The First Wife.


Lights glisten,

I’ve got my eye on the door,

Just waiting for you to walk in,

But the time in ticking,

People ask me how I’ve been

As I comb back through my memory

How you said you’d be here,

You said you’d be here.



“Wake up Eun Hee!” Tiffany urged as Eun Hee turned her head so her face was completely buried in Tao’s chest. An hour had passed and they were already in Mokpo where the sun barely shinning. It was cold and Eun Hee didn’t feel like facing the weather.

Tao chuckled and gently caressed Eun Hee’s hair. He bent down so his lips were right beside her ears and whispered. “Eun Hee, everyone is hungry and I’m part of everyone so if you don’t wake up, I’m carrying you over my shoulder.” Tao warned, earning a grunt from Eun Hee and a laugh from Tiffany.

“Yah! Everyone is out the bus and Miyoung is getting restless! You don’t want her to starve right!?” Tiffany asked, smirking as Eun Hee lifted her head and glanced around the bus only to see Miyoung fast asleep in Tiffany’s arm.

“She’s a sleep Tiff.” Eun Hee stated dryly, giving Tiffany a glare; still not getting up from Tao’s comfy chest. Tao loved the position and wished they would stay that way forever but fate decided to play. Eun Hee stood up and sighed as she held out a hand to Tao who was slightly disappointed to have Eun Hee disappear from his arms.

“Who cares? Let’s just go!” Tiffany said, pulling Eun Hee with her right hand and tightening her hold around her daughter with her left arm. Tao barely registered what was happening until he stumbled out the coaster with Eun Hee’s hand still holding his. Tao’s lips curved up slightly as he stared at their hands. ‘Pabo, you sound like a love sick teenager.’ He told himself, taking in his surroundings while doing so then frowned; Tiffany was still running towards the place.

“We’re having lunch and we’re in an ice- cream parlor?” Eun Hee said, voicing out his thoughts when he saw the place. Tiffany shrugged and continued running. Eun Hee sighed and went along her eyes scanning the small shop that barely had people inside it. The place was painted in pink and looked slightly aged due to the sign which was barely hanging on the wall. There were tables and chairs outside but everyone was inside due to the weather. The glass door chimed as Tiffany entered, immediately Eun Hee smelled waffles and bacon. She glanced around the shop and found her group in the farthest corner already chomping down on food. She smirked. ‘So much for waiting.’

Tao glanced at her smirking face and immediately knew what she was thinking. Tiffany ran off with Miyoung and sat on the chair beside Chen. Who waved both Tao and Eun Hee over.

“They’ve been waiting for 20 minutes.” Tao said lowly as some people glanced their way, their eyes bulging. To everyone it seemed like a group of models just walked through the door.

“20 minutes? Seriously?” She asked suddenly feeling her cheeks flame. Tao chuckled and pulled her towards the table faster; where food was already waiting for them.

“Good afternoon, sleeping beauty.” G.Na said, slapping Chen’s hand when he tried to steal her bacon.

“You don’t touch her bacon or she goes ballistic.” Ailee informed smiling. This stunned Lu Han. He has never seen Ailee smile around him. It was refreshing.




Kris smiled as he stared at the ring in his hand. It was an engagement ring with a single solitaire diamond in the middle. He worked two shifts to get the ring and he was proud that he got the money at the right moment. It was their anniversary and there’s no better time to propose. He fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed Suzy’s number.

“Yoboseyo?” She answered as she entered the ice cream parlor with Minwoo jumping with joy.

“It’s me. Where are you?” Kris asked, not able to keep the smile off his face. He was excited and nervous. Some how he knows something big is going to happen today. Something that would involve his past.

“I’m in the ice cream parlor near the park. You know where we were a while ago? Minwoo wanted ice cream and I couldn’t say no.” Suzy said laughing. Her brother immediately ran towards the counter where the kind cashier took his order. Minwoo was a very regular costumer.

Kris chuckled, already picturing Minwoo jumping and smiling like he was the luckiest kid in the world.

“Arasso-“ Kris frowned when the phone suddenly sound like it fell.

“Suzy?” He asked. Kris frowned more, worry seeping through his voice when he didn’t get an answer, instead there were mumbles and shouting.



Suzy was talking to Kris when the little chandelier hanging on top of the counter, directly above Minwoo, snapped and fell. Everything happened so fast and nobody knew it was going to happen. Suzy stared at shocked and dropped the voice, not able to find her voice. Eun Hee stood up and quickly ran over with Tao and her friends trailing after her. Suzy ran towards her brother who was unconscious under the chandelier with glass scattered around the shinning floors.

“Oh god. Please be okay.” Suzy breathed out, approaching her little brother but before she could, Xiu Min stepped in and stopped her.

“Go get to the bus. We have to go to the hospital.” She just stared at him before he stepped forward and scooped Minwoo up when Lay and Lu Han got the chandelier off him. She quickly followed Xiu Min to their coaster where Miyoung was crying and where Eun Hee was sending Suzy and Minwoo worried glances.

3 minutes into the ride, everyone was tense and suddenly hoping the hospital would appear and pop out of no where. Minwoo had blood running down his head while Suzy was a sobbing mess. She held her brother’s little hand in hers while Xiu Min glanced at her sympathizing.

“Is this yours?” Eun Hee suddenly appeared and sat beside Suzy. In her hand was Suzy’s phone. Suzy looked up at Eun Hee and remembered seeing her running towards the accident almost immediately. Suzy nodded silently unable to find her voice and got it from Eun Hee’s hand.

“He’s going to be okay. You know that right?” Eun Hee spoke, making everyone aside from the driver turn their way. Suzy nodded once again before breaking down in sobs. Today was supposed to be perfect for her but it simply turned into a tragedy. She glanced at her phone and remembered Kris. Dialing his number, she quickly brought her phone up to her ear, waiting for him to pick up. Which he did- at the first ring.

“Hello? Suzy? Are you alright? What happened? Is Minwoo alright? Why did I hear screams? Wh-“

“Kris, listen.” As she said this, everyone froze. Especially Eun Hee. She hadn’t been thinking about her husband at all. But all of a sudden Suzy says his name. What a coincidence.

Everyone glanced at Eun Hee to see her reaction but she merely shrugged and stared straight ahead, trying hard not to think to much.

“Minwoo, got into an accident. Please calm down, let me continue! I’ll meet you at the hospital. The one we brought you in when you had your accident two years ago- yes that one- okay see you there, Love you too.”

Eun Hee stopped breathing. ‘The one we brought you in when you had your accident two years ago.’ Suzy’s words kept resonating in her mind. She knew the person Suzy was talking to can’t be Kris and it was impossible. But then again, they never found his body.

“Was that your brother?” Xiu Min asked, deciding to ask seeing how everyone’s throat suddenly forgot how to work.

“Ani, he’s my boyfriend. We found him injured in Mokpo two years ago. I think he came from Seoul though.” Suzy replied absentmindedly. Her mind was clouded with so much concern over her brother that if you’d ask her about her darkest secret, she’d tell you flat out.

“Why?” Eun Hee asked barely a whisper.

“His accent and he told me but he isn’t so sure since he has amnesia and barely remembers anything aside form his name which is Kris Wu.” Eun Hee’s breath literally left her lungs as she heard this.

“I- it can’t be. I-it’s impossible.” She said as she turned to face everyone else. Tao approached Eun Hee and carried her so she was sitting on his lap.

“We’ll figure things out.” He whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. Suzy was confused but at the moment she couldn’t care less. The hospital came into view and everyone’s heart started to beat furiously.

They all knew it was close to impossible. But then again it a one percent chance of it being their Kris is very very possible.


Hey guys! So here! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Aaanddd I am so sorry for not updating! I’ve been very busy and I feel so lost and I don’t know what to do first. So yeah… I know it’s no reason though but yeah, I hope you won’t unsub. But yeah… 

I love you!

Please don't forget to comment and subscribe!


guys! If you have free time and are bored to death... I have other stories which are complete and yeah... but here. :)


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The same thing applies to Suzy. If you want her Suzy (MissA) or Suzy


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Chapter 33: This story was great! I was not expecting that twist after chapter 24 hahaha
Chapter 26: I don't understand people who can just forgive and forget and live on with them like they hasn't caused you any harm...
I hope Kris's situation will be solved without much drama. I hope Suzy will not be like Tiffany
Chapter 24: What the heck just happened?!!
Chapter 23: No no no!! It can't be his! She cheated on him earlier!
Chapter 20: I hope her plan backfires!
Chapter 15: Kris is no better... He needs to make up his mind soon!
Chapter 14: Aargh!! I hope karma wil take a huge chunk of Tiffany's ! She so... Aargh!
Chapter 9: They're digging a deeper grave for themselves now for lying and covering up for Kris.. And made her have high hope for Kris.
Chapter 8: I hope she'll won't forgive them easily when she finds out the truth.. Especially Tiffany and Kris!
Chapter 4: Wake up Kris!