Tour de Paris: Part Two

Unexpected Love

A much, much longer chapter. :) Sorry for the wait~ Thanks for all the comments and support--you guys are awesome♥

This is unedited; any mistakes pointed out would be appreciated. :)

By the way, the "Tour de Paris" will actually be a three-parter. :) Just letting you guys know~

- Jessica

Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk walked down the congested cobblestone street at a slow and easy pace. Street vendors called out to them in French that they clearly didn't understand, and all around were small shops and bakeries. Inviting smells and aromas wafted in the air and Eunhyuk dragged Hyoyeon into a nearby pâtisserie, or a pastry shop. The windows displayed decorated cakes and pretty-looking sweets.

"I thought we were going to the Eiffel Tower!" Hyoyeon said indignantly, a frown forming on her face.

"Let's get a snack first!" Eunhyuk insisted, tugging on Hyoyeon's arm. Hyoyeon stayed put, her feet glued to the ground.

"Didn't you just eat breakfast?" she asked, even though she knew the answer. For some strange reason, Eunhyuk always seemed to be hungry.

Eunhyuk shrugged. "Yeah, but come on, it's French sweets! We have to try them~" he pleaded, pulling a pouty face.

"...Oh, alright." Hyoyeon muttered, giving in.

"Heh, who knew that Kim Hyoyeon had a soft spot for aegyo?" Eunhyuk grinned deviously, pulling Hyoyeon into the sweets shop.

Cool air flooded over them and they noticed quite a large group of people crowded around the counter, speaking in French. There were a few tables with intricately designed chairs. All the tables were tables for two, as there were only two chairs, and it suddenly dawned on Hyoyeon that this pastry shop was specifically for lovers.

Eunhyuk got in line and pulled Hyoyeon next to him. He squinted at the signs in French, wondering what on Earth they said. Hyoyeon tapped him on the arm incessantly. "Eunhyuk!" she hissed, starting to smack his arm.

"OW!" he shouted, attracting the attention of the French customers. They all gave him strange looks and he smiled apologetically, bowing his head. He had forgotten the basic French Leeteuk had taught them a few days ago--how would they order his precious sweets? The tarts looked mouth-watering and he so wanted to try some custards...

"Hyukjae," Hyoyeon said in a dangerously low voice. Eunhyuk's attention snapped back to her and he rolled his eyes.

"What? If you want me to buy something for you--well, I'm not gonna."

"I wasn't gonna ask for that!" Hyoyeon scoffed, offended. "I'm not a pig like you!"

"I'm not a pig!"

"Then you're a monkey!"


"Anchovy then!"

By now, all eyes were on the bickering pair. Even the man at the counter who was wearing a white baker's outfit and a chef's hat raised an eyebrow at them. He seemed to be amused.

"Désolé," Hyoyeon told the pastry chef and the other waiting customers, glaring slightly at Eunhyuk.

They all murmured back polite responses and went back to their previous activies. Eunhyuk stared at Hyoyeon, confusion clouding his face. "What'd you say?"

"Sorry," Hyoyeon responded with a slight roll of her eyes. "Now, will you listen to me?"

"Yeah, yeah, what?"

"This shop is for lovers."

“What? Come again?” Eunhyuk frowned deeply at Hyoyeon.

“You heard me." Hyoyeon hissed in a low tone. "Don't you see all the couples?"

Eunhyuk whipped his head around and inspected the customers in the shop. There were both males and females, but they all seemed to be paired up. Men were with women, and vice versa. He was about to object to Hyoyeon's statement, when he noticed that all these couples were holding hands.

He turned back to Hyoyeon with a raised eyebrow. "So what if it is?"

"So what?" Hyoyeon sighed, obviously exasperated with the guy in front of her. "You're so stupid."

"Better than being ug--"

Hyoyeon glared dangerously as a deep, low voice coughed loudly. "Excusez moi?"

The pair turned their attention to the man at the counter who was looking at them expectantly. Hyoyeon nudged Eunhyuk in the ribs. "Well, get something then, since you're so hungry."

Eunhyuk blinked a few times and moved his face right next to Hyoyeon's. He whispered in her ear, and it sent chills up her spine. "Yeah, about that--I don't know French."

Hyoyeon shook off the feeling of goosebumps forming on her bare arms. She shrugged and smiled teasingly "That's too bad then, isn't it?"

"Help me?" Eunhyuk pleaded, tugging on Hyoyeon's arm. He pulled his signature pouty face again. Hyoyeon stared him down and shook her head firmly.

"I'm not giving in, Eunhyuk."

"Pleeeeease?" Eunhyuk begged, getting on his knees and grabbing Hyoyeon's hands.

The other customers in the store stopped to stare at the sight before them. Not knowing Korean, they thought it was a proposal or something of the sort, and began cheering and hollering. Some of the women squealed excitedly at Hyoyeon and babbled rapid-fire French at her that she couldn't comprehend.

"S-Stop that!" Hyoyeon ordered, getting a bit red in the face. "You're attracting attention!"

"I won't stop until you say you'll help me." Eunhyuk grinned cheekily, gripping Hyoyeon's hands tighter. Hyoyeon sighed and grumbled, frowning.


"YES!" Eunhyuk cheered, jumping up, his hands still holding on to Hyoyeon's. The crowd around them cheered and Hyoyeon slapped Eunhyuk roughly on the arm as he hugged her.

"You like this, don't you?" Eunhyuk smirked.

"Like hell," Hyoyeon mumbled, pushing Eunhyuk away.

"Hyoyeonnie, I want this and this and this." Eunhyuk pointed to the different sweets in the display window. "Ooh, and this!"

Hyoyeon sighed, but nodded. She repeated the list of sweets Eunhyuk desired to the man, while Eunhyuk rocked back and forth on his heels anxiously.

"Tell him to hurry it up!" Eunhyuk said.

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. "That's rude! You can't say things like that to people."

As they stood at the counter, waiting impatiently, a small group of girls gathered around Eunhyuk. Bewildered, he spun around and met their admiring stares with a grin. "Bonjour~" he greeted, inducing squeals.

"Don't provoke them!" Hyoyeon scolded, tapping her foot irritably.

Eunhyuk had seemed to be able to hear her--that, or he was ignoring her--because he had started to put on a small show for his fans. He did some complicated dance moves, popping and waving, and the screams just got louder. Even the older adults clapped and enjoyed his performance, delighted with his talent.

"Je t'aime." (I love you.) a girl who looked to be Hyoyeon's age said flirtatiously, giggling.

Eunhyuk grinned back at her, but whispered to Hyoyeon, "What'd she say?"

"Nothing important." Hyoyeon muttered, grabbing their bag of sweets and shoving it into Eunhyuk's hands. "Let's go." she walked quickly and smoothly out of the store, leaving Eunhyuk behind.

Being the quick person he was, Eunhyuk caught up with her and held on to her wrist. "Hey, what's with the rush?"

"It's hot in there." Hyoyeon lied unconvincingly.

"You can't lie to me, Hyo." Eunhyuk smiled softly, munching on a strawberry tart. "Now what did that girl say?"

"No-thing," SNSD's lead dancer insisted, pulling out of Eunhyuk's tight grip. "Let's just go."

"Uh, Hyo? Eiffel Tower's this way." Eunhyuk pointed in the opposite direction that Hyoyeon was currently traveling.

She huffed and stomped back towards the correct pathway, Eunhyuk trailing behind and chuckling at her cuteness. Hyoyeon stopped at a cross-section and looked left, right, and straight ahead. She turned around and blushed, not realizing that Eunhyuk was so close to her. "Y-Yah, where do we go from here?" she asked, not looking him in the eye.

"Straight ahead," Eunhyuk answered, patting Hyoyeon's head affectionately. "Aigoo, my yeobo is so cute today~"

"I'm not your yeobo!" Hyoyeon shot back angrily, speeding away from him.

"Ah, no, I'm sorry!" Eunhyuk ran as fast as his legs could carry him and caught up with her in no time. "I was just kidding, Hyo, really--"

"Fine, then let's drop it."

Eunhyuk sighed and slowed his pace, falling a few steps behind Hyoyeon. How had it all come to this? Only half an hour ago, the two of them were getting along fine, smiling, talking like normal, laughing--it was just like old times. Now, they were both biting each other's head off, or in this case, Hyoyeon was biting Eunhyuk's head off.

He jogged up to Hyoyeon and an eclair in her face. "Here, eat."

"Not hungry," she mumbled, folding her arms stubbornly.

"It's chocolate~" Eunhyuk said in a sing-song voice. He smiled knowingly. "I know how much you love chocolate."

Hyoyeon turned her head away, resisting his attempt to make things smoother between the two of them. "Well, I guess you don't know that I've changed."

Eunhyuk didn't give up and persisted in waving the tantalizing treat right in front of Hyoyeon's nose. "Chocolate~"

Without a word, Hyoyeon grabbed the chocolate eclair and nibbled on it half-heartedly.

He chuckled and patted her head again. "See, I know you."

"You never change."


"Wow..." Hyoyeon managed to utter out, amazed at the sight before. The magnificent tower towered above the rest, gleaming beautifully in the bright sunlight. The Champ de Mars, the park where the Eiffel Tower resided, was specked with people picnicking, playing, taking pictures, and just hanging out. It was like the most wonderful park that Hyoyeon had ever seen.

She unconciously reached for her pocket, but realized with a sinking heart that she had left her camera back at the hotel in the rush to leave. Eunhyuk noticed and sidled up next to her with his camera. He grinned and threw an arm around her shoulders.

"Let's take a picture!"

Hyoyeon looked like she wanted to refuse at first, but ended up smiling. "Okay."

Eunhyuk went up to a random man passing up and shoved his camera into the man's hands. The man looked puzzled as Eunhyuk tried to tell him to take the picture. Hyoyeon laughed at his dorkiness and eventually told the man to take their picture in French. He smiled and nodded and stood a few feet away from them, holding up the camera.

Tossing his arm back around Hyoyeon, Eunhyuk grinned brightly and threw a peace sign, not knowing that Hyoyeon did the same.

"Merci." (Thank you.) Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon told the man, bowing their heads in unison. He merely smiled again and continued on his way.

"Wanna go up?" Eunhyuk suggested.

"I'm not a big fan of heights." Hyoyeon mumbled quietly, hoping he wouldn't catch it.

Unfortunately, he heard it perfectly well. "Well, then I'll hold your hand." he joked with a grin.

"Ew, no!" Hyoyeon laughed.

"Come on, please?" he asked kindly. "Or are you chicken?" Eunhyuk taunted, putting on a mocking smirk.

"No way." Hyoyeon grabbed his arm and proceeded to the tower. "I'm not chicken for anything."

"That's the Hyoyeon I know."


The second they stepped out of the elevator, Hyoyeon instantly latched on to Eunhyuk for dear life.

The city was spread out before them, and the two could see everything. The cars that now looked like ants, the people who looked even smaller, other buildings, complexes, malls, museums--everything. Hyoyeon took one glimpse at the beautiful sight then clamped her eyes shut.

Eunhyuk laughed. "Stop that; you look stupid."

"I wanna go back down." Hyoyeon said through gritted teeth, her eyes still closed.

"Hang on, lemme take some pictures first." Eunhyuk said calmly. Hyoyeon heard a few clicks go off and grew impatient.

"Can we go now?"

"Fine, fine." Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, leading the poor girl back to the elevator.

On the way down, Hyoyeon was breathing normally again, sighing as a wave of relief washed over her. "That wasn't too bad..."

"You didn't even see it!" Eunhyuk cried in disbelief, laughing at her.

"I saw it."

"For like two seconds."

"So? Still saw it..."

Knowing that Hyoyeon would always be stubborn until the bitter end, he gave up arguing with her and led her out of the open elevator doors. They walked back outside into the breezy, refreshing air, and Hyoyeon automatically perked up.

"Where to next?" she asked eagerly, her mood changing completely.

Eunhyuk poked her cheek playfully. "Wherever you wanna go."

"Hmm..." Hyoyeon pursed in lips in thought, unknowingly creating a pouty face. Eunhyuk was tempted to touch her face again, but resisted the urge. He almost blew it with her earlier, and he didn't want to go through that again. He liked being able to talk to her and to be friends.

Friends, huh? Eunhyuk thought to himself wistfully.

"Let's go to the Notre Dame!" Hyoyeon exclaimed cheerfully.

"Hyoyeon?" Eunhyuk asked, a mad grin forming on his features.

"What?" she frowned.

"...You're still holding my hand."

"AISH!" Hyoyeon released his hand immediately, as it were a nasty germ. "What's wrong with you?!"

"ME?! You're the one who held my hand in the first place!" Eunhyuk retorted with a smirk.

"Well, you should have mentioned it way earlier. Ugh." Hyoyeon frowned again, her once-cheerful mood, now deflated.

"You know you liked it."


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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 30: Update soon ^^
Chintianano #3
Chapter 30: Ahhh, continue pleaseeeee. So amazinggg!!!!
SUNSUNCouple12 #4
Chapter 10: Its not that boring the whole story is amazing!!
Chapter 30: Aigooo!! Plz update as soo as u can. I can't wait!!
lemonechaoi #6
omo omo. curious what gonna happen next. anyway, i really love these story!! update soon please *puppy eyes*....okay failed. Hahaha
what happened next?! ugh, im dying out of curiousity. what will hapen next?! kyaaaaah. update soon. :))
Srsly, I'm a new reader here and I love the way the story goes so please update asap :) #HyoHyuk ♥
Noooo awkward moment at the end!
This is so not right! HyoHyuk is meant to be! They need to reconcile and whatever, kissing or something and then go out!
I hope you update soon >_<