I Want to Hurt You

My Regretful Revenge



“Anyway, don’t mention any of that to her, okay? She’ll hate me forever,” finished Joon as he jumped off the counter. I brushed my angry expression off my face and replaced it with indifference as I entered the kitchen once again. I tried not to make it obvious that I had just eavesdropped on their conversation.


Joon came over to me and playfully messed up my hair. I glared at him. My fist wanted to hit him so bad at this point.


“Hey, I was just kidding about the midget thing. Don’t take it seriously,” he assured me. But I had already forgotten about that, I was angry about the stupid accident again. My emotion consumed me and I walked away ignoring him. I was just so angry. This whole time, the accident was caused by the one who I fell in love with. It made me sick to my stomach. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked as I made my way to my room. I slammed the door shut behind me and jumped on my bed face down. I gripped on my sheets tightly, wanting to tear Joon apart at this point.


I finally managed to get on my feet again and opened my drawer to take out my notebook. I flipped to the page I wrote two years ago. There it was; my revenge plan. I had only managed to do the first two steps. I stared at the third one.


Step three: Attack their emotions. Confuse their psychological state.


I had to keep going. A new motivation consumed me into getting this revenge that I totally lost sight of because of my petty little feelings for Lee Joon. I couldn’t let that get into my head any longer. I wanted revenge.





The next morning, I managed to come out of my room after a night full of tears. My eyes were swollen and my lips were dry. It was obvious that I had just cried. I tiptoed over to the kitchen. Nobody but my brother was supposed to be home because parents worked early in the morning. I was starving.


To my surprise, I found Hyuna sitting at the table, most probably waiting for her obsession, Joon. Goodness… She came over to me and grinned playfully.


“Minyoung’ah! You’re up!” she exclaimed in her overly joyful tone. Argh.


“Yeah, sure,” I responded sarcastically.


“You look awful. It’s as if someone had beaten you up.”


Then it clicked to me. I knew what I could do to mess with Lee Joon’s brain. All I had to do was take away what was most precious to him: his best friend, Hyuna. This was the perfect time to do so.


“I’m really okay,” I assured her before clearing my throat. “Ummm. Listen, unnie… I wanted to show something to you… upstairs,” I said as I pointed to the ceiling.


I looked at her clothing today, and it was perfect for what I was anticipating. She wore a long dress that reached all the way to the floor. As much as I knew this would hurt, I had to do this.


“Yeah, sure thing.”


We got up and made our way to the staircase while I kept an eye on Hyuna’s skirt. We started going up all while keeping myself close to her. As soon as we got to the top of the staircase, I stopped her from going any further.


“Wait unnie. I-I.” I panicked and started to hug her, putting me in the perfect position. “Thank you…”


“What for?” she asked in bewilderment. I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.


“For taking care of my brother so well.” As soon as I pronounced those words, I saw Joon coming out of his room. That was my cue. I slowly drew away from the hug, stepped on Hyuna’s long dress, purposely tripped and made a dramatic tumble down the steps. I fumbled, making sure I protected my head. Once I got to the bottom, I could see Joon and Hyuna running down the steps.


“Min’ah! Gwenchana?” cried Joon in terror. He shook me, but my eyes remained closed. It ached all over. As I theatrically blinked a few times to open my eyes, I made out cries of pain. Joon leaned over and put my head on his shoulder.


“Oppa, it hurts so much,” I complained miserably, clenching my back. It really did  hurt badly.


“Did you break your back? I’ll take you to the hospital.” he declared in urgency. From the side of my eye, all I could see was Hyuna standing there, hopeless.


“Ani. Aniya.  I want to stay here,” I pleaded.


He picked me up with his strong arms and brought me to the nearest couch. He gently pushed my hair away checked for cuts and bruises. A few were already starting to form.


“Aish,” expressed Joon in frustration. I could see worry in his annoyed state. “Wait here. Araso?” He turned to meet Hyuna in her gaze and dragged her to the kitchen. Their conversation was a blur; they were too far away… until they began to shout.




“I didn’t push her, I swear!” I heard Hyuna say louder.


“I saw you! You totally want to get rid of her. I told you not to be jealous of her, Hyuna,” Joon began to bicker.


“She fell on her own!”


“Don’t make this difficult, Hyuna. Just admit you did.” There was a short pause.


“Okay, I admit that I am a bit jealous of her. I didn’t like the fact that she was stealing my best friend away from me… but I, in no way, would ever try to hurt your sister. Believe me, Joon’ah, I swear that I didn’t push her.”


“Hyuna, don’t you think this time, you’re going a bit too far? You pushed Min and then you tell me that you didn’t even when I saw it with my own eyes!”


It all worked out. My plan was working like wonders. I didn’t think that it would go as well as it was.


“Look, if you don’t believe me, then clearly you forgot that we’ve known each other far longer than Min has. You know that I wouldn’t do such a thing. And if you really think that I did it, I guess I should just leave,” she finally said in fury.


“I guess you should,” he agreed with a cold idiom.


“Fine. If that’s all I mean to you then… Don’t come crawling back to me ever again. I mean it…”


I heard the back door slam in a second. Soon afterwards, Joon came back in the living room with a bunch of stuff in his hand. He placed himself beside me and got me to sit properly as he applied some medicine on the newly formed bruise on my forehead.


He didn’t say a word. I could tell that the fight he just had with Hyuna was upsetting him.


“Joon… Is everything alright with Hyuna?” I asked, trying to comfort him. He tapped harder onto my forehead with the q-tip.


“Min, tell me honestly. Did you fall on purpose?”


I was taken aback.  I did, but I didn’t intend for him to be suspicious.


“No. Why would I fall on purpose?” I lied with a frown. He took another q-tip and began treating the bruise on my legs.


“That’s what I thought.” There was a long silence. I hesitated before asking anything else because he seemed fuming.


“What about you and Hyuna?” I was curious to know how much damage I create.  Joon bit his lip as a tear fell shortly afterwards.


“I hate it when we fight. It takes forever for us to talk to each other again.” He wiped the tear away from his cheek, trying to hold any more from coming out. “She’s so important to me and I don’t know what I’d do without her now.”


As much as I didn’t want to admit it, it hurt to know that they were that close.


“Why did you scold her then?” I asked inquisitively. He stopped what he was doing and smiled dimly. His beam was always so attractive; I couldn’t get my eyes off him.


“Because you mean just as much to me as she does.”


It hit me right in the face: the feeling of guilt all over again. His words and actions seemed goldenly sincere, and I was there, trying to destroy him.


“How is that possible? I’m just your sister.” My curiosity just kept getting bigger. I didn’t know why I kept asking questions.


“We both know that you are more to me than just a sister.”


More? Than a sister? What did he even mean? Could it be…  n o  w a y.

Thank you to my subscribers + feedback. Really helps.

made a new tumblr. Follow me, I'll follow you back. :)


Minjoon recent moment on All the kpop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tsSq6Vxijw&list=FLUBP1dSa94KIb70WQck1ejg&index=2





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Chapter 11: That's cute~

I hope that they hurry to have happy ending.
Btw, what do people think about adopted daughter marry son? I myself don't think much about it sinve there is no blood relationship between them. Tehee.

Keep writing, Author-nim :'3
lolibuh #2
Chapter 11: I really miss your story its so interesting and well written hope you will update soon!! :)
Chapter 11: i'm in love with your story *_*
i can’t wait to read what happens next
minniemin0408 #4
Chapter 11: Oh my god.. I'm drown in your story~ wish min and joon just hurry date!! And its kinda cute though in a second min and g.o is comfortable again update!! ;)
uptade please....
4everhite #6
Chapter 11: D; too quick . This is sooo adorable. I do find it awkward for min to live with them, and especially lee joon . Aww he loves her . Really perfect update c; thanks , I hope u update soon. I miss your story .
faithydoodles24 #7
Chapter 11: I'm so glad you updated! I really missed this story. Thank you for updating and good luck!
Chapter 11: Perfection. I missed this a lot.
Chapter 11: you're back :):):)
thank you for your update ^^