Bad Boy or Good Boy

Bad Boy or Good Boy


“Oh my gosh, ~~~ I hope that we could be partners.” [Smiles with a glance] she holds my hands sign for “hoping”. ‘Cause Bom was sitting in front of me.

“I hope so.” I said it in a nervous tone

“Hmmmmm, Class don’t get your Hopes up! I’ll be the one who will choose who will be your partner.” [Smirking]


                When Bom called. We two was crossing our finger for luck and hoping we could be partners. But when the happiness started, it ended quickly. We didn’t become partners but it’s ok. We have to be fair, too. Others don’t know each other yet that’s why Mr. Park mixed us to get along with our classmates. It was my turn to know who my partner for the report is. I hope we could communicate clearly than others so we can finish in time.


“Ms. ~~~, your partner is Mr. - [Checking the list his holding] Mr. Choi Minho.” Mr. Park told us that I and Minho are partners.

“What the? No! No! No! Nooo! I will not be a partner of this-this, Grrrrrr [sighs] Minho with his shocking face and glaring eyes stood in front of me.




                Whooo! This guy is seriously a pain in my !! When we were in there house and walking back to school, I saw another side of him. This guy can change his mode so quickly. I better refresh him up a little bit.


“Are you insulting me? I know your rich in all but your attitude !! I hope you could be just like your brother” I angrily said it in his face.


                It was awkward but I have to stand my ground. It’s not like I’m having a body guard to protect me in all of that. [--On second thought] Key rush through Mr. Park.


“Mr. Kibum, what is the meaning of this? Explain yourself? I didn’t ask you to stand up!” said Mr. Park angrily.

“Sorry, Sir I can explain.” with unexplainable look from Key.

“Meet me in my office!”


                Me and Minho was still fighting. Our classmates were confused.


“But, Sir--

“No BUT’S! And you two, after class meet me in-


                When Mr. Park was about to punish us, Bom had a crazy idea on her sleeves.  She folds her notebook to make like a mega phone. She took a deep breath and shouted-




                Everyone stared at Bom. Our teacher Mr. Eunki was very angry for our behavior. He decided that if we don’t want to be in detention, we will clean his office. Hmm its not that hard for the four of us doing some cleaning work.


---------------------------------------------------On second though *>_<*--------------------------------------------------------------


                When we got to Mr. Eunki’s  office we found that his decision to clean his office was agraet idea… for him. There were a lot of papers, the floor wasn’t waxed, curtains and furniture was a little bit  dusty.


“Well, I’ve learned my lesson.” said Bom  sweeping the floor.

“I’m glad you know.” said Key

“It’s a little bit quite here.” said Minho

“Why? Are you scraed?” I said with a ridiculous look.

“No I am not scared.”


                Mr. Eunki’s office was beside an old tree. His office were the only one was’ny tranfered to the new buildings.


“I’m glad I brought my cellphone.” said Bom

“Go on.. turn the music on.” said Minho

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