Ballet Shoes: Your Point of view

Jinki. What a cute name to match such a cute face, you think to yourself as you walk to the dance studio. One last rehearsal. You are in a white leotard and practice tutu. You have your pointe shoes slung over your shoulder. You sit on the floor and put on your shoes. You do some warm up exercises on pointe. Then the dance begins. As the music comes on, slow at first, you couru on, with a curious look about toi face.The music becomes more orchestral, and toi grande jeté, followed by an esémble, and then a slow walk through The nextel section of music. You retiré sauté, landing in an attitude, with à slight fondu, followed by à par de bourré,then à relève in full fifth. You frêle The exitement building. HyunSeung runs on. The par de deux begins.
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Ahhhhh!!!! Yay!!! I'm loving this!! <3
I'm really enjoying this fanfic^^