The End.



(Yuki’s POV)

I tried to speak but this tape was tough. I couldn’t move at all. I wanted to tell Haruki that I was sorry for everything and I would do anything to have him back. I tried to scream one last time. I seen Sora move closer to Haruki with the gun still pointing at him.

“Haruki if you give her to me I will let you go freely but if you don’t then I will shoot you and you will die.” Sora spoke.

“Well either way you will still have you her.” Haruki said with hate.

“You are so smart Haruki so do you want to live or die. The choice is yours.” Sora said. I continued to watch in horror I had no way to stop this.

“I want to die.” Haruki said proudly. I was dumbfounded. What was wrong with him?

“Ok I gave you a choice.” Sora said putting the gun up to his head. Then a miracle happened and Haruki pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the stomach. Then the gun went off right before Sora hit the ground but it hit the ceiling. I sighed in relief Sora was dead and no harm was done to Haruki or me. Haruki ran up to my side and took off the tape on my mouth and untied me.

“Don’t ever leave me again.” Haruki said. You can tell he was crying by the redness in his eyes and the tears on his cheeks. I was also crying the whole time. I promised myself from then on I would never leave Haruki no matter what. He saved my life many times and he gave me courage and life itself.

(Haruki’s POV)
I promised myself that no matter what I would never leave her.

“Im sorry Yuki. Im sorry for everything. Ever since you meet me all I ever did was cause you pain. Just promise me you will never leave me ever again.” I said crying so hard I felt my shirt drip with tears.

“I promise I won’t ever leave you Haruki.” Yuki said as she embraced me. As we were sitting on the bed crying and embracing each other the police stormed in and Yuki and I separated. The police escorted us into the living room.

“What are you people doing? Who called you?” Yuki said not trying to not over react to the whole situation.

“I’m sorry ma’am but we need to have an interview with you.” A police officer said.

“Ok.” Yuki said giving up and let go of my hand and sat down on the couch and talked to the police officer.

“Ok I need to talk to you.” Another police officer said while pulling me outside. The police asked a lot of questions and got a police report. After what seemed a life time the ambulance finally got Sora and took him out. I had told the police everything that happened from the first time he had to kill me to now. I couldn’t believe all this mess. I defiantly couldn’t believe I just killed my lifetime best friend.

(Yuki’s POV)

“I can see you are very traumatized by this but you have to tell me exactly what happened.” The officer said trying to get me to confess.

“Well Haruki wanted me to leave because Sora was coming after me, but I didn’t want to go. I went into my bedroom and Sora came in and tied me up. I sat there trying to get out when Haruki came in and Sora tried to kill Haruki so Haruki shot Sora and it killed him.” I rushed. I started crying.

“Well here is my card in case something else happens. I suggest getting therapy. Have a nice night ma’am.” The officer said and left to go to the other cops to talk. I just crawled in a ball on the couch and cried. I couldn’t believe what just happened in front of my eyes. I gasped as I seen Haruki right in front of me. I looked around and there were no one to be found.

“How long was I sitting here?” I asked curious on why everyone was gone.

“For a while. I figured I would let you sit here for a while so you can relax.” Haruki said brushing my hair out of my face.

“Oh.” I said not knowing at all what to say. I couldn’t believe I was out of it for that long. My life didn’t make sense anymore. I wanted to be with Haruki I truly did. He made me feel wanted and loved, and well I liked that. Then again maybe he was right maybe I should just leave and be on my way to live my life and have no worries.

“Im going to bed. Goodnight.” I said just getting up and leaving.

“Yuki what is wrong with you?” Haruki asked as he jerked me toward him.

“Oh gee I don’t know maybe that I JUST WITNESSED A MURDER! How else do you want me to react? Do you want me to just be relaxed and go back to normal?” I yelled jerking my arm away from his grip.

“NO! But you don’t have to act like a total either.” He said hatefully.

“Excuse me? You know what you Haruki.” I yelled and stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door. I fell onto the bed and started crying. How could he do this to me. He always said he cared for me and even loved me. ‘Oh well I guess my mom was right.’ I thought. I heard the front door slam.

“What the?” I asked aloud. I walked out of the room and Haruki was no where to be found. I walked to a window and seen Haruki punch his car and get in and drive off. I began to cry even worst.

“It’s all fake! Everything. Oh my God!” I yelled punching the wall.

“Don’t leave me! Please.” I yelled and punched the wall even harder. I fell down to the ground crying and gasping for breath when I felt weak. My vision began to get dark and I couldn’t breathe.

My eyes slowly opened and I felt terribly sore and weak.

“What is going on?” I barley managed to whisper. I heard voices all around me.

“She’s awake.” I heard a familiar voice say.

“Everyone hurry she’s waking up.” I heard another voice say. My vision cleared up and I seen those familiar voices put to faces. It was my father and his mafia people.

“Dad?” I said trying to get up but failing miserably.

“Don’t move sweetie.” A nurse said checking my stats on the machine.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Well you had a panic attack. Luckily a neighbor heard some noises and came to check on you.” The nurse said adjusting my IV.

“Where’s Haruki?” I asked.

“Who? Oh him. Yeah he was scared when he got a call that you were in the hospital, he sat here all night. Poor thing he must really love you” The nurse said.

“He is in the cafeteria. We had to force him out of here to eat something.” Dad said.

“Oh.” Was all I could reply.

“Well press that button if you need anything.” The nurse said pointing at a grey button.

“Ok thanks.” I said

“Guys don’t worry Haruki is here.” Somebody said as the rushed Haruki into the room.

“YUKI!” Haruki yelled.

“Haruki?” I questioned not knowing if this was a dream.

“Oh Yuki I’m so glad your ok.” He said while he sat on my bed and gently brushed my hair out of my face. I just looked down. I knew he was just playing a game.

“Yuki what is the matter.” He asked gloomy.

“You don’t have to pretend.” I said.

“What do you mean? You think I’m playing Yuki?” He said jumping of the bed.

“I don’t know what to think with you anymore.” I said still not wanting to make eye contact.

“Guys I think we should leave.” My father said as he pushed everyone out of the room.

“Damnit Yuki. Why do you do this to me?” He said.

“What do you mean?” I almost yelled.

“This thing. I can’t help but love you know matter what you put me through.” He said  plopping on a couch that was in the room. I almost cried. I couldn’t believe he was saying that after all what happened. I pinched myself.

“OW!” I yelled. Haruki jumped up and came by my side.

“What happened? Are you ok?” He rushed. I laughed.

“Yeah I’m ok. I just pinched myself because I thought I was dreaming.” I said.

“Well looks like your not dreaming.” He smiled.

“I guess not. Haruki I love you.” I said looking into his eyes.

“I love you too Yuki. No matter what happens I will be by your side.” He said and bent in for a kiss. I stopped him before he reached my lips.

“What?” He asked.

“Why did you leave me alone then? If it wasn’t for you leaving I would have never had a panic attack in the first place.” I said.

“I left because I seen your ipod and it had a lot of Big Bang songs on it and to prove to you I was sorry for calling you a I was going to get you their new CD.” He said.

“WHAT?” I yelled.

“I guess the surprise is ruined.” He laughed.

“You know I just realized something.” I said.

“What’s that?” He asked.

“I don’t know when your birthday is.” I said.

“You don’t. It’s May 23rd. You know we only known each other for 3 weeks and it seems like it’s been 3 years.” He chuckled.

“Yes it does. Hey your birthday is next week.” I said.

“Yeah it is. I totally forgot about it.Now where were we.” Haruki said and leaned in again to give me a kiss, this time I accepted the kiss.

(Haruki’s POV)

“You’re free to go home today.” The nurse smiled.

“Thank you so much. Two days in here can really drain a person.” I heard Yuki say. I finished packing Yuki’s bags and handed them to her.

“Here you go Yuki.” I said handing her the bag.

“Thank you Haruki.” Yuki said and kissed me. Yuki got up out of the bed and sat in the wheelchair that was waiting for her. We walked out of the hospital doors and got into my car.

“Finally. I hate that hospital.” Yuki smiled.

“Me too. Try sleeping on a couch for two days.” I said sarcastically.

“Try having an IV in for two days.” She giggled. Finally life was good again. I didn’t want this to end.

“Hey you know I got an idea.” I said.

“What idea is that?” She asked messing with the radio again.

“I want to take a vacation.” He said.

“A vacation?” Yuki asked stupidly.

“Yeah a vacation. Maybe to Tokyo.” I said looking at her. Then her eyes got really big and she smiled from cheek to cheek.
“When do we go?” She rushed.






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