Bad Boy or Good Boy

Bad Boy or Good Boy


Krrring! Kkringgg! Krrri- [clock ringing]

“ohf, I’m still sleepy clock! Why do I have to get up early? Oh! I forgot! It’s already 6:00am. I’m already late for school.

[Girl speaking]
                I’m a Third year high school student in Seoul National High School. My parents was on a business trip to France for a special meeting (some important thing to do I guess?). So my aunt Shing is going to be our parent for then whole month or at least my parents comes back.

                “Oh ~~~ did you packed your things to school? My Aunt asked.
That’s what I’m doing now.”
“Huh!? Look at your sister-
                My sister Seon Ji runs and helped me packed my things.
“Let me help you with that.” Said Seon Ji.

“Thank you!” I reply.
“We’ve better go now Ji-Ji.” My Aunt said.
“Bye Unnie.
“Bye, see you later, be good at school! I know you Ji-Ji.” I said
“Yeah! Yeah! Haha.”
My sister Laughed
“By the way, here’s your allowance, I added extra ‘because you’re going to school by yourself!” Aunt Shing said it in a high tone.
“Ok, Aunt Shing.” I reply.

“Ahhm, seriously your going to school with your bunny slippers?” said Ji-ji.

“Oh, Yeah! Yeah! Thanks, Ji. I owe you one!” smiles on my face.



------------------------------------------------------------At School---------------------------------------------------------------------


                When I’m about to enter the school’s gate, there were boys who were running, chasing there friend.

“Look out!!!” The boy screamed.


T O I N K!!


                I heard boys and girls laughing. But suddenly I black out.


---------------------------------------------------------AT the School Clinic------------------------------------------------------------


“Ugh! My head! It hurts! I said.
Och! My nose! Ugh! It’s bleeding!!” the boy you bumped was squealing like a baby.
“Ok you two, you’ve ‘cause a lot of trouble in the school.” said the school nurse.
“I didn’t do anything, Miss. He just bumped me real hard. The last thing I know was lying here, in this room.” I said.

“No, I was just running ‘because my friends try to pull a prank on me.” The boy said it in a hasty way.

“Ok! Ok! Enough. Let’s just say it’s an accident. Said the school nurse.


                When we got outside, we were squealing like dogs and cats. It was very din. It almost irritates the teacher.

“Ok, that’s enough you two!”


Another boys just storms through us.


“Who are you?” Were having a serious conversation right now and-
“I’m his brother, Miss. Sorry about the accident. By the way my name is Key. And this is my brother Minho.


                When Key was about to help me, my best friend just rushed through Key.


still sick >_< but here still making chapters ^_^ HWAITING!!

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