luhan sunbae.” He mutters his name happily.

Chanyeol approaches him with a wide grin before tapping his shoulder lightly. Just like an old friend, both of them are embrace each other tightly.

“How are you, Chanyeol?” Luhan was so happy that he couldn’t contain back his happiness.

“Fine as usual. How about you, Luhan hyung?” Chanyeol said; still grinning.

“I’m great and secure with my position right now.” He laughs. “Hey, lets grab a coffee since I can’t drink in office hour right now.” Luhan takes a quick glance at his wristwatch.

“As long as you’ll buy it.”

Both of them is heading to nearby café which Chanyeol recommend it since D.O owned the café and the food plus service is superb.

It was a great timing when both of them enter the store; D.O was busy attending the customers. When he saw them, his eyes become bigger and usher his worker to takes his position while he approaches them.

He pats their back before taking them to sit where its located beside window. The atmosphere is more comfortable and friendly.

“What can I get for both of you?” D.O says.

“Latte, please.” Luhan answers.

“You know what I like.” Chanyeol replies.

“Plain water? Sure, sure. No problem!” Luhan is holding back his laughter before D.O walks to counter with painful arm where Chanyeol smacks at.

While D.O is making their drink, they’re having a little chat.

 “How’s life?” Luhan starts the conversation.

“Much better than before. How about you, hyung?”

“Most of my clients like my design and I was very delightful that I can reach global market.”

Luhan is a graphic designer. He is one of the demanded designers for now especially for the company who wants approachable advertisement.

“That’s a wonderful news. So, when will I get your wedding card?” Chanyeol teases him.

Luhan is blushing. “We – well, that’s thing…”

“Oh, come on hyung! You didn’t even ask her yet?”

“It’s embarrassing, okay? Suddenly just blurting out said ‘I want to marry you.’ What if she rejects? Oh, I don’t know where should I put my face!”

Chanyeol lets out a soft laugh. “Where is Luhan hyung I’ve known since high school? The one who is aggressive, cold-hearted and have burning desire to win. Seriously, you’re going to miss your big chance for not telling her from now. How many times do I have to tell you that she loves you more than she loves me before?”

And the past rewinds back.


“Chanyeol, let’s break up.” Seohyun said with poker face.

She may look cold at outer appearance but she was holding back the tears, which are slowly forming, in her eyes.

She wants to look strong in front of him; facing the break up with ease mind.

Well, that’s what she’s got in her mind.

Chanyeol looks at her with disbelief look. Is he misheard her?


“You’re such a great person and making me happy is so wonderful but I can’t return the love as much as you love me.”

“I could wait.”

“Please, Chanyeol! No! I don’t wait you to wait for something that I don’t know when it’s going to be real.”

You – you love Luhan hyung more, right?” Chanyeol says in nervous voice.

Much to his despair, she nods her head. “Yes, Chanyeol. I love him more than I thought. Sorry, I am really sorry for toying with your heart, not return back your love and ruined your feeling just because I fell in love with my own best friend.  I just realized I broke his heart twice; being with you and still clueless about his feeling towards me. Right now, everything is clear. ”

“Noona, what’s make him more special in your eyes?” Chanyeol said it in hoarse voice; almost crying.

“He doesn’t have to try hard.” She answers it with apologize tone.

Chanyeol was speechless. He admits his own defeat. There’s no way he can ever defeat his sunbae.

“Noona, I will let you go but promise me one thing. Don’t forget to send your wedding invitation card at me. I will capture your wedding photo with discount price.”

His witty was causing her to laugh.

“Of course, Chanyeol. Anything for my favourite junior.”


Luhan his lower lips before taking out something from his coat. He puts a pink envelope on the table.

“Here is my wedding card. For your information, she would never forget her promises. So, would you be our photographer at our wedding?” Luhan requests.

Chanyeol is stunning. He can’t believe in his own eyes that he would see his noona getting married to a man that used to be his rival. He takes the envelope slowly where ‘Chanyeol’ name written in front of the envelope.

He takes out the card and smile crept on his face when he saw ‘Luhan and Seohyun’ names. ‘You really kept your promise, noona. Congratulations!’

He looks up and gives his thumb up at Luhan. “Of course I can be your photograph but no discount for you.”

“Hey, you promise her to give a discount!” He remarks.

He laughs evilly. “Only to her.” He sticks out his tongue out; causing Luhan to burst out anger.

“Why you…!” He holds back his fist before puts down when D.O is arriving at their table with their drinks. He wears a clueless face when he saw Luhan’s angry face and sneaky face Chanyeol.

Chanyeol laughs happily.

Noona, you’re a lucky person to have Luhan as your future husband. I’m sure he will taking care of you more than I used to do. Noona, I pray for long time happiness for both of you. Wish for me to meet with a girl exactly like you.’

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Chapter 11: Hey... You're mean... T_T You made me cry

Haha... Well... Nice story :)))
theresia #2
Chapter 11: at first,,
i'm ready to get mad at you,,Author honestly..

but your ending make me speechless
i'm glad Chanyeol has moved on..and still be the Happy Virus
eventhough i think he deserved Seo more hehe
Chapter 11: A happy ending for seohan .. Love it !!
But I feel bad for chanyeol :'(
Hope he will have a happy ending too ..

Great story author <3
(tears falling down slowly) I'm going to tell Glam Unnie to fix my broken heart..sniff sniff..thanks for the awesome story..more please..haha
T_T Broken. I'll chant SeoYeol until I die XD
SEOYEOL <33333333333333
ExoGeneration0406 #6
yay~~~~ seohan <3
lup_xynk #7
Seohan...happy ending!
poor Chan yeol...but Chan yeol ah, u'll find one.... And Unless u find, I'll come with u hehehe =)))))))
aaaaa..happy end..seohan couple <3
waa i hope chanyeol can find girl again ^^
Eycha_sk11 #9
Woah chukahaeyo to LUHAN & seohyun !!! <3333

but poor chanyeol..sokay u'll found one :)