The First Wife.


Found myself at your door,

Just like those times before,

I’m not sure how I got there,

All roads lead me here.

I imagine you are home,

In your room, all alone,

And you open your eyes into mine,

And everything feels better.


It’s been three hours since Kris was knock out cold by the sudden flash backs and as every second ticks by, every one – especially Eun Hee- worries more and more.

“Yah! Home wrecker, it’s been hours! Why isn’t he awake yet!?” G.Na screamed, glancing at Kris while the others stared at Suzy waiting for her answer.

“G.Na, don’t call her that.” Eun Hee says, giving Suzy an apologetic glance. Suzy sighed while Tao placed his arm around Eun Hee and pulled her close but Eun Hee pushed him away and shook her head. A frown immediately came upon Ailee’s face. She saw what had happened and it was never like Eun Hee to reject comfort, especially when it came from Tao. Mean while Tao smiled sadly and scooted further, giving Eun Hee some space.

“I’ll call her whatever I want to.” G.Na mumbled, looking away when she saw Eun Hee’s glare directed at her. After the little exchange, no one spoke. They were all enveloped in a tense, awkward silence and it was killing everyone slowly, Especially Suzy who kept receiving glares and nasty looks from Xiu Min, G.Na and Ailee.

“Guys, stop it.” Eun Hee suddenly spoke, glancing at three of her friends.

“What are you talking about?” Xiu Min asks, giving Suzy another look. Eun Hee opened to speak but Suzy beat her.

“Eun Hee, why are you so kind? Why aren’t you glaring at me?” Suzy asks, standing up and standing before Eun Hee, who also got up.

“Do you want me to glare at you?” Eun Hee asked, confused with Suzy’s question.

“Are you mad at me?” Suzy asks, ignoring Eun Hee’s reply. Her heart was beating fast as she bit her inner cheek. She didn’t know what answer to expect, she didn’t know how she’d react but waiting for Eun Hee’s answer was scaring her. Suzy never thought she would break a relationship but she needed to do what she had to do.

“I mean, how can you stand there and tell your friends to stop giving me looks when they have every right to?” Suzy rambled, flailing her arms around as the nerves got better of her.

Eun Hee bit her lower lip, a sign that she was thinking, and glanced towards her friends before answering. Kris’ eyes opened and he got up from the couch but everyone was too engrossed with the exchange happening between Suzy and Eun Hee that no one noticed his movements.

“I don’t know.” Eun Hee answered truthfully and shifted from foot to foot before continuing.

“I want to be mad. I want to be able to scream at you and want to slap you but I just can’t.” Eun Hee gave out a dry laugh before continuing. “I don’t know why, I don’t know why every time I look at you I can’t feel anything. No wait- the only thing I feel when I look at you is pain. Nothing but raw pain… The same pain I’ve been living with for three years.” Eun Hee looked away from Suzy and her eyes landed on the carpeted floor, her tears once again making a bee line for her eyes.  Eun Hee started shaking as she clamped her lips and closed her eyes tight, willing for the tears to go away as she tried to reign over her emotions.

“I guess I’m already used to feeling this way but as simple as that sounds I hate it. Suzy, you have no idea how much I want to be able to feel anger, hatred and resentment towards you, but then every time I see Kris with you;  he just seems so happy. I don’t even remember if I’ve ever made him smile so much…” Eun Hee paused and took a deep breath as more tears fell from her eyes. She automatically brought her hand up to her chest and squeezed the area where her heart is. Tao took a step towards her but she immediately stepped back.

“No, Tao you can’t always be there for me… Through all this time, I’ve done nothing but hurt you… I don’t deserve you- I don’t deserve any of you.” As Eun Hee said this, she swept her eyes all over her friend’s faces as she looked at them one by one but she broke down when her eyes locked with brown glassy orbs which were staring at her intently, full of emotion and intensity.

“Y-you’re awake-“ before Eun Hee could continue her sentence, Kris strode his way over to where Suzy and Eun Hee were standing, facing each other.  But before any of them could predict what he was about to do, Kris took hold of Suzy’s shoulders as he turned her towards him.

Suzy gasped and was about to speak but was cut off when Kris’ lips touched hers. Everyone in the room seemed to freeze while Eun Hee automatically closed her eyes and looked away. With trembling lips and a shaking body, Eun Hee quietly made her way to the front door, opened it and stepped out into the porch, the same time Kris pulled away from Suzy.

The sound of the front door closing seemed to be a switch for everyone as Tao automatically gripped Kris by the shoulder and was about to throw a punch but luckily, Chen held him back.

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Tao screamed for the first time in years. He never lost his temper and never showed any ill emotions. Kris ignored Tao and stood up his full height as he looked Tao straight in his eyes.

“I don’t remember her. I don’t remember Eun Hee…” He started. Tao struggled through Chen’s grip, G.Na, Ailee and Lay made their way towards Tao and Chen when it looked like Chen was trying to control his anger too.

“SO YOU ING KISS THIS IN FRONT OF HER!?” Chen screamed, trying to hold Tao in place.

“HYUNG LET ME GO!” Tao screamed but was cut off when Lu Han shot out and helped Chen push Tao on the sofa.

“The only memory I have of her is when she walked down the aisle on our wedding day. I remember feeling like the luckiest man alive…” Kris continued as he slowly started to realize his mistake.

“THEN WHY THE DID YOU-“Before Tao could rant on, Kris ran towards the main entrance and out the porch, not expecting to find Eun Hee sitting on the porch stairs.

“I don’t remember you.” Kris started, as he took a seat beside Eun Hee. She didn’t reply, merely nodded her head as she stared blankly on the pavement.

“But I love you.” Eun Hee’s head snapped towards Kris very fast that she thought she’d have a whiplash. Kris turned to her with a soft smile on his face when he saw the hopeful but confused look on Eun Hee’s face.

“I kissed Suzy because I thought maybe these emotions I feel for you would be cleared but I felt nothing… I felt disgusted with myself.” Kris said slowly as he took Eun Hee’s soft hands in his.

“I don’t know what happened between us but I would like to start over.” Kris continued while Eun Hee merely stared at him like he grew a second head. Kris stood up, bringing Eun Hee up with him, the smile still on his face. He turned to Eun Hee and gently brought his hands up to wipe her tears as he stared into her eyes. The wind blew cold around them making Eun Hee shiver. Kris noticed this and didn’t hesitate to bring her into his arms.

Eun Hee didn’t know what was happening and she wanted explanations but she couldn’t help but relax into Kris’ arms as he tightened his hold around her. She closed her eyes and leaned into his warm chest. They stood that way for minutes, no one saying anything, the wind blowing around them and the silence of the night enveloping them. Soon, Eun Hee’s eyes drifted close and the last thing she heard before she fell into sleep was Kris’ voice.

“It’s never felt this right with her… I love you…” Kris glanced down and noticed Eun Hee fell asleep. He immediately bent down and scooped her into his arms as he made his way back into the house. He slowly opened the door and was about to be bombarded with questions but when everyone saw the sight, smiles broke on their faces. If Eun Hee had tears streaming down her face when Tao carried her earlier; Now Eun Hee had a peaceful smile on her face as she leaned contentedly on her husband’s shoulder.

“Her room is the last door to the left.” Lay instructed but was watching Tao who looked away.


“Tao…” Chen started. G.Na and Ailee left with Xiu Min and Lu Han to join Tiffany who had been with the kids. Suzy… Well, Suzy just stayed silent beside Chen.

“I’m leaving.” Tao stated, making Lay sigh as Chen stared at the two in confusion.

“I think it’d be for the best.” Lay said slowly gauging Chen’s reaction.

“What are you both talking about?” Chen asked.

“Hyung, I knew right from the start that I wouldn’t have a future with Eun Hee. I’ve been planning this for months.” Tao said.

“So you’re going to leave, like migrate?”  Chen asked slowly. Tao nodded.

“I need this hyung. Getting over the only girl I love takes a lot more than getting out of the city, so I’m leaving for the States in three weeks.”

“Can I come?” Suzy asks, speaking for the first time. Tao smirked and shared a look with Lay.

“No. What makes you think I would spend any more time with you? Plus, you have a lot of making up to do.” Tao stated getting up.

“Wait, Tao… are you alright?” Chen asked, talking about Eun Hee and Kris.

“Hyung, like I said; I knew from the very start that Eun Hee and I would have no future together… All I wanted was for her to truly smile again and I just saw that not minutes ago. Hyung, I’m honestly alright. Though I’m hurt, I’m happy for her- I’m happy for them.” With that, Tao walked away to follow Tiffany and the others with Lay trailing behind him.

“Hey, did you actually love Kris or was it all about the money?” Chen asked, turning to Suzy.

“Honestly, it was never about the money. I really love Kris.”She answered as her tears fell.

“So let him go.” With those last words, Chen stood up to get something to eat in the kitchen while Suzy was left pondering over his words.



Kris stared at his wife’s sleeping figure. It was 6:30 AM the next day and every one was still fast asleep. Last night was exhausting for everyone especially Kris and Eun Hee, to the point where they declined getting dinner just so they could sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Morning.” Eun Hee greeted as she opened her eyes. Kris stared at her for three long seconds before pressing his lips lightly on top of hers in a greeting. Eun Hee immediately responded to the kiss as she felt Kris smile against her lips. He pulled away and caressed her face.

“Mianhe.” Kris whispered, planting a kiss on Eun Hee’s nose as Eun Hee frowned in confusion.

“I made you cry a lot didn’t I?” Kris asked even f he knew the answer to his question. Eun Hee smiled at him sadly and laughed when her stomach growled.

“Kris, I want us to talk but can we eat first?” She asked. Kris chuckled but instead of getting up, he rolled over her so his body was hovering over hers and planted a kiss on her cheek, then her nose then her lips.

“Later…” He murmured against her lips, closing his eyes. Eun Hee giggled and pushed him off her with all she might.

“Later… we talk, now we get up and eat.” She said, getting up and pulling Kris along with her and before she could step out the door Kris pulled her back n and wrapped his arms around her waist. They were basically in a back hug while Kris leaned down and kissed the side of her neck.

“Now we go.” He said as he walked forward still in the back hug position. Eun Hee placed her hands over Kris’ as they walked and smiled a genuine happy smile. ‘Things are finally looking up.’ She thought as they arrived in the kitchen with their friends hooting. She even saw Tao smile and shake his head.





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The same thing applies to Suzy. If you want her Suzy (MissA) or Suzy


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Chapter 33: This story was great! I was not expecting that twist after chapter 24 hahaha
Chapter 26: I don't understand people who can just forgive and forget and live on with them like they hasn't caused you any harm...
I hope Kris's situation will be solved without much drama. I hope Suzy will not be like Tiffany
Chapter 24: What the heck just happened?!!
Chapter 23: No no no!! It can't be his! She cheated on him earlier!
Chapter 20: I hope her plan backfires!
Chapter 15: Kris is no better... He needs to make up his mind soon!
Chapter 14: Aargh!! I hope karma wil take a huge chunk of Tiffany's ! She so... Aargh!
Chapter 9: They're digging a deeper grave for themselves now for lying and covering up for Kris.. And made her have high hope for Kris.
Chapter 8: I hope she'll won't forgive them easily when she finds out the truth.. Especially Tiffany and Kris!
Chapter 4: Wake up Kris!