Phone call:Amber's Point of view-1st person



The doorbell rings. I go to answer it. It’s Jinki with Jiyong and Hyunseung. Hyunseung’s eyes are res and puffy. He must have been crying.

“Hi oppas. Nice to see you.” I bow

“Nice to see you too, Amber,” Jinki bows and smiles. Jiyong puts his arm around Hyunseung-oppa and walks in to the living room. Jinki follows, and I trail behind him, not wanting to intrude.

“So, Seungie, tell Jiyong-hyung what happened.” Hyunseung cries even more and Jiyong hugs him yet again.

I shuffle closer to Jinki, “Is it Krystal?” I mumble with my mouth right next to his ear. He nods. I can feel the movement of his smooth hair against my nose. I take in his lovely scent while I have the chance. I close my eyes and get lost. When I snap out of my dream world, I ask him, “Shall I call her?”

“Yeah.” Hesitantly I move away from him, grab my battered, old phone and dial Krystal’s number.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

Four rings.

Five rings.

Finally she picks up.

“Hi, Amber. I’m a bit busy right now so I’ll c-call you b-back in ab-bout-t ten minutes.”

I hear her cry out in pain before she hangs up. I wonder what that was. She hangs up abruptly. I look at Jinki and shrug my shoulders.

“I’ll... I’ll tell you now.” We all look at him eagerly. “I s-saw... Krys-Krystal w-with Donghae b-behind a club v-very late at-at-at n-night and he k-kissed her good night.” We all have our eyes wide as dinner plates as he tells us.

“I’m sure it’s not what it seems like, oppa,” I try to comfort him. We sit in silence for about five minutes. I break the silence. “Banana-milk anyone?”

They all nod. “Answer my phone if Krystal calls please Jinki.” I go to the kitchen, pour four glasses of banana-milk, top them with whipped cream, and then sprinkle on sugar strands in smiley faces. I walk back to the guys with the cups on a tray. I give one to each of the guys and sit back down. “Go ma sseum ni da, Amber. They’re beautiful.” I smile back to Jinki for his comment. Every one is quiet while we drink our banana-milk. My phone rings. “Shall I put her on loud-speaker? They all nod vigorously. I wait for it to ring a couple of times so it doesn’t seem like I’m waiting for a phone call.

“Hi, Krystal.”

“Hi, Amber. What’s up?”

“Nothing. Which is why I’m calling you. I’m bored.” I fake a huge yawn, to which she laughs. “What about you?” I continue, still pretending to be sleepy.

“I feel... I dunno. I have a knot in the pit of my stomach and I feel really bad.”

“You are feeling guilt my friend.”

She’s silent. I know what’s coming.

“Jung Soo Jung, what have you done this time?” She knows I only use her full name when I’m dead serious.

“I cheated.”

“On what?”


“You did what!?”

“I didn’t mean to. I was really drunk.”

“Krystal, being ‘really drunk’ is not something you should be doing at your age!”

“He bought me a few drinks and-“

“Wait. Who’s he?”

“Donghae. He bought me a few, well a lot, of drinks and then I asked him for a good night kiss.”

“You let him kiss you?”

“I really regret it. I was wearing Seunggie’s promise ring.”

“He should’ve seen you were wearing a promise ring.” Silence. “Seriously, Soo Jung, stay away from him. He’s a heartbreaker. You have a perfect guy. And if you don’t want him, I know a girl...” I pretend to cough, but actually say ‘Victoria’, “Who’ll gladly have him.” She laughs really hard, and I can hear Jiyong and Jinki stifling laughs in to their sleeves.

“Are you gonna tell him, Krystal.”



“Oh right. Yes. I have to. I can’t lie to him any more than I have already.”

“When are you gonna tell him?”

“Soon as I can.”

“I’ll call Jinki-ah and tell him to bring Hyunseung home from work. Jiyong’ll be here if you don’t mind.”

“That’s OK.”

“OK, then. Be here in fifteen minutes.”

“Ddo bwayo.”


I hang up and ask, “How was that?”

“That was amazing Amber. I can’t believe you did that for me. Go ma sseum ni da.”

“That’s OK, oppa. Guys, when she comes, pretend you just got back. Gimme your cups.” I take the cups back to the kitchen. We all wait for the doorbell, having decide that Jinki’s gonna get it.



The doorbell rings. “I’ll get it!” Jinki shouts so Krystal can hear. He runs to get the door. “Hi, Krystal.” I hear him say from the door. I awkwardly sit down next to Jiyong, who’s moved away from Hyunseung.

“Hi, Jinki-oppa. Is Hyunseung here? Amber said you’d be bringing him back from work.”

“Yep he’s inside.”

He leads her inside and into the living room. She has her hood up. I stand up and hug her. I can see a bruise on her neck, so that must be why she’s wearing the hoodie. I know for a fact that hoodies and jeans are not Krystal’s style, so she must have more bruises on her legs. I won’t bring it up with the guys here. I’ll talk to her by herself later. “Hi Amber-unnie,” I smile. I go and sit back down with Jiyong while Hyunseung gets up to hug his girlfriend. He acts really happy. Jiyong puts his arm around me casually. I look at him and he looks totally cool with putting his arm around a girl he just about knows. I roll my eyes and mutter “Pabo.” Under my breath.


A/N: Sorry this is short but atleast it's not as short as my other chapters. I'm going to update the foreword so lease read that. please keep subscribing and commenting. I don't want any silent readers.

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Ahhhhh!!!! Yay!!! I'm loving this!! <3
I'm really enjoying this fanfic^^