The First Wife.

"You can either focus on what's keeping you together or what's tearing you apart."

(not edited or proof read)

"Hey." Eun Hee greeted, a fruit basket in her left hand and a bunch of baloons in her right. It's been one week since the whole fiasco and Minwoo was forutanely not that harmed; he was clear to go home after one week. Which meant Minwoo was already on the bed on a lollipop while Suzy packed their bags.

"You're here." Suzy stated while Minwoo gave Eun Hee the biggest smile he could. Every day, Eun Hee has been visiting him regardless if Kris was there or not. She genuinely cared about Minwoo. Eun Hee shrugged and entered the room, her gaze finally falling on what Suzy was doing before she entered.

"You're checking out?" She asked, placing the fruit basket on the table and giving Minwoo the baloons.

Suzy sighed, not wanting to talk. The past few days, it was obvious that Kris was softening up to Eun Hee; and it didn't help that Kris kept having those moments like he had in the ice cream parlor- where he would suddenly black out and wake up to worried faces of his friends- Every day, Suzy felt like she was loosing Kris. Though he assured her everyday that he loved her more than anything in the world. Suzy couldn't help but feel insecure. 

"Eun Hee." A gruff voice spoke from the door. Eun Hee turned and smiled at her husband kindly. Kris smiled back and stared into her eyes as everything around them slowly disappeared. Both oblivious to the fact that Suzy was staring at both of them with jealousy and that Minwoo was playing with the baloons in a raucous manner. 

Kris slowly trailed his eyes down Eun Hee's body and he couldn't help but feel a wave of familiarity wash over his body. Eun Hee bit her lower lip and looked down, still feeling embarrased under her husband's scrutinuty, though he still didn't remember her. 

"Will you-"

"Kris, can you please help me pack?" Suzy's sweet voice stopped intervened, immediately breaking the moment. 'Danm.' He silently thought as he finally noticed his fiancee behind Eun Hee, giving him a very hard stare. Kris smiled at her and nodded, giving Eun Hee a squeeeze on the shoulder as a greetng. 

Eun Hee's breath hitched when his hand made contact. That was the first time Kris made a move to make contact with her. She smiled and thought mabye he was starting to remember her. But the sad truth is, no matter hhow many times Kris had flash backs, whenever he woke up, he couldn't remember anything. 

"Eun Hee! we finally found a spot-"

"Miyoungiee!!!" Minwoo cheered when he saw Miyoung rubbing her eyes sleepiliy in Tiffany's arms. Miyoung's ears perked up and she turned to her newly found friend with a smile. 

"Minwoo Oppa!" Eun Hee, Tiffany, Tao and Suzy smiled at the sight but then Kris was staring at Eun Hee, his brows cruched in confusion. His heart started beating fast. 'What?' He thought; but seeing her smile instantly made his lips curve up. He was confused and he wanted answers but no one seemed to willingly give it to him. Everyday he asked Eun Hee or any of his old friends who they were in his past. But they either reply with a shrug or a smile telling him he should be the one to figure it out.

Kris' eyes darted to Tiffany who was saying something but he tuned everyone out. He knew Eun Hee meant something to him but he couldn't figure out what. He was frustrated and he didn't like that feeling. So he was going to ask her later on. 

"Can we go now?" Suzy asked, huffing out in exasperation makng Kris shake his head. He had to concentrate on getting a job since he was getting married. 

"Sure babe." Kris answered, slipping his arm around her waist and kissing her forehead. Eun Hee bt her lip and looked down, not wanting to aknowledge the pang and anger in her heart. Everyday he seemed to be closer to her, yet she couldn't help but feel her hope has lost. She had one month. It's what Suzy wanted and She's determined to make it to that mark. One month nothing more, nothing less. One month.

"Eun Hee! I forgot! Tao bought you something!" Tiffany suddenly exclaimed, making Kris turn to Tao who looked torn. 

"You do?" Eun Hee asked, feeling a smile creep up her lips. Seeing this, Tao immediately thought of a stall.  Tao gave Tiffany a glare but nodded his head any way.

"Well, it would have been if Tiffany here didn't say it!" He argued, lightly pushing Tiffany aside.

"It's still a surprise!!!! I don't know what it is anyway!" Eun Hee exclaimed, suddenly feeling better.

"Yeah, you've always liked surprises." Kris stated with a smile, making everyone freeze and turn to him. 

"What?" Eun Hee asked in a whisper as Tao made his way beside her and placed an arm around her shoulder. Eun Hee sounded hopeful and if Kris said something wrong it would crush her.

"What?" Kris repeated, confused why every one was staring at him. 

"You said she liked surprises... How'd you know that?" Tao spoke up giving Kris a calculating look. Kris stared back at Tao ith his jaw slightly open. He didn't know how either. He just felt like he knew she did. 

"I- I don't know..." He replied frowning. Suzy squeezed him in a hug and pecked his lips causing Eun Hee to gasp. 

"You don't remember?" Tiffany was brave enough to ask.But before any one could answer, Eun Hee smiled and grasped Tao's hand tightly and left the room calling out.

"We'll go ahead guys! I want my surprise now!" 

As they exited the hospital, they made it in front of Tao's car before Eun Hee turned to Tao and smiled sadly. 

"There's no surprise is there?" She asked. Tao's eyes bulged out as he started to reply in a stutter but he shut up when Eun Hee pulled him in for a hug. 

"Thank you, Tao." she whispered as tears gathered around her eyes. Tao wound his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him, f that was even possible, and kissed the side of her head. 

"Any time." He replied. Eun Hee squeezed him harder and didn't let go that he almost couldn't breathe.

"Eun Hee-" He stopped mid sentence when he felt wet tears fall on his neck where Eun Hee was currently hiding her face in. 

"Why?" She asked no one in particular. Tao didn't know what to say but he just stayed quiet holding Eun Hee, wating for her to finish her sentence.



Back in the room, Tiffany stared at the retreating backs of Tao and Eun Hee with a frown on her face. She knew Eun Hee knew there was no surprise at all. And now she's left inside a hospital.

"Kris! can you please run after them and ask them to meet me in your apartment? My legs are reeeeaaaallly tired and my phone is running out of battery... please!" Tiffany begged, putting on her puppy dog face. The one that always worked on Kris. 

"Alright." He chuckled and ran out. 

"You did that on purpose!" Suzy accused giving Tiffany a glare. Miyoung and Minwoo were still playing with the baloons.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tiffany replied innocently and went over to play with the kids. Suzy felt her insides grow cold as she opened and was about to say a string of profanities but Tiffany stopped her.

"Tut tut tut! Before you say anything improper, remember you have kids in the vicinity!" Tiffany chided and gave out a victorious laugh. 

"Don't even think about following them or else." Tiffany warned, making Suzy stomp her foot and plop down on the bench.


Kris ran the length of the corridor, desperately looking for either Tao or Eun Hee. He turned corners but coldn't find them at all until he realized.  'Pabo, they obviously went out.'  SO he went out and started searching for them in the parking area. Breathing out a sigh of relief, he finally saw Eun Hee standing before Tao, giving him a sad smile. Kris stayed rooted in place as he watched and heard the scene unfold before him. 

Eun Hee took one step forward and hugged Tao who seemed to freeze out of shock. Kris would have laughed at his reaction but he was feeling jealousy bloom in his chest to find even the most retarted reaction, amusing in any way. After what seemed like 5 seconds, Tao returned the hug and pulled her close to him, making their bodies flush against one another. Kris' frown deepened as he unconciously closed his fist making it almost turn white. ' Why am I feeling like this? I should leave these two with their love issues!' He thought and was about to turn around but stopped when he heard Eun Hee's voice.

"Why?" She asked pain evident and lacing her voice. Kris waited for Tao's reply but he didn't say anything. So Kris slowly turned his body and made sure he was once again safely hidden behind the car.

"Why couldn't it be you?" She finally spoke as she broke into a little sob. Tao stayed silent and unmoving while Kris just didn't know what to do but decided to stay and listen, though he knew it was wrong. 

"Why couldn't my parents just have chosen you? Why couldn't I have just fallen in love with you?" She asked, he words coming out in sobs as she cried even more and clutched the back of Tao's shirt obvioulsy just wanting to be held tight. 

Tao bit his lower lip as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. He wanted to scream and ask the same thing. Why? Why couldn't Eun Hee just stay with him? Why couldn't she just fall in love with him? Why did he have to believe in Kris saying girls had cooties? Why? 

"Why?" Eun Hee asked again, her knees finally giving out and turning jell-o and in a fluid immediate motion, Tao caught her and swept her up; putting his arms behind her knees and on her back. She automatically placed her arms around his neck as he carried her not inside the car but on a bench that was on the side walk and sat down. 

Kris stared at them confused and some what hurt. 'In love?' He asked silently. 'Who was in love with who?' He asked himself. He glanced back at them and felt his chest tighten at the sight. Eun Hee was sitting on Tao's lap, her arms still around his neck and his arms around her waist, holding her close and safe to him. Eun Hee's head was tucked where Tao's neck and shoulders meet; burried against everyone's prying eyes. Kris notced she still hasn't stopped crying since her shoulders were still trembling and by the way her right hand traveled down to clutch onto Tao's shirt for dear life. 

Tao mouthed something to Eun Hee be Kris was too far away to hear it, though he saw Tao kiss her forehead and Eun Hee relax slightly.

"Heck! they look perfect for each other! They are perfect for each other! I'm wasting my time! I should leave." He said out loud and walked away, though at the back of his mind he was wondering. ' But why do I feel so jealous?' 





p.s. i'm gonna edit this tomorrow cause I'm really sleepy right now and I'd be the happiest girl in the worlds ifI can catch up on my sleep. I swear tests will be the death of me.  

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The same thing applies to Suzy. If you want her Suzy (MissA) or Suzy


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Chapter 33: This story was great! I was not expecting that twist after chapter 24 hahaha
Chapter 26: I don't understand people who can just forgive and forget and live on with them like they hasn't caused you any harm...
I hope Kris's situation will be solved without much drama. I hope Suzy will not be like Tiffany
Chapter 24: What the heck just happened?!!
Chapter 23: No no no!! It can't be his! She cheated on him earlier!
Chapter 20: I hope her plan backfires!
Chapter 15: Kris is no better... He needs to make up his mind soon!
Chapter 14: Aargh!! I hope karma wil take a huge chunk of Tiffany's ! She so... Aargh!
Chapter 9: They're digging a deeper grave for themselves now for lying and covering up for Kris.. And made her have high hope for Kris.
Chapter 8: I hope she'll won't forgive them easily when she finds out the truth.. Especially Tiffany and Kris!
Chapter 4: Wake up Kris!