Bad Boy or Good Boy

Bad Boy or Good Boy


“We……..four……………are on the same room! Were classmates, guys!” said Minho happily.

“No…..way!” I said.

“Yes……way! We have more time to……… know each other well!” said Key


“NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!” Minho screamed with knees down.

“Yah! Get up dude, Everybody’s looking at you!” said Key getting Minho up.

“Unfair!!  I don’t want to………. hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. [Sighs] I’ll be quiet now or-

“You can do embracing things you know……. Like kneeling your knees down to the floor and scream like an insane person…. Or something likes that?” I said.

“Thanks! Thanks for the comment, ~~~.” Minho reply with a crazy expression on his face.


                Our teacher wasn’t there yet. So we get in and we got at the very back of the room. It was the only seat that wasn't occupied. 3minutes passed our teacher comes in and explains for being late.


“Good afternoon everyone. Sorry I’m late.”


                Everyone stood and greet our teacher a Good after and sat in there perspective chairs.


“By the way, my name is Mr. Park Eunki. Ok, go to your seats.”


                In our first day. Every teacher always prepares a speech. I didn’t listen that day [I wasn’t being rude I was thinking of something, like an ordinary girl would do]. I was looking at the desk of Key in front to the left side. There were written on his desk I was starring at it in a few minutes. But then Key took a glance on me and he thinks that I was looking at him. After he told me he likes me I was feeling a little curious at the same time scared ‘because I don’t usually get compliments by a boys and I just meet him a few hour ago and I don’t really know him that well. Except for Minho having his brother and a really….. Great cook. The other side was Minho sitting on the right side in front on me. I had a feeling Minho was [fiercely] starring at me. I know it! But still I was absentmindedly starring at Key’s desk, thinking to myself


------------------------------------------------------------------My POV-----------------------------------------------------------------


                “Does Key really like me? This is very weird. I don’t really get close to boys and getting compliments. Bom always gets the compliment through boys, but me, no…. not at all…… except my dad, every time were in a conversation he always mentions beautiful……. I’m beautiful...... when dad tells me I’m that beautiful, and even if it’s a random line for me I’m always flattered but every time me and Bom sits still, Bom really get all the “two thumbs up”! I don’t blame. But really…… Key is really running on my mind. Maybe his using some Hypnotic Powers to hypnotize me!”


                I didn’t know that our teacher was calling us, our full names so he can familiarize our faces. When my mind was curious to what Key said, lately. I didn’t notice that it was my turn to stand up and for manners, greet him a good afternoon. I was still on the state of humiliation, my name was called, and I didn’t stand up and looked like there was nothing happening. My body was there but my mind wasn’t. So Key stood up and took my hand and told our teacher I’m having a big serious problem.


“Hmmmmm. sorry for the interruption, Sir. But my friend, here had an accident.” Sincerely said it to our teacher.

                                                                [Everybody gasped awkwardly looking at me]

“Oh! Is she going to be alright? We have to get her in the school clinic for safety measure, plus she can rest in the clinic.” Mr. Park told Key in a sincere tone.

“Hmmmmm, Sir.” [Bom raised her hand] “She’ll be alright. The school nurse told us that ~~~ will be just fine.”

“Ahhhhhh, ok! But if she isn’t feeling well don’t be afraid to raise your hand, alright?” Mr. Park said.

“Ok, Sir.” [Nodded Bom]


                I was shocked, actually! I didn’t expect that Key would rescue me from humiliation. Promise, I didn’t hear anything that goes in the room. Except for Bom and Key trying to explain there lies to Mr. Park. They’d do that for me? I should pay the price.


                                                              Blah! Blah! Blah! [Mr. Park bluffing some things]


“Ok class. I will group you into pairs and perform a report from our topic GLOBAL WARMING.”


I'lll update soon as I can .. HWAITING ^^

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