Bad Boy or Good Boy

Bad Boy or Good Boy


“Oh! Your pretty nice, Minho. Thanks.”

“For what?” Minho asked.

“For making me feel better!!”

“Well, your welcome.”



“It’s open, you two can come now. Soooo! It’s already 11:30o’clock.” Said Key.

“Let - - - rest.” Said Minho.

“Ahhhm! It’s ok. I reply.

“No! You have to rest! Your recovery isn’t that well. Don’t worry we wont bother you. We know PRIVACY very well.” said Key.

“Ok!” I said it with eyes rolling.


                Key wanted me to rest at his Umma’s bed room but I’d rather rest at the living room in the couch Minho was resting too in his bed room. Key was figuring what to cook so me and Minho wake up we can eat and retain our strength. I was on the couch resting [asleep].


                I heard that there was someone approaching me but I didn’t mind. A peek and it was Key slowly nearing his face on mine.


My P.O.Vs


“Am I dreaming or ………….. I’ve never had a kiss before. My parents, I’d kiss them a couple of times……….. But in the cheek …………. What should I do? I don’t know how to work it!! Ohhh [worrying].


                As his face gets nearer and nearer to mine I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know that Key can make this….. Thing. But suddenly there’s a girl calling my name. The voice was very familiar to me. Key went outside to look who’s calling me. He looked at the window.


“Hey! Give me back my friend you……. Traitor!!”


                It was Bom. Bom was sweating. Maybe she walked all the way to Key’s house.


“You’re calling me TRAITOR?” said Key madly.

“YAH, you!! Give me back-open the door… right now!!”


                Key opened the door. She didn’t know that I was resting. But Bom didn’t believe to what she saw. She thought that Key took me some pills to fall asleep and………..


“What did you do to her? Did you put something on ?” said Bom pointing het finger on Key.

“No I did-

“So you did, huh?” said Bom.

“Whooo! Whooo! What’s the commotion all about?” said Minho [Still sleepy]

“What did he do to my friend? Can you explain that?” said Bom with a reddish face ready to punch somebody.

“Ok! Eheem! [Clearing throat] ~~~ isn’t feeling well ok! She needs some rest so Key let her sleep on the couch, there! Happy?” said Minho.

“Oh! Bom, when did you get here?” I said pretending I didn’t hear the conversation.

“A minute ago! What did this two do to you? I saw Key carried you inside the taxi. So I was thinking I should follow you. I was very-

“Don’t worry Bom, they didn’t layed a single finger on me.” I said.

“There. Happy? So…… can I go back to sleep? Without any noise!?” said Minho rubbing his eyes.


                Bom was very nervous at the same time humiliated by barging inside of Key’s house. Minho was getting some rest. Key was continuing doing stuff in the kitchen. Bom sit’s beside me and felt really bad for Key, for accusing him doing really nice things for [that she didn’t know]. Bom followed Key in the kitchen to apologize to what they’d argued lately.




“Ahhhhm! Whatcha doin’?” asked Bom nicely.

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