Bad Boy or Good Boy

Bad Boy or Good Boy


Minho kicks Key on his foot.


“Aish! Why’d you do that?” Key blurted out.

“Pardon?” I said

“Minho kicked me on the foot!! Aish!” said Key in an irritating voice.




“What a jerk! I hate people like him. Grrrrrr! Poor Key, I think all he has to do is having a really long patience. I hope Minho isn’t hard on Key. Key isn’t much of a Muscular guy, is he?”


“Ahhhhhh! Ok! Feeling much better now. [Sighs]

“Are you sure?” asked Bom.

“Why do you care?” said Minho.

“Cause his our friend!!” I said. Defending myself.

“Are you sure that my brother treats you as a friend?”
“This is absurd!!” said Bom angrily.

“Ok! Minho you’ve gone far enough!” I yelled at him.


                All of the sudden Key, Minho and even Bom, were putting there heads down. And all of the students were looking at me funny.


“False alarm everyone!! Sorry about that-


                I bowed for respect and immediately sat down and a head down for the humiliation I’ve done.


“What I meant to say is, my brother Key [pointing at Key] likes-

                Then Key covered Minho’s mouth.


“I like you’re ……….. Hair.” Said Key [lying]
“thanks! How about Bom’s hair.


                [Bom’s hair was like coming from an express train that day.]

[Bom was smile while waiting for Key to comment on her looks]


“It looks- awesome, ish.” Key whispered.


                After the hairy conversation and done eating, Bom is more like a red-! In the next 15mins she wants to wander around the school BUT…… Key doesn’t want to walked with his brother with an uncomfortable look [Key is unselfish<3]. Minho and I was still sustained by the accident. So for a fair ground, Bom decides to wander her self in the school.




“Ahhhm! Sooooo… Where do you guys wanna go?” Bom said.

“Hmmmmmm…. I don’t think I could go with you, guys!! Minho isn’t well I should get him home.” said Key.

“Ahhhh L no worries.” Bom reply with a sad face.

“Maybe ~~~ [looking at my posture] shouldn’t too.” Key changing his mind.

“Ok!! Fine! I’ll go ALONE!” Said Bom.

“Don’t be like that Bom. Don’t worry if I’m feeling good in the next….. Oh, I don’t know…. Maybe 4hours, we’ll wander together in the school.” I said.

“Ok!” Said Bom

“Are you sure your ok, Bom?” I said

“Yeah! Yeah! I’m fine!” said Bom.

“Looks not!!” said Minho.


                Bom stared at Minho, stands and walked by her self.”


“Is she going to be fine, ~~~?” asked Key.

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